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DKW's New Party

DKW 86

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The New Party will be PRO: Family, Personal Responsibility, Success, Equity, Ownership,

The New Party will support the poor, but not be blindly stupid about the abuses.We will support Habitat for Humanity type projects and people owning their own homes even in govt housing.

We will have an adequate progressive tax rate. I will start by making all the entertainers out there, Media and Sports, pay Windfall Profits Taxes when they make $20M for working 3 months. We will eliminate tax shelters and deductions as much as possible.

WE WILL HAVE A BALANCED BUDGET except in times of war. We will repay the debt in approximately 50 years.

The New Party will have DNA testing for all Death Row inmates, but will make all appeals end in 1 year from sentencing date. Prioritize the courts for death row appeals to take full precedence. Executions in no more than 450 days from sentencing.

The Party will make large donations to charities on its own as a GOOD FAITH show that it REALLY DOES CARE.

The Party will fix the VA in the first year of office.

The Party will construct a workable full coverage health care system that will be managed by outside firms and regulated by only term limited elected officials. This will save some American businesses and cover the poor too. The possiblity for long term abuse is too high with govt mgt.

The Party will support foreign policy that supports OUR interests first and the UN's second. We will push for every country to support the UN's Charitable giving if by no other means than manpower.

The New Party will increase wages within the Military to reality levels once past E-5.

Vouchers will be made part of a Equality of Education Bill that will see the opening up of private schools to average Americans, specifically Black Americans.

The Party will be very Green and promote SERIOUS Environmental changes so that we will accomplish two goals.

1) A much cleaner US and then World.

2) We will end our dependence on foriegn oil imports.

3) We will promote extremely hard any alternative energy development, even Nuclear.

Nafta will be reinforced with EPA oversight in any country suspected of not complying with OUR EPA standards. Giving away jobs and then polluting other countries is stupid for everyone.

Our borders will be closed to illlegal immigrants.

We will look athe SUNY model for education enhancement across the country.

More later...

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We will have an adequate progressive tax rate. I will start by making all the entertainers out there, Media and Sports, pay Windfall Profits Taxes when they make $20M for working 3 months. We will eliminate tax shelters and deductions as much as possible.


I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.

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We will have an adequate progressive tax rate. I will start by making all the entertainers out there, Media and Sports, pay Windfall Profits Taxes when they make $20M for working 3 months. We will eliminate tax shelters and deductions as much as possible.


I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.


It should have said that the party will harvest the profits of the ultra rich who add no economic value and try to mainstream their socialist/communist views into our capitalist society for no other reason than to make themselves feel better about making 20mil and taking the next nine months off. An idle (idol's) mind is the devil's workshop :big:

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I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.


If you don't like it, then why don't you become CEO of a company? Should we not live in a society that rewards us for our talents, abilities, and hard work?

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I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.


If you don't like it, then why don't you become CEO of a company? Should we not live in a society that rewards us for our talents, abilities, and hard work?


How do you know I'm not?

And why do you assume that CEOs with big payouts are awarded for their talents, abilities and hard work? And that entertainers are not?

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In my new party/govt: TERM LIMITS are the most important issue.

Institute term limits and you have less pork and less self serving agenda since reelection is not in the cards.

No more professional politicians.

A great deal of tax dollars would be diverted from the welfare system and into social programs that stress job/skill training for those who want to earn a check instead of just getting one.

There would be a food stamp STORE. You live on govt assisted food/money? You can buy the essentials that you need to survive. No more people at Publix with carts full of cokes and steaks being paid for with food stamps. Embarassed to shop at the food stamp store? Good, you should be. Without that embarassment...what motivation do you have to improve your position? Wanna get some steaks or some name brand cereal? Fine, get a job. There are some things you must forego if your lunch is free.

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We will have an adequate progressive tax rate. I will start by making all the entertainers out there, Media and Sports, pay Windfall Profits Taxes when they make $20M for working 3 months. We will eliminate tax shelters and deductions as much as possible.


I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.



TNP will make blue collar versus white collar crime division a figment of history. Prison sentences will be rated by the dollar value AND by violence not either/or. If a black kid can get 10 years for sticking up a liquor store for $200, a CEO who steals millions should get 40-50 years minimum. White collar crime becomes a thing of the past. People who wipe out other folks retirements and nest eggs should do REAL HARD TIME.

TNP will vigorously enforce all SarBox laws and regs. If problems arise, we will vigorously enforce laws and investigate embezzlement on all sides of the aisle.

CEO pay should somehow regulated or tax adjusted to, just for Tex.

BTW, maybe we need a tax on square footage on homes. Property taxes should be imposed for all homes over 3500-4000 sq foot or maybe some 1000 ft sq/person tax imposition. If you have a head of household family of 4, you can own upto a 4000 sq ft home without extra taxes. (I saw a show where 2 people had a 9000 sq ft home. All the husband talked about was how fast the gas meter swirled around and how much it cost to heat.) :blink:

We encourage folks to modernize older homes'properties and thereby keep tax bases inside cities. Also stops/slows suburban sprawl.

We raise road taxes on large fuel inefficient cars and trucks or at least needs test their use.

We have a staggered driver's license system to better train people to drive trucks/sports cars/terailer hauling. Makes roads safer and get us a better trained/safer driving public.

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I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.


If you don't like it, then why don't you become CEO of a company? Should we not live in a society that rewards us for our talents, abilities, and hard work?


How do you know I'm not?

And why do you assume that CEOs with big payouts are awarded for their talents, abilities and hard work? And that entertainers are not?


Hellsbells you spend too much time posting here to be a CEO! :big::big:

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BTW, maybe we need a tax on square footage on homes. Property taxes should be imposed for all homes over 3500-4000 sq foot or maybe some 1000 ft sq/person tax imposition. If you have a head of household family of 4, you can own upto a 4000 sq ft home without extra taxes. (I saw a show where 2 people had a 9000 sq ft home.) blink.gif

That's lunacy. Why tax someone because they have a huge house? If I work my ass off to get wealthy, who are you to say I'm less deserving of my money than someone else just because i want a big house? Don't say "you don't need a 9000 sq foot house"...because you dont know what one needs. It's not your place to determine what one needs.

If I want to drive an SUV...i already pay more taxes by virtue of buying more gas (gas tax). Why punish me again? If I have 4 kids, why do i have to drive a corolla without punishment? Its america. We work hard hours so we can enjoy the spoils of our labor.

My party would also eliminate the death tax all together.

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We must punish people for having the nerve to succeed at the game of life. We can't have folks living in nice homes and driving nice cars/suvs. We gotta' take from the rich and give to the "poor by CHOICE." :D

Liberals, you just gotta' laugh and love 'em! :big:

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BG, WarTim, maybe if you can afford to live in a home like that you can pay extra, not necessarly extravagant, taxes on that home.

If you want to drive an SUV, go for it. I say we just let you drive with say a higher tag/license fee.

My goal here is to get us OFF the Saudi/Import Oil Tit with home heating and gas consumption. It has absolutely nothing to do with my judgment of your comsumption habits. Simply less money to the Saudis means less money going to Al Qaeda. My mistake for not putting the these ideas closer together to link them better. But the whole idea here is to get us to a balanced budget and much lower consumption of imported oil. Screw the Saudis and Screw Venezuela too. Lets get our economy away from any negative influence these two may have on us. We are a Revolution in Saudi Arabia away from real economic disaster.

My party would also eliminate the death tax all together

:clap::clap: :clap:

The New Party will be PRO:


Personal Responsibility




Privacy Rights (NoBack door on your home computer info.)

Libertarian Rights to Act, Live, and Consume as you wish.

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TNP would be promote extreme privacy rights where applicable. You guys have heard me rant about FileGate. What we, you, or I do in our bedrooms, homes, checking accounts, personal lives is nobody's damn business. There should be no way to even track that stuff save a search warrant. The governing guideline here is that you should free from intrusion in your life unless you are suspected of a crime. Gun registration for example. Can be good, but why bother to waste the cash? 99% of gun owners are law abiding citizens of the first order. Why bother them? Why spend the cash to monitor people that arent doing crimes? Am I stating this clear enough? If you are not under suspicion of a crime, why should the government waste the resources to watch you?

My reasoning is this, you are just an election away from an enemy being able to ruin/damage you otherwise. This info can now be passed on, etc. If someone else knows your business then everyone will know it sooner or later. If you want to join any group that trips your trigger you should feel free to do so without fear that you will be punished for it later on.

Drugs, drug laws should be designed to stop trafficking. If you are over 18/21 in your home state and maybe growing some for your own use, I dont care. But I have worked in rescue missions and drugs are always gateways to more stuff. What do you guys think? Is it a question of trafficking or do we keep trying to stop all drug use. If there are excess drugs grown/made they will be sold no doubt. I dont suport legalization of recreational drugs.

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My goal here is to get us OFF the Saudi/Import Oil Tit with home heating and gas consumption. It has absolutely nothing to do with my judgment of your comsumption habits. Simply less money to the Saudis means less money going to Al Qaeda. My mistake for not putting the these ideas closer together to link them better. But the whole idea here is to get us to a balanced budget and much lower consumption of imported oil. Screw the Saudis and Screw Venezuela too. Lets get our economy away from any negative influence these two may have on us. We are a Revolution in Saudi Arabia away from real economic disaster.


So when do they start drilling in Alaska???????????

My party would also eliminate the death tax all together

:clap::clap: :clap:

I agree 100%

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If you are going to do this, I think serious consideration needs to be given to picture ID for all registered voters. For those who think a voter ID is an undue hardship, don't vote. All U.S. citizens who have the right to vote, will be issued a card for a (very) nominal fee.

Citizens may have the right to vote, but they then must make the CHOICE to vote. Democrats say they are for CHOICE, here is another chance to put their actions where their mouth is.

ALL voting rolls will be purged of ALL voters, then when they SHOW they are who they say and live WHERE they say, then they can get a card.

Isn't it amazing that you must show picture ID to rent a movie at Movie Gallery or Block Buster, or to write a check. But to vote all you have to do is show up.

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To add to tigermike:

ENGLISH will be the national language. You want to get a job, get a drivers license, get ahead...YOU MUST SPEAK FREAKING ENGLISH.

No we will not change the law to adminster a DRIVING TEST in spanish, german, or alienese...im freaking sorry....i wont go to mexico and demand you to learn english so i can buy a freaking burrito.

Second, if you want to be able to drive a car, you must have a driver's license. You want a license? Take off your towel/head wrap that covers up YOUR ENTIRE FACE so we can take your picture. You dont want to take it off? take the bus. You say its religous persicution? Fine...my new religion is one that says my God is offended by people who get identification while wearing garments over all their identifying parts. There now we're both persecuted. But in your case...avoiding persecution of you means less national security for the rest of us.

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To add to tigermike:

ENGLISH will be the national language. You want to get a job, get a drivers license, get ahead...YOU MUST SPEAK FREAKING ENGLISH.

No we will not change the law to adminster a DRIVING TEST in spanish, german, or alienese...im freaking sorry....i wont go to mexico and demand you to learn english so i can buy a freaking burrito.

Second, if you want to be able to drive a car, you must have a driver's license. You want a license? Take off your towel/head wrap that covers up YOUR ENTIRE FACE so we can take your picture. You dont want to take it off? take the bus. You say its religous persicution? Fine...my new religion is one that says my God is offended by people who get identification while wearing garments over all their identifying parts. There now we're both persecuted. But in your case...avoiding persecution of you means less national security for the rest of us.


Given up on Christianity afterall?

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We will have an adequate progressive tax rate. I will start by making all the entertainers out there, Media and Sports, pay Windfall Profits Taxes when they make $20M for working 3 months. We will eliminate tax shelters and deductions as much as possible.


I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.


CEO's buy stock in American companies; entertainers buy more villas in Tuscany...

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We will have an adequate progressive tax rate. I will start by making all the entertainers out there, Media and Sports, pay Windfall Profits Taxes when they make $20M for working 3 months. We will eliminate tax shelters and deductions as much as possible.


I see that CEO's in the same boat get off the hook.


CEO's buy stock in American companies; entertainers buy more villas in Tuscany...


7:15pm and already drunk on the kool aid again. Tsk, tsk.

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Borders aren't just closed to illegal immigration. We build a thirty foot high wall with electric razor wire around the top around our borders. There are convenient locations in the wall for security check points. To enter this country, you get photographed (or your passport scanned) and all international crime databases are searched. Got convictions or outstanding warrants in your home country for felonies? Back on the plane, train or automobile you go. If you are not a tourist, and are coming here to work, you get fingerprinted and give a DNA sample as a condition of receiving your work permit and ID number, like Social Security but a separate system. The money taken out of the pay checks of work permit people goes into a special fund to reimburse states that have to provide basic social services to those people - on a proportional basis. This will be easy to track since the ID number is in a special national data base, and the ID number must match the fingerprints/DNA in order to get those basic services - so no fraud, since you have to apply in person. This means those that work hard will be paying to support the goof-offs, and that problem should resolve itself in the "community".

The work permit must be renewed at regular intervals, and you have to be able to produce it upon request by law enforcement. No work permit, back you go to your home country immediately - do not pass go, do not collect my Social Security dollars. After a certain number of years, you can trade in your work permit ID for permanent work status and a Social Security number, and will become part of the regular taxpaying public. After another certain number of years of positive contributions to the benefit of our society, you become a citizen with all rights and privileges thereof.

Any children born in this country have to have at least one parent with official US Citizenship - naturalized or native born - no more "dirt under their feet" crap.

Don't like this Big Brother stuff? Stay home.

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We build a thirty foot high wall with electric razor wire around the top around our borders. 

Got a price tag for this? Willing to pay more taxes for it, since we are on the verge of raising our debt ceiling once again due to the out-of-control spending of the current administration and the "there's no fat left to cut" Congress?

Any children born in this country have to have at least one parent with official US Citizenship - naturalized or native born - no more "dirt under their feet" crap.

Willing to amend the "crap" that allows it?

Amendment XIV

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

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We build a thirty foot high wall with electric razor wire around the top around our borders. 

Got a price tag for this? Willing to pay more taxes for it, since we are on the verge of raising our debt ceiling once again due to the out-of-control spending of the current administration and the "there's no fat left to cut" Congress?

I personally would be happy to volunteer to lay a few concrete blocks, gratis. You could probably find a whole crew in Houston alone. Or better yet, let's use some undocumented workers to build it - they can build it from the other side as we wall them out...

Any children born in this country have to have at least one parent with official US Citizenship - naturalized or native born - no more "dirt under their feet" crap.

Willing to amend the "crap" that allows it?

Yes, and I am not the only one. Saw a blurb on CNN today discussing the exact same thing. I expect this to get some debate in Congress next session. While the 14th Amendment was necessary for a fledgling country who need to encourage immigration at its inception, this is now one of those examples of the "law of unintended consequences". I am sure the Founding Fathers never dreamed we would be asked to absorb practically the entire population of another country across our borders. Immigration without controls is not a good thing.


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We build a thirty foot high wall with electric razor wire around the top around our borders. 

Got a price tag for this? Willing to pay more taxes for it, since we are on the verge of raising our debt ceiling once again due to the out-of-control spending of the current administration and the "there's no fat left to cut" Congress?

I personally would be happy to volunteer to lay a few concrete blocks, gratis. You could probably find a whole crew in Houston alone. Or better yet, let's use some undocumented workers to build it - they can build it from the other side as we wall them out...

Any children born in this country have to have at least one parent with official US Citizenship - naturalized or native born - no more "dirt under their feet" crap.

Willing to amend the "crap" that allows it?

Yes, and I am not the only one. Saw a blurb on CNN today discussing the exact same thing. I expect this to get some debate in Congress next session. While the 14th Amendment was necessary for a fledgling country who need to encourage immigration at its inception, this is now one of those examples of the "law of unintended consequences". I am sure the Founding Fathers never dreamed we would be asked to absorb practically the entire population of another country across our borders. Immigration without controls is not a good thing.



Well, you gave an honest, straightforward response to the Constitutional question, but really dodged the funding question. Running for office?


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Well, you gave an honest, straightforward response to the Constitutional question, but really dodged the funding question.  Running for office?

I most certainly did answer the funding question - you just jsut read it like you wanted to, since you wanted me to say something about taxes. Well, I think it could be done without raising taxes and without much federal assistance at all, other than diplomatic/paperwork type stuff. I already said I personally would pitch in to do it for free, and I would bet you could find a lot of other people willing to pitch in for free as well. This issue crosses all lines - political, racial, religious, etc....

Or have "Buy A Brick" sale like they did at Auburn to pave in front of the stadium... If Habitat for Humanity can get corporate sponsors and free labor to build houses, the Minutemen could probably do the same for a worthy cause like protecting our borders. Hands Across America? How about "Walls Across the Border"?

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Well, you gave an honest, straightforward response to the Constitutional question, but really dodged the funding question.  Running for office?

I most certainly did answer the funding question - you just jsut read it like you wanted to, since you wanted me to say something about taxes. Well, I think it could be done without raising taxes and without much federal assistance at all, other than diplomatic/paperwork type stuff. I already said I personally would pitch in to do it for free, and I would bet you could find a lot of other people willing to pitch in for free as well. This issue crosses all lines - political, racial, religious, etc....

Or have "Buy A Brick" sale like they did at Auburn to pave in front of the stadium... If Habitat for Humanity can get corporate sponsors and free labor to build houses, the Minutemen could probably do the same for a worthy cause like protecting our borders. Hands Across America? How about "Walls Across the Border"?


Well, I know at least 5 people, myself included, that would gladly take 10-20 bucks per week out of our checks to contribute to the fund. 5 people taking out 20 per week would be around 5200 per year. That's just five people. Like Jenny said, I'm sure there are more than just 5 people that would do this. You could hit up the Good Year plant Union here in Gadsden, AL and find at least 200 people who would do it without hesitation. Unions feel pretty strongly about the border issue. Just looking at those 200 people with $20 per week and you are already at 208,000 over a year span. It wouldn't be hard to do. Of course, this is only in DKW's new party. There is no way I'd give a penny more to our government that is not already collected. I wouldn't trust either party to use the funds collected to ONLY build up the borders.

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