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Press is Already Out of Rudy Options


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The "Hold On to the Hashpipe" Press is Already Out of Rudy Options

It's well over a year and a half to go and the Rudy surge is already giving the media and Clintonistas a blockage that a high-colonic with a fire hose cannot move.

The current desperation play is to haul out stuff about Rudy and abortion in.... well.... in the last decade of the last century to somehow prove he's toast at this distance out from the November '08 tape.

"New York mayor show that he and his then-wife, Donna Hanover, made personal donations to national, state and city chapters of Planned Parenthood totaling $900 in 1993, 1994, 1998 and 1999."

Oh, gasp! Shock! Horror! Oh, you guys have just got to be kidding if you think that that factoid is something that slithers from the invisible to the obscure.

[by the way, Politico dudes, is that $900 a year or $900 total across four years? And a follow-up. You note that "he and his then-wife" made the donations. Did they both sign the checks or was it from a joint account. Did it have a letter signed by both or one of them? If the latter, which of the two was it? That's the level of reporting we expect from those who call themselves a "Politico." You say you've got the documents. Put 'em online. Be "The Smoking Gun" of the Wonkette Set.]

The only things more invisible than this moldy factoid are the small neural circuits at The Politico. This has all the significance to the presidential race of the size of Mike Gravel's magic moose tooth.

Dudes, you've just got to put down the pipe and detox enough to know that if, in the fullness of time, it does come down to a choice between taking the Hill Pill and Rudy, his position on abortion then or now won't matter one whit.

We realize better than most that it is hard, DAMN hard, to come up with new stuff on the 08 campaign every day.... especially when most sane people are already sick to death of it and won't care about it at all until, say, October 08..... but, Politicos, you've got to do better than reporting on the 1990s in 2007. That's just basic.

We liked you more when you were reading dumb gotcha questions off the monitors last week during your lip-locked match-up with Chris Matthews. At least you had better suits.



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Rudy's dead. He started out with the "America's Mayor" tripe and a cheesy grin. Now, his party sees him as a baby butcher and America isn't as admirable of his grin. The day the GOP nominates him, is the day Clinton sends out invitations to her inaugural ball.

Let's go Fred Thompson.

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Rudy's dead. He started out with the "America's Mayor" tripe and a cheesy grin. Now, his party sees him as a baby butcher and America isn't as admirable of his grin. The day the GOP nominates him, is the day Clinton sends out invitations to her inaugural ball.

Let's go Fred Thompson.

You're insane. Rudy will wipe the floor with any Hillary.


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Rudy's dead. He started out with the "America's Mayor" tripe and a cheesy grin. Now, his party sees him as a baby butcher and America isn't as admirable of his grin. The day the GOP nominates him, is the day Clinton sends out invitations to her inaugural ball.

Let's go Fred Thompson.

Fred Thompson? He went on record in the 1990s being in favor of abortion, too. I don't believe that anyone has clean hands on that subject.

How old are you, anyway? If you're younger than 25, here's a history lesson for you.

When Rudy Giuliani inherited New York from David Dinkins (sp?), it was a city on the brink. High crime, fleeing business, rotting infrastructure, and a host of other problems were what Giuliani had to cope with. In fact, most pundits of the time had begun lamenting that the city was ungovernable.

Giuliani reversed all that, cutting the crime rate dramatically, boosting city services while lowering taxes, and generally cleaning up the mess that the previous 10 mayors had left him. If that doesn't speak to administrative ability, then I don't know what does.

Second, 9/11 proved the guy's intrinsic leadership ability. Sure, the guy has character flaws. But when it's hitting the fan, Giuliani has already proved that he's somebody who will prove highly competent. And when you examine the rest of the candidates, a known quantity in a crisis is something the American people can understand.

Fred Thompson? You've got to be kidding me.

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Rudy's dead. He started out with the "America's Mayor" tripe and a cheesy grin. Now, his party sees him as a baby butcher and America isn't as admirable of his grin. The day the GOP nominates him, is the day Clinton sends out invitations to her inaugural ball.

Let's go Fred Thompson.

Fred Thompson? He went on record in the 1990s being in favor of abortion, too. I don't believe that anyone has clean hands on that subject.

How old are you, anyway? If you're younger than 25, here's a history lesson for you.

When Rudy Giuliani inherited New York from David Dinkins (sp?), it was a city on the brink. High crime, fleeing business, rotting infrastructure, and a host of other problems were what Giuliani had to cope with. In fact, most pundits of the time had begun lamenting that the city was ungovernable.

Giuliani reversed all that, cutting the crime rate dramatically, boosting city services while lowering taxes, and generally cleaning up the mess that the previous 10 mayors had left him. If that doesn't speak to administrative ability, then I don't know what does.

Second, 9/11 proved the guy's intrinsic leadership ability. Sure, the guy has character flaws. But when it's hitting the fan, Giuliani has already proved that he's somebody who will prove highly competent. And when you examine the rest of the candidates, a known quantity in a crisis is something the American people can understand.

Fred Thompson? You've got to be kidding me.

I said all those things about Rudy and was darn near hooted off the forum.

Maybe it's the wrong reason to support a candidate, but I was in New York before he took office and have been there several times since. The impact he had on that city -- a city that was considered almost unredeemable -- is amazing. Before Rudy, NY was a festering corrupt boil. Times Square was squalid, a pervert's dream. And now?

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I understand people's passion about the abortion issue, but there are plenty of other issues that effect many more lives than abortion. I hate that abortion becomes such an issue with so many people. I think its manipulated by the far right to steer the Christian masses away from more moderate republicans.

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Rudy's dead. He started out with the "America's Mayor" tripe and a cheesy grin. Now, his party sees him as a baby butcher and America isn't as admirable of his grin. The day the GOP nominates him, is the day Clinton sends out invitations to her inaugural ball.

Let's go Fred Thompson.

You're insane. Rudy will wipe the floor with any Hillary.

A poll. Yes, I know... A random sampling of how real people see the world. Keep the upcoming poll diatribe in your pocket.


To say she can't win is insane. She can win and IMO would if she ran against Giuliani.

Rudy's dead. He started out with the "America's Mayor" tripe and a cheesy grin. Now, his party sees him as a baby butcher and America isn't as admirable of his grin. The day the GOP nominates him, is the day Clinton sends out invitations to her inaugural ball.

Let's go Fred Thompson.

Fred Thompson? He went on record in the 1990s being in favor of abortion, too. I don't believe that anyone has clean hands on that subject.

How old are you, anyway? If you're younger than 25, here's a history lesson for you.

When Rudy Giuliani inherited New York from David Dinkins (sp?), it was a city on the brink. High crime, fleeing business, rotting infrastructure, and a host of other problems were what Giuliani had to cope with. In fact, most pundits of the time had begun lamenting that the city was ungovernable.

Giuliani reversed all that, cutting the crime rate dramatically, boosting city services while lowering taxes, and generally cleaning up the mess that the previous 10 mayors had left him. If that doesn't speak to administrative ability, then I don't know what does.

Second, 9/11 proved the guy's intrinsic leadership ability. Sure, the guy has character flaws. But when it's hitting the fan, Giuliani has already proved that he's somebody who will prove highly competent. And when you examine the rest of the candidates, a known quantity in a crisis is something the American people can understand.

Fred Thompson? You've got to be kidding me.

I was unaware of that, but it still doesn't sway me. Yes, I hate the fact that unborn life is being taken, but it will never happen to me or be committed by any person carrying a child of mine. I consider myself to be mildly pro-life just because of the actual thought of killing the unborn, but it's a non-issue with me. I'll never vote for a person because they are for or against the practice.

I recognize what he did in NYC. And, if you read my post, you find where I dissed him in anyway. I support the guy to the nth degree on economic matters, and admit that it's refreshing to see a Republican outside of his party's mainstream on social issues, whether or not I agree with him.

I'm 19, by the way. That doesn't matter, though. If I was for Hillary, I'd be dubbed a "college liberal." Something I'm not... In the end, my age means nothing. I'm sure that you and I agree on more issues than we disagree. :)

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I'm 19, by the way. That doesn't matter, though. If I was for Hillary, I'd be dubbed a "college liberal." Something I'm not... In the end, my age means nothing. I'm sure that you and I agree on more issues than we disagree. :)

You're 19. Explains a lot. I don't mean this in a demeaning manner at all, but you THINK you know a whole lot more than you actually do at this stage in your life. It's not a slam, I was the same way and pretty much everybody over 30 or so will tell you the same thing. In the end your age means a great deal because it limits your experience which limits your thinking. Again, that's not a slam it's just a fact.

You're 100% wrong about Hillary. She cannot win. She will not win. If she ran against Rudy in the general election, Rudy would slaughter her. I don't need a poll to tell me that. In fact, I have no idea where either of them stand in the "polls". Polls are meaningless because their results can be easily manipulated to reflect whatever position the pollster or its sponsor wishes to convey.

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I see where you're coming from. Yet, if we were to agree on every issue -- would that put us in the same boat or would it just be by chance? I certainly recognize that I don't have the answer to every question. And, I don't mean this as a cut, but you don't either. An 80 year old's opinion isn't automatically "better" than the opinion of someone half of his age. I'm unlike 99.9% of all 19 year olds you know. Not "better", just more mature.

As for the polls, here are some more. As of May 9th, there's not a single person she loses to. Those polled were real people, too. They weren't from Mars. I say this to you in warning. I'm not a fan of hers, either.

Mothaload uh polls

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I see where you're coming from. Yet, if we were to agree on every issue -- would that put us in the same boat or would it just be by chance? I certainly recognize that I don't have the answer to every question. And, I don't mean this as a cut, but you don't either. An 80 year old's opinion isn't automatically "better" than the opinion of someone half of his age. I'm unlike 99.9% of all 19 year olds you know. Not "better", just more mature.

As for the polls, here are some more. As of May 9th, there's not a single person she loses to. Those polled were real people, too. They weren't from Mars. I say this to you in warning. I'm not a fan of hers, either.

Mothaload uh polls

Oh, I know I don't know everything. I just pretend like I do. I'm also a long way from 80, thanks. Opinions aren't necessarily better depending on age, but the wisdom of someone who has already traversed the path can keep you from stepping into the same traps. That's what experience is for. Far too often (and this is a dig at me as well) we ignore that wisdom secure in our own knowledge. And then we get smacked in the mouth.

The pollsters WANT her to win. Before Bush was elected you couldn't find a poll in the universe that had him beating Gore. They did their best to sway that election. They failed. It doesn't matter what today's polls say. As of November 08 she'll lose to anybody and everybody. She's so obnoxious, abrasive and ignorant, she'll probably do herself in. Ask me, she needs to be in jail anyway.

I'm not worried about her. I can't believe this country is stupid enough (yet) to elect a psycho bitch.

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I see where you're coming from. Yet, if we were to agree on every issue -- would that put us in the same boat or would it just be by chance? I certainly recognize that I don't have the answer to every question. And, I don't mean this as a cut, but you don't either. An 80 year old's opinion isn't automatically "better" than the opinion of someone half of his age. I'm unlike 99.9% of all 19 year olds you know. Not "better", just more mature.

As for the polls, here are some more. As of May 9th, there's not a single person she loses to. Those polled were real people, too. They weren't from Mars. I say this to you in warning. I'm not a fan of hers, either.

Mothaload uh polls

It's way too early to take polls seriously. They don't even begin to matter until the end of this year, if then.

Case in point? Both Kerry and Gore had 10-point leads on Bush in the August of each election year. Bush squeaked by in 2000 and trounced Kerry.

Basically, all this handicapping is a waste of time and energy, chiefly because the news networks have to run something.

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I see where you're coming from. Yet, if we were to agree on every issue -- would that put us in the same boat or would it just be by chance? I certainly recognize that I don't have the answer to every question. And, I don't mean this as a cut, but you don't either. An 80 year old's opinion isn't automatically "better" than the opinion of someone half of his age. I'm unlike 99.9% of all 19 year olds you know. Not "better", just more mature.

As for the polls, here are some more. As of May 9th, there's not a single person she loses to. Those polled were real people, too. They weren't from Mars. I say this to you in warning. I'm not a fan of hers, either.

Mothaload uh polls

Oh, I know I don't know everything. I just pretend like I do. I'm also a long way from 80, thanks. Opinions aren't necessarily better depending on age, but the wisdom of someone who has already traversed the path can keep you from stepping into the same traps. That's what experience is for. Far too often (and this is a dig at me as well) we ignore that wisdom secure in our own knowledge. And then we get smacked in the mouth.

The pollsters WANT her to win. Before Bush was elected you couldn't find a poll in the universe that had him beating Gore. They did their best to sway that election. They failed. It doesn't matter what today's polls say. As of November 08 she'll lose to anybody and everybody. She's so obnoxious, abrasive and ignorant, she'll probably do herself in. Ask me, she needs to be in jail anyway.

I'm not worried about her. I can't believe this country is stupid enough (yet) to elect a psycho bitch.

I knew you weren't 80! I was just throwing a number out there as an example.

We won't elect a psycho bitch? America is fearing the thumb, allright. We elect her and we will have done that 5 times in a row.

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The polls mean little at this point. I hope Rudy is the Republican nominee. I'd be surprised if he gets 45% of the vote.

Prepare to be amazed then. Rudy is the only Republican who can win.

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The polls mean little at this point. I hope Rudy is the Republican nominee. I'd be surprised if he gets 45% of the vote.

Prepare to be amazed then. Rudy is the only Republican who can win.

Then we both agree that we hope he get's the nomination-- just for different reasons.

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Then we both agree that we hope he get's the nomination-- just for different reasons.

If there are enough clueless people in this country to elect a shrew like Hillary to the presidency, I'll be working on moving to Australia. It will signal the beginning of the end game for this once-great nation.


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Then we both agree that we hope he get's the nomination-- just for different reasons.

If there are enough clueless people in this country to elect a shrew like Hillary to the presidency, I'll be working on moving to Australia. It will signal the beginning of the end game for this once-great nation.


Shades of Alec Baldwin!!! Never thought that would be you! :o:blink::lol:

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Shades of Alec Baldwin!!! Never thought that would be you! :o:blink::lol:

Maybe that was overly dramatic, but I'd have a seriously hard time supporting Hillary and I would be disgusted with a country that would elect her.

I've always liked Australia. I could live in Italy, too. At least until she's gone. Probably won't take but two years or so anyway. She's got corruption dripping out of every pore and thinks she's so slick nobody will even notice. I rant a lot on here but I don't take much of it seriously. But when it comes to Hillary, there's a revulsion that surpasses my ability to describe it. Looking at her makes me physically ill. Hearing her speak infuriates me to the point that I can barely think. I can't think of anyone I've ever despised more. I can't really account for it, but she repulses me in every way possible.

Here's a partial list of people I would vote for before I would vote for Hillary:

Kid Rock

50 Cent

Gene Stallings

Shane from Centerpoint

Will Ferrell

Kevin Federline

Lindsay Lohan

Jim Folsom, Jr.

Al Sharpton

Mel Gibson

Howard Stern

Jenna Jameson

Ron Jeremy

Barney the Purple Dinosaur

Babec the gorilla at the Birmingham Zoo

Nicholas Cage

Fob James

Don Siegelman

Richard Scrushy

My dog Tucker

Ken Darby

Jay Barker

Corrado "Junior" Soprano

John Gotti, Jr.

Dog the Bounty Hunter

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I don't know about moving out of the country but I really think Hillary Clinton would be horrible, especially right now. She's too radical for my blood and also has showed no signs of a "post Iraq war" plan. She's all about pulling out but not sure what to do afterwards. :moon: She's also been awfully contradictory. It really seems like she just wants to be the first woman president.

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You left someone off the list. By mistake, I'm sure.


Yeah, I'd vote for her too. I'd like to see what she looks like when she's not loaded.

Actually, not too bad.

The fact that she'd been logged on to CrimsonTusks for 8 straight days prior to Saban's acceptance distorts her actual appearance.

As shameful as it is, I've tailgated with her before. Heck, why not? It was some crappy (or what should have been) game and overall yawner of a gameday. Probably Duke.

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You left someone off the list. By mistake, I'm sure.


Yeah, I'd vote for her too. I'd like to see what she looks like when she's not loaded.

Actually, not too bad.

The fact that she'd been logged on to CrimsonTusks for 8 straight days prior to Saban's acceptance distorts her actual appearance.

As shameful as it is, I've tailgated with her before. Heck, why not? It was some crappy (or what should have been) game and overall yawner of a gameday. Probably Duke.

You'd do her?

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She's all about pulling out but not sure what to do afterwards.

In other words just like her scumbag husband. Blue dress?

"I'll take 'NO' for $500, Alex."

Yeah, well... you're 19. I'll ask you again when you're 35.

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