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Shula may be next victim of Bama meatgrinder

AU alum

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This article was in the Montgomery Advertiser today. It is worth reading. The link is


Since I'm not sure if the link works or not, here is the article:

By Josh Moon

Montgomery Advertiser

Boy, Alabama fans are a testy bunch, aren't they?

From message boards to talk radio to just your everyday conversations, the Crimson Tide faithful are leaving little doubt that they're fed up with head coach Mike Shula.

You've heard their rantings: He's just not the right guy for the job. He's just too inexperienced. He's just too dadgum conservative. He's lost control of the program.

What on earth could have led to such statements?

The "too conservative" complaints are easy enough to trace. Kicking a field goal on fourth- and-goal from the 1-yard line against Tennessee and running the ball six times against Arkansas to set up two late-game missed field goals stick out right away.

The "too inexperienced" criticisms aren't that hard to figure, either. The guy was the offensive coordinator at Tampa Bay for a couple of seasons and an NFL quarterbacks coach for a couple of years before landing the UA gig. That's not exactly climbing the ladder rung by rung.

Lost control? That tends to pop up when you spend three months debating whether or not to suspend a player who was arrested.

What I can't figure out is that Tide fans actually say this stuff as if they're breaking news. Sorry, folks, but the rest of us have known all this since the day Shula took to the podium, stared deer-like into the TV cameras and clumsily accepted the job at Alabama.

It is funny, though, how losing a few games will cause people to take a step back and notice all those trees in the forest.

Let's be honest, there's only one real problem here.

Nobody cares that Shula is too conservative or too young or too deer-like. Because Shula was all of those things last year, the year before and the year before that. None of it has anything to do with the way Alabama fans are attacking him now.

It's that he's losing.

Crimson Tide fans are willing to forgive everything but that.

When the team was winning, the Alabama faithful pulled off more spin jobs than the average Laundromat.

Let a guy who was arrested on gun and drug charges play? Sure thing, coach, just beat that cow college.

No experience? Who cares? Look at this old Navy photo of the Paul "Bear" Bryant. Looks just like Shula.

Punting on fourth-and-one from the opponents' 35? Look here, son, football games in the SEC are won with defense, not some flashy, newfangled offense.

A deer in the headlights? Are you kidding me? That's the look of a man who's running through the football encyclopedia in his mind.

But when a few losses pile up, it's a different tune.

Suddenly, those non-suspensions mean Shula's lost control of the program. His experience is questioned to the extent that many seriously wonder if the guy had actually seen a football prior to his hiring. The conservative approach is suddenly labeled outdated and suspiciously NFL-like. And the deer-in-the-headlights look, well, that's a clear indication that there's just nothing going on up there.

Just stop it.

It hasn't been a year since the whole lot of you were campaigning like a bunch of Republicans at a Baptist convention for this guy to get a new contract.

Now, here you are -- three losses later -- clamoring for his firing.

Do you all honestly not see the problem here?

It's always the same thing: The coach who's winning is the next Bear. The coach who's losing has a moving company on speed dial.

It's been done over and over and over again since the day Bryant retired. Every coach gets the comparison. No coach lives up to it.

Ray Perkins was run, Bill Curry ran like a death row inmate for the door, you tried to fire Gene Stallings. Mike DuBose was DOA, Dennis Franchione did his best Curry imitation and now the guillotine is about to fall on Shula.

It would be funny if it weren't so unbelievably sad.

Look, I'm not saying Shula shouldn't be fired. I'm just saying that it won't make any difference -- not until there's a change in attitude among the Alabama fanbase and the administration. Because the next guy is going to be treated just the same.

The Crimson Tide, like it or not, is no longer the face of Southern college football. It's not even the face of the SEC. No recruit cares that UA did a lot of great things in the 1970s. That's ancient history. Some of these recruits' parents can barely recall the Bryant era.

Stop acting as if this team can or should be winning simply because it's Alabama. If you ever hope to return this program to prominence, there's only one option: Hire a decent, proven coach and leave him alone for four years or so.

Let the program grow, have a few good years and then you can return to these expectations.

But right now, with the state of this program, the lunacy year after year is doing nothing but ensuring the Tide will stay mired in mediocrity -- at best.

Josh Moon, who covers Alabama State athletics for the Advertiser, may be reached by phone at 334-240-0194 or by fax at 334-261-1548 His e-mail address is jmoon@gannett.com.

War Eagle and Go Mississippi State (right now they're ahead, 6-3)!

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It would be funny if it weren't so unbelievably sad.

No..It's still funny.... :roflol:

The Crimson Tide, like it or not, is no longer the face of Southern college football. It's not even the face of the SEC. No recruit cares that UA did a lot of great things in the 1970s. That's ancient history. Some of these recruits' parents can barely recall the Bryant era.

Stop acting as if this team can or should be winning simply because it's Alabama. If you ever hope to return this program to prominence, there's only one option: Hire a decent, proven coach and leave him alone for four years or so.

So true...except they should keep shula forever...

But right now, with the state of this program, the lunacy year after year is doing nothing but ensuring the Tide will stay mired in mediocrity -- at best.

All the more reason to keep shula. The SEC LOVES mike shula...keep shula forever

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If he manages to lose to :msu: today, the fans wont need anymore reason to turn on him. The entire university will.

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If he manages to lose to :msu: today, the fans wont need anymore reason to turn on him. The entire university will.

Well, that is what we are hoping for.

Nobody wants Shula to suceed more than I do. The fact is that he just "aint got what it takes."

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Nobody wants Shula to suceed more than I do. The fact is that he just "aint got what it takes."

Then why do 1/3 of all bama fans have the "S The Coach" sticker on their rear windshield?

I know the team isn't doing as well as expected this year, but all this talk of firing him seems fickle to me. He needs at least 2 more years to get his players and system some consistency. Really, that's what the team is lacking right now. To me, they look better than last year's 10 win team, but they haven't gotten the bounces they did last year. They're playing to the level of other teams, which is good when they play good teams, but hurts them obviously on days like today. In another year or so, some of the young ones will mature, step up and lead, and you'll see more consistency. I think Auburn is having the same problem right now too.

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Nobody wants Shula to suceed more than I do. The fact is that he just "aint got what it takes."

Then why do 1/3 of all bama fans have the "S The Coach" sticker on their rear windshield?

I know the team isn't doing as well as expected this year, but all this talk of firing him seems fickle to me. He needs at least 2 more years to get his players and system some consistency. Really, that's what the team is lacking right now. To me, they look better than last year's 10 win team, but they haven't gotten the bounces they did last year. They're playing to the level of other teams, which is good when they play good teams, but hurts them obviously on days like today. In another year or so, some of the young ones will mature, step up and lead, and you'll see more consistency. I think Auburn is having the same problem right now too.

1/3 of Bama fans have that on their cars? Hmmm, I've seen about 2 or 3 and I live in Tuscaloosa.

Needs 2 more years? You're an AU fan and rightfully so, you want him right where he is. I'm not buying that. ;)

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1/3 of Bama fans have that on their cars? Hmmm, I've seen about 2 or 3 and I live in Tuscaloosa.

Needs 2 more years? You're an AU fan and rightfully so, you want him right where he is. I'm not buying that. ;)

I see those dang stickers EVERYWHERE. Last time I was in Birmingham, I thought someone had given them out free or something.... granted, that was before the season started.

As an Auburn fan, I want Shula there because I know Tuberville can out coach him at this point in Shula's career. However, that doesn't mean he's a bad coach. I honestly believe he should be there a few more years to establish some consistency. How can you fire a coach the year after a 10 win season? That's just rediculous. A 9 or 10 winner should at least buy two more seasons for two reasons:

1) The team is on the way up and big things are on the horizon

2) The team is having a down/off year due to graduation, injuries, whatever, but will be competitive the next (see 05 UT).

Shula should really be looking for a good OC. The D is obviously ok, but if uat had a decent OC Shula would be able to relax a bit. He should probably find a new QB coach too. Wilson is too far along in the season to be making such bonehead decisions. The kid has a lot of talent, but I expected more progress at this point.

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1/3 of Bama fans have that on their cars? Hmmm, I've seen about 2 or 3 and I live in Tuscaloosa.

Needs 2 more years? You're an AU fan and rightfully so, you want him right where he is. I'm not buying that. ;)

I see those dang stickers EVERYWHERE. Last time I was in Birmingham, I thought someone had given them out free or something.... granted, that was before the season started.

As an Auburn fan, I want Shula there because I know Tuberville can out coach him at this point in Shula's career. However, that doesn't mean he's a bad coach. I honestly believe he should be there a few more years to establish some consistency. How can you fire a coach the year after a 10 win season? That's just rediculous. A 9 or 10 winner should at least buy two more seasons for two reasons:

1) The team is on the way up and big things are on the horizon

2) The team is having a down/off year due to graduation, injuries, whatever, but will be competitive the next (see 05 UT).

Shula should really be looking for a good OC. The D is obviously ok, but if uat had a decent OC Shula would be able to relax a bit. He should probably find a new QB coach too. Wilson is too far along in the season to be making such bonehead decisions. The kid has a lot of talent, but I expected more progress at this point.

Wow. They must be just a B'Ham thing because they are non-existent here.

I tend to agree. You can't fire him now, although by not doing so you're just delaying the inevitable. As far as JPW, we'll have to disagree. What bonehead decisions is he making? Watch the replay tomorrow on CSS. MSU might have registered 11 on him if he hadn't have had the mobility that Brodie lacked. Our offensive line is pitiful, mainly thanks to 2 starters that couldn't start for a Sun Belt team. He has no time to make decisions and is being flushed out of the pocket and running for his life every snap. I think he's done a great job actually.

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"Bama's Back, man." Didn't you get the memo? I think Shula needs at least ten more years (if not twenty or so) to get the program back to where it was when "tha bayr wuzzare." And, I think they need to bring in Brodie Croyle as the quarterback coach. Yea that'll do it. :roflol:

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1/3 of Bama fans have that on their cars? Hmmm, I've seen about 2 or 3 and I live in Tuscaloosa.

Needs 2 more years? You're an AU fan and rightfully so, you want him right where he is. I'm not buying that. ;)

I see those dang stickers EVERYWHERE. Last time I was in Birmingham, I thought someone had given them out free or something.... granted, that was before the season started.

As an Auburn fan, I want Shula there because I know Tuberville can out coach him at this point in Shula's career. However, that doesn't mean he's a bad coach. I honestly believe he should be there a few more years to establish some consistency. How can you fire a coach the year after a 10 win season? That's just rediculous. A 9 or 10 winner should at least buy two more seasons for two reasons:

1) The team is on the way up and big things are on the horizon

2) The team is having a down/off year due to graduation, injuries, whatever, but will be competitive the next (see 05 UT).

Shula should really be looking for a good OC. The D is obviously ok, but if uat had a decent OC Shula would be able to relax a bit. He should probably find a new QB coach too. Wilson is too far along in the season to be making such bonehead decisions. The kid has a lot of talent, but I expected more progress at this point.

The thing about the new OC thing that gets me is that they HAVE an OC. Dave Rader may be the best OC in the conference and no one would know it. The bammers just assume that they need to bring in a new one. Here's a good idea that they haven't seemed to think of. Turn the reins over to the guy you already have on the staff and see what he can do. How much worse can it get? If I'm Mike Shula (thank God I'm not) I swallow my vanity and pride for the next two games and put the game in Rader's hands. They talk about Rader as if he doesn't exist. At least give him a chance before you run him out of town without letting him do his job.

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1/3 of Bama fans have that on their cars? Hmmm, I've seen about 2 or 3 and I live in Tuscaloosa.

Needs 2 more years? You're an AU fan and rightfully so, you want him right where he is. I'm not buying that. ;)

I see those dang stickers EVERYWHERE. Last time I was in Birmingham, I thought someone had given them out free or something.... granted, that was before the season started.

As an Auburn fan, I want Shula there because I know Tuberville can out coach him at this point in Shula's career. However, that doesn't mean he's a bad coach. I honestly believe he should be there a few more years to establish some consistency. How can you fire a coach the year after a 10 win season? That's just rediculous. A 9 or 10 winner should at least buy two more seasons for two reasons:

1) The team is on the way up and big things are on the horizon

2) The team is having a down/off year due to graduation, injuries, whatever, but will be competitive the next (see 05 UT).

Shula should really be looking for a good OC. The D is obviously ok, but if uat had a decent OC Shula would be able to relax a bit. He should probably find a new QB coach too. Wilson is too far along in the season to be making such bonehead decisions. The kid has a lot of talent, but I expected more progress at this point.

The thing about the new OC thing that gets me is that they HAVE an OC. Dave Rader may be the best OC in the conference and no one would know it. The bammers just assume that they need to bring in a new one. Here's a good idea that they haven't seemed to think of. Turn the reins over to the guy you already have on the staff and see what he can do. How much worse can it get? If I'm Mike Shula (thank God I'm not) I swallow my vanity and pride for the next two games and put the game in Rader's hands. They talk about Rader as if he doesn't exist. At least give him a chance before you run him out of town without letting him do his job.

True. We either need to hand Rader the reigns or fire them all. All this "Well, he is the OC but I call the plays" BS has gotten us nowhere. What does an OC do if he isn't calling plays? Wash the uniforms?

You wouldn't want be Mike Shula? Aside from the possible brick that knows your address... the guy has got it made. 2 million and year, a mansion at the North River Yacht Club, and a smokin' hot wife? Yeah, count me in.

After the loss, check out what he got to go home to... Go Bulldogs, baby! ;)


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The thing about the new OC thing that gets me is that they HAVE an OC. Dave Rader may be the best OC in the conference and no one would know it. The bammers just assume that they need to bring in a new one. Here's a good idea that they haven't seemed to think of. Turn the reins over to the guy you already have on the staff and see what he can do. How much worse can it get? If I'm Mike Shula (thank God I'm not) I swallow my vanity and pride for the next two games and put the game in Rader's hands. They talk about Rader as if he doesn't exist. At least give him a chance before you run him out of town without letting him do his job.

Two or three weeks ago, Dave Rader was quoted as calling Shula one of the greatest playcallers he's ever been around. That's grounds for microwavable termination.....regardless if he is just doing his job.

IF Mike Shula is the next victim of the Bama meatgrinder, it will be because he opened the lid and bunny-hopped in.

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But...But...But....He looks like a young bahr. He looks good in one of those dark pink sweaters. He won ten games with his masterful play calling last season. He is a recruiting genius. (Shall I go on?)

You uaters never fail to amaze me. Actually, I take that back. You all are so predictable it is frightening.

Please, keep flipper for a few more DECADES! ! ! ! !

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But...But...But....He looks like a young bahr. He looks good in one of those dark pink sweaters. He won ten games with his masterful play calling last season. He is a recruiting genius. (Shall I go on?)

You uaters never fail to amaze me. Actually, I take that back. You all are so predictable it is frightening.

Please, keep flipper for a few more DECADES! ! ! ! !

Find me one quote by any Bama fan on this site that says, " He won ten games with his masterful play calling last season." Just one.

I won't defend Shula or the larger pencentage of the Bama fan base on this board or any other, but you guys kill me. I didn't just join. I was here for the 2003 season, so you guys can sell the "bammers are quick to call for a headcoach's head" stuff to somebody else.

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