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Mao Chic Bombs In Peru...


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Actress Cameron Diaz appears to have committed a major fashion crime in Peru.

The voice of Princess Fiona in the animated Shrek films may have inadvertently offended Peruvians.

They suffered decades of violence from a Maoist guerrilla insurgency by touring there on Friday with a bag emblazoned with one of Mao Zedong's favourite political slogans.

While she explored the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in Peru's Andes, Diaz wore over her shoulder an olive green messenger bag emblazoned with a red star and the words 'Serve the People' printed in Chinese on the flap, perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao's most famous political slogan.

While the bags are marketed as trendy fashion accessories in some world capitals, the phrase has particular resonance in Peru.

The Maoist Shining Path insurgency took Peru to the edge of chaos in the 1980s and early 1990s with a campaign of massacres, assassinations and bombings.

Nearly 70,000 people were killed during the insurgency.

A prominent Peruvian human rights activist said the star of There's Something About Mary should have been a little more aware of local sensitivities when picking her accessories.

"It alludes to a concept that did so much damage to Peru, that brought about so many victims," said Pablo Rojas about the bag's slogan.

"I don't think she should have used that bag where the followers of that ideology" did so much damage.

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Diaz: "Who's Mao?"

Actress Cameron Diaz appears to have committed a major fashion crime in Peru.

The voice of Princess Fiona in the animated Shrek films may have inadvertently offended Peruvians.

They suffered decades of violence from a Maoist guerrilla insurgency by touring there on Friday with a bag emblazoned with one of Mao Zedong's favourite political slogans.

While she explored the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in Peru's Andes, Diaz wore over her shoulder an olive green messenger bag emblazoned with a red star and the words 'Serve the People' printed in Chinese on the flap, perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao's most famous political slogan.

While the bags are marketed as trendy fashion accessories in some world capitals, the phrase has particular resonance in Peru.

The Maoist Shining Path insurgency took Peru to the edge of chaos in the 1980s and early 1990s with a campaign of massacres, assassinations and bombings.

Nearly 70,000 people were killed during the insurgency.

A prominent Peruvian human rights activist said the star of There's Something About Mary should have been a little more aware of local sensitivities when picking her accessories.

"It alludes to a concept that did so much damage to Peru, that brought about so many victims," said Pablo Rojas about the bag's slogan.

"I don't think she should have used that bag where the followers of that ideology" did so much damage.

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I dobut that Ms Diaz has no clue who Mao is. Mike Tyson has a tat of Mao on one of his arms, and Angelina Jolie has one too, somewhere on her body. Mao, Che Guvera, Castro... all big time stars in the Hollywood Left circuit.

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I was at a party when this guy walks in with a Che t-shirt. We have a nice conversation and I finally ask him....

"So would you wear a t-shirt with Charles Manson or Adolph Hitler on it?"

"Well, no. Of course not."

"Then why would you glorify that ruthless killer on yours?"

I then proceed to discuss Che's penchant for torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners, including some as young as 12 years old.

Finally, he said.

"Oh. I guess I need a different shirt."

I just amazes me how oblivious some people really are.

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I was at a party when this guy walks in with a Che t-shirt. We have a nice conversation and I finally ask him....

"So would you wear a t-shirt with Charles Manson or Adolph Hitler on it?"

"Well, no. Of course not."

"Then why would you glorify that ruthless killer on yours?"

I then proceed to discuss Che's penchant for torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners, including some as young as 12 years old.

Finally, he said.

"Oh. I guess I need a different shirt."

I just amazes me how oblivious some people really are.

It always seems like college age kids end up wearing Che shirts, thinking they're making some great display of social conscious. At best, they're told Che was a 'revolutionary' for the underclass, when the fact of the matter is, he just like killing folks. He liked it so much, he had a wall knocked out and a window installed so he could view Cubans being slaughtered by Castros goons. Swell guy, that Che. <_<

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Mike Tyson has a tat of Mao on one of his arms... Mao, Che Guvera, Castro... all big time stars in the Hollywood Left circuit.

Mike Tyson, "big time star" of the "Hollywood Left circuit." :roflol::rolleyes:

Gotta link to Jolie and Mao?

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Mike Tyson has a tat of Mao on one of his arms... Mao, Che Guvera, Castro... all big time stars in the Hollywood Left circuit.

Mike Tyson, "big time star" of the "Hollywood Left circuit." :roflol::rolleyes:

Gotta link to Jolie and Mao?

Ya might try a basic reading/comprehension course for dummies, dummy. I said " Mao, Che Guvera, Castra.... all big time stars in the Hollywood Left circuit " . Clearly, the meaning is that THOSE 3 villians are stars to the Hollywood elite, NOT that Mike Tyson was in the Hollywood elite. The article was about Cameron Diaz sporting 'Chic' Mao accessories. Try to catch up, son.

Also, no link for Jolie and Mao. I confused this story on Diaz w/ one I had heard about Jolie and Che. I can't confirm any Mao or Che tats on Jolie, so I stand corrected.

As for others of the Hollywood crowd in love w/ the terrible tyrants, Johnny Depp wears a dog tag w/ the image of Che etched on it. But I don't want to start a whole other list here, that deserves it's own thread.

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This is a PREFECT commentary on Hollywood and how dimwitted they are en masse. I bet anything that Diaz has no recall of Mao, his killings, torture, etc. She drives around in her custom blue Porsche and wears Mao clothing. Nuff said...

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I bet anything that Diaz has no recall of Mao, his killings, torture, etc. She drives around in her custom blue Porsche and wears Mao clothing. Nuff said...

We agree on that. Oblivious? Yes. Intentionally promoting Maoist ideology? Diaz: "What's ideology? A Shining Path sounds pretty!"

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