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First Iron Bowl


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Fellas I took in my first Iron Bowl ever at newly expanded and renevated Bryant Denny Tuberville stadium. Thanks for the renevation by the way. Auburn was able to bring more fans because of it. Lets start with traffic shall we. Traffic was a nightmare starting at I 20. It was bumper to bumper from about 20 miles all the way to 359. When we finally got through that nightmare, The closer we got to the stadium the more nervous I became. We had to walk through the projects. What a hell hole. There is no where to tailgate. As we were walking through, We had to of course wait on the train. This darn train had to be a mile long. Once the Shula Express finally passed I had to walk with my hands in my pockets so people would think I had a gun so we wouldn't get mugged. Man, the smell around this place wreaked. We finally got into the stadium and the first thing I noticed was my nextell phone would not call out. This was a travestey. I couln't get in touch with my local man back home to spice up some plays. I walk to the consession stand and drop $25 on four hotdogs and a couple of pepsi's. WHAT THE HELL? PEPSI. No coke. Anyway we make it to our seats and Bama is playing some stuff on the three big screens that was pretty cool but I could not hear a thing. We sat in the Auburn section LL and I noticed the only speakers were in the main jumbotron on the other side of the stadium. Bama nation did you run out of wire. You just built a huge addition and you couldn't throw in a couple of grand for some speaker wire and one or two speakers. Then my pregame beverages filled my bladder to capacity so I went to the rest room. I thought I was back in Korea. The floors were soaked and I thought they had someone washing the floors with water. NOPE!! Bama fans you guys are just freaking nasty. I make it back to my seat in time for the pregame video on some Jensen speakers are something. I hear something that sounds like someone one a five day bar venge trying to speak. I honestly made out about three words of what was being said. Then at the end I hear the most horrible sound in my life from an elephant. Yall need to give that thing some dulcalax or something. That was awfull. Finally the game starts. Gotta hand it to you Bama fan you guys are pretty loud and have some pretty good cheers until You take one of my favorite songs Sweet Home Alabama and put some roll tide roll crap in it. It was a great game back and forth. Auburn finally comes out on top and is running the clock out and what do you do? You hit the QB who is already kneeling on the ground. You haven't gotten to him all day so why not a cheap shot. Auburn wins and the real class of Bama shows. You throw water bottles and cokes and trash at the Auburn players. Now, there is as much trash on the field as there is in the stands. Now I know that some of the bama fans have class and hated to see that but You boo your team which I'm sure will help your recruiting. No wonder yall where having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for players. No one wanted to come to this dump.The pregame at this place sucks, The sound sucks, The bathrooms suck. Anyone catch a patten here.

HEY BAMA FEAR THE BIRDIE FINGER!!!!!!!!!! :moon::moon:

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First of all, why just because you dont know where to park and have no idea of your surroundings...dont slam alabama for it.

There's about 40,000 people on the quad tailgating. And who parks on the other side of the train? Geez why didnt you just park in birmingham? I didnt get out to the staduim until 11am and i parked ON CAMPUS.

Then I went and tailgated where all the other people who knew where the GIGANTIC freaking quad is. There's also plenty of tailgating room over where ALL the Auburn fans locate their RVs. But the have the sense to not try to find parking on 15th street in the ghetto.

And our sound system? Its very good. And its 100x better than AUs. Ive sat in LL and heard everything just fine. You cant hear the bear speech because the quality of the recording is bad, not the speakers.

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Well DAYUM! Just DAYUM! Thanks aubrandon for that 1st hand appraisal. :lol: I had heard others talk of the blaring of the elephant noise over the speakers pre-game but had never heard it until I watched this broadcast. Honestly, that is the most God-awful sound. Who can get fired up over that?

Throwing cups & trash at the opposing players is fast becoming the new bammie "tradishun" when the other team wins. If you remember last year when LSU won in OT at Tuberville-Denny Stadium, the fans showered the LSU players in the end zone with cups & trash too. Sad, really.

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My experience.... Much much better than AUBrandon's

I left HSV at 6:30 and following BG's directions I went down 359 and was parked next to the Publix by 830. I paid some Boy Scouts $10 to park on property I'm sure wasn't theirs but I enjoy helping the scouts anyway.

I got out and walked all around the stadium a couple of times and all around frat/sorority row and the quad. There are some incredible sorority houses that I saw, namely Chi O...huge... Do you have anything on campus besides the frat row? Was I even on campus? I found some nice scalpers on the quad (Also a suggestion from BG) who hooked me up with some BB tickets for $125..not too bad... I stood at Tiger Walk for an hour. In the front row of the lane that the fans had created only to have the team go around the back of the fans and confuse everyone. :( I went from having a great place and I would have gotten to see everyone to seeing only King Dunlap.

I went over to my seats, thankfully in an Auburn section and watched the game after walking atleast a mile up the spirals...They had a good video up but they kinda ran out of adjectives towards the end and started using stuff like "Keeping it Real" (Bueler...bueler? nevermind).... I didn't have a good view of a 'tron from where I was sitting...the big one was on a weird angle and the smaller ones were a little too small. The crowd was loud as a result from the things over the upper decks...very crafty and a great idea..it trapped a lot of sound and sent it back onto the field.

After the game i walked back down the miles of ramp and waited for the team by the buses.

I had a good time and Tuscaloser was much nicer than I thought it would have been. No one hasseled me and I didn't hassel anyone else. I got to Auburn in about 3:45...not too bad considering the traffic. Even the traffic wasn't all that bad. Thank you BG for those tips...they really seem like they made my trip (comparing my experience to AUBrandon's)

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