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Taking a brief time-out from suicide bombings and human carcass draggings,


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A virtually endless supply of new material,,,,,,,,Eat your heart out Bob Hope,

Priceless: Fatah's Abbas Won't Negotiate with "Murderous Terrorists" from Hamas

Andy McCarthy

This is just too rich, from the Arab News. [Hat tip: Jihad Watch]

Has anyone broken this news to the State Department? To the Iraq Study Group? To Speaker Pelosi? Doesn't Abbas grasp the importance of engagement? After all, you don't make peace with your friends, you make it with your enemies, right? Gotta talk. This unilateralist cowboy "we won't negotiate" routine — well, it's just so knuckle-dragging backward. What will the International Community say?

... In other news, Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer reports that the new tourist attraction in the Gaza Strip (aka Hamastan) is: Fatah torture chambers. The new Hamas regime has opened for viewing the site used by the notorious Fatah intelligence service for torture and execution. Taking a brief time-out from suicide bombings and human carcass draggings, Hamas expressed indignation at these Fatah practices.



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