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Lab Monitor Diaries 3

by Jacob K. (not the other one)


For those of you who have read The Auburner since the good ole days (or maybe if you’re some Auburner fanboi who reads archives), you might be familiar with my ever-so-popular feature column written while under the employment of Auburn University’s student-athlete support services. And while I’ve moved on to bigger and more boring things, I still technically work in a computer lab. [Mark: He used the fake name Nick so he wouldn't get in trouble... here's his original article.. It's VERY funny]

Speaking of monikers, the other day a few of the Bama-favoring lab rats thought it would be downright hysterical to bring up the pervasive topic of ridiculous Auburn football player names. Laughter ensued as various pronunciations of Obomanu and Aromashodu were tossed around, not that I can blame them. Heck, even Tubby couldn’t decide whether to say “Obama’s Emu” or “Oh Bama Boo”. Then, in a total perversion of anything manly, a co-worker mentioned that Auburn linebacker Karibi Dede sounded like a character from Star Wars, a statement to which everyone guffawed in delight. Now, I understand that computer labs are going to house some of earth’s nerdiest. But mixing football and Star Wars—no, this just cannot come to pass. It’s as if Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer decided to settle their differences over a game of badminton. It just shouldn’t happen. Ever.

Well, maybe not so much. I got to thinking about it, and while I’ll admit that Auburn has had their share of oddly-named players, Alabama isn’t just a collection of Bills and Johns either. So what better way to celebrate God’s gift of creativity to UA mothers everywhere than to envision their children in one of man’s greatest cinematic franchises. I present to you the cast of Star Wars: Got No Hope.

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that might just be the worst attempt at humor i have ever seen. please remove that link immediately!

Strange. I always thought this was the worst attempt at humor I had ever seen. Guess opinions vary.


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I would have went with this


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I would have went with this


You are naughty boy.....tut tut tut :big:

haha the Danza sla......I mean yeah, TIS, Who's the boss? :roflol:

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Ummm... none of those were even funny.

Thats the whole point.... Now you are the joke :rolleyes:

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Let me preface this statement with saying I have a vile sense of humor...there are some really terrible things that make me laugh...I won't list them cause you people would hate me...

C3Prothro didn't make me laugh, it made me feel bad...

The other ones were ok.

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Jar Parker Binks – “Meesa don’t wanna end up like Brodie”


I dont care thats funny now the "c3pro" was tasteless.

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