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AUNation wants to say Thank you to...

DKW 86

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This will be so long you will ahve to check back a time or two as I add more.

I want to say thank you to every member here. The numbers we have here at AUN allows me to get REALLY good contacts down at Auburn. I have met and gone to some functions I would never have gotten to if not for this board.

#1, Thank you to Stoic-one: You guys cannot understand what he means to this board. I cannot explain it either. It would bore you and embarass myself now. As I move more to research, communication, and writing he has stepped upto the plate. You guys are just not aware what he does and how much we need him here. WTG Sto!

#2 TitanTiger: you have become MY personal reality check about things that mean more than...Auburn Football :o Yes I said it. If Sto is the hands on guy, Titan is the head check man for me.

#3 Wannabeaumom: My better half that is very understanding of my obsession..er..HOBBY and all the time and cash I have laid out on this thing.

#4 Personal Thank you to Tex: I am a better man for being challenged to REALLY defend my points of view and to better research them before I post. You are still a whiny hiney Lib ;) I love you my AU Brother, I cant often say I LIKE you tho. B)


API50: The very quiet uber-support guy on the board. All I can say is Thank you for your friendship and taking a chance on me and this site. Well, you know the rest anyway...

aupcolatiger: If you guys dont know, this guy authored the vast majority of the videos on the media page. Hope we can see more from you guy.

Tigrinum Major: Man, I hope they never transfer you out of Alabama. I really like what you have brought to the board. Thanks for your sizeable contributions to the board as well.

AUEsquire: Thank you for being here and adding your portion to our board. Between you ans TM, I think this place has a great future with lively debate and wit.

Galen's Ghost: Welcomer aboard Sir. I am just so impressed that you are here on our little board. I cant say more, but thanks for being here.

Jenny: Other than being a grammar nazi ;) with me being the FAT FINGERED Kid here on AUN, I pray our families' are friends forever. Thank you lady for inviting my family to meet yours. Took a lot of hutzpah.

CT: Likely the number one $$$ donor to the board. We should all thank him for being that generous.

Tiger Al: Thank you for your service to the Nation. You are a needed voice here on AUN as well. Hope to see more of you on the board.

StatTiger: What can we say? You Sir are THE King of the Numbers...And Insights too. Thank you so much for what you add here.

Old Faithful Group: These are folks only the old folks on here know about.

Wardmiller: Did the original design and layout of the site. We run a full update now but what we have now is still his basic design.TYS!

Chuck: Kept the site going almost by himself until I contacted the WEN Owner. He was the first Admin on the site after I took it over hosting it. Chuck is not as present here now due mostly to schedule I guess. He is the guy selling the W Stickers too.

More later, I just drove 7 hours, I am wasted...

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More to thank...

ProudTiger and AFTiger: Between these two and 'RememberDonFuell' I found a personal mission for this board. While some of our big sister sites cannot talk openly about the true nature of Auburn History due to corporate ties, AUNation has no such problem. We can openly and frankly talk about and support the real history about Auburn and Probation.

Phil Fulmer was not the first to play underhanded tricks, no not at all. If the TSUTR wants to get mad at him, they should accuse him of copying off their paper. Every time AU gets good, we get turned in to the NCAA by TSUTR. From the two bama assts that posed as Encyclopedia salesmen to the Eric Ramsey/Donald Watkins facilitated affair, almost all of AU's probations have had some Tuscaloosa cooking. Bear bragged about "Everytime Alabama gets investigated, Auburn goes on probation." He laughed about it openly. Bill Lumpkins of the Bham News said that he was personally contacted by Bear on two or three of Auburn's probations. We have threads in the classics forum about all of it too. AUNation also includes links to our own copy of the William Bradford Huie Article.

TigerMike, AUTigger, AUFan175: AUNation wants more folks like you. These guys have almost taken over three forums here on AUN. TigerMike owns the Political Forum. Tigger almost owned the Baseball Forum, although she has now moved from Auburn. AUFan175 does indeed own the Recruiting Forum and has become a very needed figure here on AUN. He constantly updates with some insider info on the recruiting forum. Hope you all go there. He owns the place. Thank you all!

WarTim: When I invited WarTim to our site, I already knew him from the AOL Forum I used to go to. He is just a hoot sometimes. While he started out a little over the top, he is now more than a poster here on AUN. Football season would not be football season without the Nip. Heck, it may be more anticipated than Christmas on this site. :lol: You can always expect and get good natured punching with Tim. Thank you guy. You are a true asset here.

Slink, BamaGrad, Tidefan24, JXNTider, RTFA, BamaJay, BamaMyHeart, GeauxScott, GeauxTigers, EllisHugh: I just looked at the Top Ten Poster List. Slink and BG are #5 and #6 :blink: Wow! If you take out the Admins, they are both solid Top 5. Anyway, Civil Rival posters are welcome here. Heck they are WANTED here. Talking amongst yourselves could get boring. I know you guys get jumped on from time to time but we appreciate you folks being here. At least all of us but Tim.... :lol:

Jared52 and WarEagle57: Jared and Trey, I cant say enough about you two. When we are not in football season I LOOK for your posts. Sometimes I get a little lonely and ask myself why am I spending so much time on this site. Then I get a little lift from a post from these two and I remember that God is being talked here on this board and that it is not 100% obsession with football.

I have been tagged on the Internet as the tight butt, uber-Conservative, Christian :au: dude. Well, guilty I guess. I just wanted a site (and I got 90% of it from the old WEN, btw) where you could go log on and not have your family members thinking you were a closet perv for all the Naked women pics. I will openly question why an adult male has to have a naked woman in his signature, let alone 5-10-15-20 of them, etc. I have a naked woman, I know where to find her too. UPSTAIRS. I dont have to paste a 100 pics of scantily clad women to try make everyone believe that I am a hetero. If you ever took Psyche 101, you have to be sensitive to the Frued's "Over-Compensation" factor with these guys....

More later...

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Guest Tigrinum Major

And a big thanks back to you, David. It would have been easy for you to let this place die back in the days when the going got tough (before my time, but I have heard the stories), but you stuck it out and look where you are today!

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