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Thats IT?!!!


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I can't believe that's all the dirt they kicked up. Here's my synopsis.

1. Sociology has easy classes.

2. Sociology/Criminology majors are getting degrees for little work.

3. Some Sociology/Criminology majors are athletes.

4. Some Sociology/Criminology majors are football athletes.

5. The NYT interviewer interviewed former football players (Graduates), and all confirmed that it was an easy class, but work was done.

6. The NYT interviewer interviewed Robert Johnson (not-a-graduate) and he thought college was nothing but fun. (Big surprise. He tried to jump to the NFL and wasn't drafted. See Stanley McClover.)

7. When the professor in question was confronted by the chain of command in his own college, he changed his practices. (Which is the right thing to do.)

So, why is this an article???

UT had worse stuff come out in the wake of their championship season. ESPN was behind that investigation.

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You know, when I read the article last night I was bummed. But the more I've looked into it and thought about it, your summary isn't far off. No doubt, from an academic standpoint, this situation needs to be corrected. But if this was the big bomb those peckerheads over at bammerrag have been waiting for all this time, it comes off more like a bottle rocket than a bomb.

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  No doubt, from an academic standpoint, this situation needs to be corrected. 


It has been corrected already, I believe.

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I feel the same as you guys. If this is all that they could come up with, i can live with that. This isn't as bad as the ESPN/Primetime investagation on Duke's sociology dept. I'm not losing sleep over this.

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I'm a pretty intelligent guy. I can see this being a bad thing for the university. However, my guess is there is more going on behind the scenes than the NYT article reports among these individual professors.

If you watch college football on TV any saturday and pay attention to the majors of the players that they talk about. What major are most of them in? Sociology. Social Work. Etc. Why is that?......hmmmmmm let me think. Must be because they want to go into the field of sociology when they graduate!!

What I CAN'T figure out is how this whole thing could give AU an unfair advantage over other programs??? Does anyone really care about the graduation rate of players or their GPA. I mean it's nice to know if your guys are doing better. But does bringing your 3.2 GPA team on the field make it unfair for the 3.1 GPA team you are playing???

Come on.

ALSO.....a question to the NCAA. Is the athletic department supposed to control all the academics too? You are out of your mind if you think coaches should be encouraging their players to take HARD classes over EASY classes.

This is a problem that is internal to the Sociology program. It's about academic integrity in the Sociology department. Not cheating.

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I'm a pretty intelligent guy.  I can see this being a bad thing for the university.  However, my guess is there is more going on behind the scenes than the NYT article reports among these individual professors.

If you watch college football on TV any saturday and pay attention to the majors of the players that they talk about.  What major are most of them in?  Sociology.  Social Work.  Etc.  Why is that?......hmmmmmm let me think.  Must be because they want to go into the field of sociology when they graduate!!

What I CAN'T figure out is how this whole thing could give AU an unfair advantage over other programs???  Does anyone really care about the graduation rate of players or their GPA.  I mean it's nice to know if your guys are doing better.  But does bringing your 3.2 GPA team on the field make it unfair for the 3.1 GPA team you are playing???

Come on.

ALSO.....a question to the NCAA.  Is the athletic department supposed to control all the academics too?  You are out of your mind if you think coaches should be encouraging their players to take HARD classes over EASY classes.

This is a problem that is internal to the Sociology program.  It's about academic integrity in the Sociology department.  Not cheating.


Well stated my brother.

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This is a problem that is internal to the Sociology program.  It's about academic integrity in the Sociology department.  Not cheating.


You are correct.

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