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Demoncrats give al-Qaida hope?


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By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN, Associated Press Writer

2 hours, 16 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed in a new audio tape Friday to be winning the war faster than expected in Iraq and said it had mobilized 12,000 fighters who had "vowed to die for God's sake."

The U.S. military, meanwhile, reported that three U.S. soldiers and a Marine were killed Thursday in Iraq, the U.S. military said, bringing the number of Americans who have died in the country so far this month to 25. At least 105 U.S. forces died in October, the fourth highest monthly toll of the war.

On the audio tape made available on militant Web sites, the al-Qaida in Iraq leader also welcomed the Republican electoral defeat that led to the departure of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. He added that the group's fighters would not rest until they had blown up the White House.

"The al-Qaida army has 12,000 fighters in Iraq, and they have vowed to die for God's sake," a man who identified himself as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir said.

Al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, also urged the U.S. to stay in Iraq so his group would have more opportunities to kill American troops. "We haven't had enough of your blood yet," he told the U.S.

"We will not rest from our Jihad until we are under the olive trees of Rumieh and we have blown up the filthiest house — which is called the White House," al-Muhajir said. It was not clear what Rumieh was referring to.

Al-Muhajir became the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. airstrike in June. The tape could not be independently verified.

"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel," the terror leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections."

Describing President Bush as "the most stupid president" in U.S. history, al-Masri reached out to the Muslim world and said his group was winning the war in Iraq faster than expected due to U.S. policies.

Since the war started in March 2003, 2,845 members of the U.S. military have died, according to an Associated Press count.

The Iraqi army also said it captured the Egyptian leader of an al-Qaida cell in restive Anbar province.

Acting on a tip, Iraqi soldiers descended on a building in the city of Rawah, 175 miles northwest of Baghdad, where they arrested local al-Qaida commander Abu Muhayyam al-Masri, whose name, like that of the group's overall leader, is a pseudonym meaning, "the Egyptian," a Defense Ministry official said.

Two aides, Abu Issam al-Libi, or "the Libyan," and Abu Zaid al-Suri, "the Syrian," also were arrested, along with nine other members of the cell, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

The pseudonyms appeared to mark the men as foreign fighters, thousands of whom are said by Iraq's government to have crossed the porous border with Syria about 55 miles west of Rawah to join the insurgency. Their nationalities were not confirmed.

The official said al-Suri confessed to organizing at least one suicide bombing in Baghdad. He said the raid also netted a large quantity of weapons.

Rawah lies deep in Anbar province, where Sunni Arab insurgents routinely launch deadly attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces that show no sign of diminishing in numbers or intensity, more than three years after the U.S. invasion.

At least 11 of the American deaths in November have been in Anbar, including a Marine who died Thursday from wound suffered in fighting there.

A roadside bomb also killed two American soldiers and wounded another Thursday in western Baghdad, the U.S. command said. Another soldier was killed and one wounded by a roadside bomb that struck their truck Thursday during a combat logistics patrol west of Haditha, 140 miles northwest of the capital.

In other violence, six Iraqi soldiers were killed and 10 wounded when a suicide bomber drove his explosives-rigged car into an army checkpoint in the northern city of Tal Afar, the military said.

Army spokesman Brig. Najim Abdullah said the car stopped after soldiers opened fire as it sped toward the checkpoint. The unit's commander, who was among those killed, then led a group of soldiers toward it, when the driver, apparently faking death, detonated the explosives, Abdullah said.

Tal Afar has suffered frequent insurgent attacks, despite President Bush's declaration in March that the city was an example of progress made in bringing security to Iraq. Tal Afar lies 93 miles east of the Syrian border and 260 miles northwest of Baghdad.

Three members of a family were killed by gunmen who stormed their home near Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad, police said.

At least 33 bodies also were found in Baghdad and several nearby cities, morgue officials said.

The new deaths came a day after Iraqi Health Minister Ali al-Shemari estimated 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war — about three times previously accepted estimates.

In comments to the AP during a visit to Austria, al-Shemari said he based his figure on an estimate of 100 bodies per day brought to morgues and hospitals — although such a calculation would come out closer to 130,000 in total.

"It is an estimate," al-Shemari said.

Hassan Salem, of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, or SCIRI, said the 150,000 figure included civilians and police, as well as those who were abducted, killed and whose bodies were brought to morgues run by the Health Ministry. SCIRI is Iraq's largest Shiite political organization and holds the largest number of seats in parliament.

No official account for Iraq deaths in the post-invasion conflict has ever been available. Accurate figures are difficult to establish because police and hospitals often give widely conflicting tolls of those killed in major bombings. Death figures also are reported through multiple channels by government agencies that function with varying efficiency.

A member of the movement of radical anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, al-Shemari also repeated the Shiite-dominated government's demands for a speedier U.S. transfer of authority to Iraqi forces and the withdrawal of U.S. troops to their bases, away from Iraq's cities and towns.

"The army of America didn't do its job. ... They tie the hands of my government," al-Shemari said. presence in Iraq.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything. This is certainly proof positive we need change. Thanks for showing us this.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything. This is certainly proof positive we need change. Thanks for showing us this.

Well change is coming and as the dims have proven in the past, America will be 2nd or 3rd in their way of dealing with world matters.

Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

If moving and calling the police does not work, there is always negotiation, which is high on the list of democrat things to do with terrorists.

That is why I offered this, Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures. Maybe the dims can learn something from that great disciplinarian Mike Shula.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

If moving and calling the police does not work, there is always negotiation, which is high on the list of democrat things to do with terrorists.

That is why I offered this, Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures. Maybe the dims can learn something from that great disciplinarian Mike Shula.

Actually, it was your hero, Ronald Reagan, who negotiated arms for hostages with terrorists. Funny how you guys are always blaming Dems for Repug blunders.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

If moving and calling the police does not work, there is always negotiation, which is high on the list of democrat things to do with terrorists.

That is why I offered this, Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures. Maybe the dims can learn something from that great disciplinarian Mike Shula.

Actually, it was your hero, Ronald Reagan, who negotiated arms for hostages with terrorists. Funny how you guys are always blaming Dems for Repug blunders.

Actually Reagan is dead and it is the dims who have been talking about negotiating with terrorists groups.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

If moving and calling the police does not work, there is always negotiation, which is high on the list of democrat things to do with terrorists.

That is why I offered this, Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures. Maybe the dims can learn something from that great disciplinarian Mike Shula.

Actually, it was your hero, Ronald Reagan, who negotiated arms for hostages with terrorists. Funny how you guys are always blaming Dems for Repug blunders.

Actually Reagan is dead and it is the dims who have been talking about negotiating with terrorists groups.

So you don't want them to emulate the Gipper?

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

If moving and calling the police does not work, there is always negotiation, which is high on the list of democrat things to do with terrorists.

That is why I offered this, Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures. Maybe the dims can learn something from that great disciplinarian Mike Shula.

Actually, it was your hero, Ronald Reagan, who negotiated arms for hostages with terrorists. Funny how you guys are always blaming Dems for Repug blunders.

Actually Reagan is dead and it is the dims who have been talking about negotiating with terrorists groups.

So you don't want them to emulate the Gipper?

You mean & die?

No I wouldn't wish that on them.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

"Bring it on" (Who said that before me? *grin*)

They wouldn't want to deal with all of the buckshot in Tenn.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

That's a minor possibility and don't forget the dims would be glad to call the police if terrorists showed up in their neighborhood.

Call the police? Tigermike, that's a horrible thing to do. There's a more peaceful resolution than calling the police and getting someone in trouble. Instead, I think the preferred method would be to move out of the neighborhood and let the terrorists have it. Maybe then they'd leave us alone.

If moving and calling the police does not work, there is always negotiation, which is high on the list of democrat things to do with terrorists.

That is why I offered this, Investment tip! - Buy ice cream futures. Maybe the dims can learn something from that great disciplinarian Mike Shula.

Actually, it was your hero, Ronald Reagan, who negotiated arms for hostages with terrorists. Funny how you guys are always blaming Dems for Repug blunders.

Actually Reagan is dead and it is the dims who have been talking about negotiating with terrorists groups.

So you don't want them to emulate the Gipper?

The Gipper brought down one of the most evil societies that ever existed on the face of the Earth; you are going to have to try much, much harder to compare Reagan to the current brand of cut-and-run, scaredy-cat Democrats...

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

They wouldn't want to deal with all of the buckshot in Tenn.

The fact that you would allow it to get to that point scares me to death.

Oh, and you're going to need more than a scatter gun if you plan to go head to head with haji in Tennessee.

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Wow, and if GW hadn't started a war in Iraq there would be no A-Q in Iraq saying anything.

You're right, they'd probably be in Tennessee saying it instead.

They wouldn't want to deal with all of the buckshot in Tenn.

The fact that you would allow it to get to that point scares me to death.

Oh, and you're going to need more than a scatter gun if you plan to go head to head with haji in Tennessee.

Know anything about logistics?

The natives here wouldn't be an underground railway for them, and they'd stand out like a sore thumb.

We've got a bit more firepower than buckshot, but I seriously doubt we'll need it.

How would our country be different if we had spent $500B on our defenses at home and oil independence at home rather than in the Iraq War? 150 nuke plants would have us pretty fired up; or the Great Southern Wall could be well on its way to completion; or port security could have been improved - or a combination of these could be in the works - instead we have the Tar Baby known as Iraq. When our men and women get home, the nuke plants will not have broken ground, the Wall will not be in place and the ports won't be secure. Our reputation in the world community will be negative.

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Know anything about logistics?

Know anything about warfare?

The natives here wouldn't be an underground railway for them, and they'd stand out like a sore thumb.

Normally yes. But since liberals frown on "racial profiling" you're going to find yourself up the creek without a paddle. Been nice knowing you.

We've got a bit more firepower than buckshot, but I seriously doubt we'll need it.

You're right, capitulation works much better.

How would our country be different if we had spent $500B on our defenses at home and oil independence at home rather than in the Iraq War?

Probably wouldn't be any different at all. You'd find something to bitch about I'm sure.

150 nuke plants would have us pretty fired up;

Is there an electricity problem in Tennessee? No wonder you're in the dark.

or the Great Southern Wall could be well on its way to completion;

Working on it. Nowhere near perfect but it's a start.

or port security could have been improved

Fooey. You're really reaching.

Our reputation in the world community will be negative.

Who gives a rats ass?

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Just a littel recap:

Monday, November 13, 2006


Well .. if the Islamic fascists dared to think last week that the American voters signaled surrender, they can pretty much rest assured that this is the case as we begin the week after.

If anybody thought for a second with Nancy Pelosi sitting there in the Oval Office pledging cooperation with George W. Bush that she was anything other than a Leftist radical, think again. She has already said she's supporting John Murtha for House Majority Leader. Get ready for an interesting two years...the door swings to the left on Capitol Hill.

Sure....Nancy Pelosi is doing everything she can to change her image from San Francisco Moonbat to one of a middle-of-the road moderate Democrat. But people who really know Nancy Pelosi know better. The good news for Republicans over the next two years is that she can't hide who she is. And why are all of these supposedly new moderate members of Congress going to vote for Pelosi as Speaker of the House? Who knows.

So now she's saying she supports Murtha for Majority Leader. This suddenly makes Steny Hoyer look like a conservative. So Pelosi is for Murtha....the same John Murtha that is calling for unconditional surrender to Al-Qaeda in Iraq. This is the same John Murtha that jumped to conclusions, all but accusing our troops of war crimes in Iraq. Yup...that John Murtha.

So don't let the conservative hairdo and attire fool you...Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi is a huge Leftist....as far to the Left as they come in the United States Congress.

Nancy Pelosi will also pass over Jane Harman for the chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee. Harman, a California Democrat, is accepted as the Democrat's most knowledgeable member of the House on Security and Intelligence issues. There's a problem though. Harman supports the war on Islamic Fascism. Pelosi wants the House Intelligence Committee to be chaired by someone who doesn't support that war. Make sense to you?

And let's not forget the actions of President Bush. The very day after the Democrat victory Bush fires Don Rumsfeld. Should Rumsfeld have gone? Perhaps so .. but could there be a worse day than the day after an election that changes the face of power in Washington? Islamic fascist leaders do not understand the nuances of power in Washington. They see Democrats (1) calling for withdrawal from the battlefield in Iraq; and (2) the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. The day after the Democrats score their victory they get Rumsfeld's resignation. Then within a weak major Democrat players start their withdrawal chant again.

Considering the above, why wouldn't the Islamic terrorists believe that they have scored a major victory, and that America is weakening before their eyes?


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