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It's all the Republicans fault!


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“There’s no question that Karl Rove’s fingerprints are all over this case, from the inception.” — convicted former Democrat Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, blaming Rove for his own conviction for bribery, conspiracy and mail fraud.

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If he was Republican, Fred Thompson would be heading up his legal defense fund and calling for a pardon.

But he's a Dem...so he has to be innocent. Regardless of the evidence, it's a right-winged conspiracy. Nice hussle on the deflection, though.

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If he was Republican, Fred Thompson would be heading up his legal defense fund and calling for a pardon.

But he's a Dem...so he has to be innocent. Regardless of the evidence, it's a right-winged conspiracy. Nice hussle on the deflection, though.

Don't believe I've ever said a Dem who has been convicted by a jury was innocent. Can't say the same for the whiny Repugs going on about Scooter Libby. The whining over Scooter is worse than it was over Casper "the friendly ghost" Whineberger.

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Yeah, because when a innocent man is falsly accused / convicted in a Kangaroo trial, it's whining when folks call it as they see it.

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If he was Republican, Fred Thompson would be heading up his legal defense fund and calling for a pardon.

But he's a Dem...so he has to be innocent. Regardless of the evidence, it's a right-winged conspiracy. Nice hussle on the deflection, though.

Don't believe I've ever said a Dem who has been convicted by a jury was innocent. Can't say the same for the whiny Repugs going on about Scooter Libby. The whining over Scooter is worse than it was over Casper "the friendly ghost" Whineberger.

Not saying "you" think he is innocent. I was merely still playing on the Karl Rove Boogey Man statement of Siegleman. And for what it is worth, I have no problem with Libbey getting time. I feel if you are guilty, you must pay up.

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If Siegelman had switched parties or if he had backed off his push for the lottery, none of this would ever have happened.

You can think what you want and applaud the "dirty politician" getting his just reward, but the fact is that this prosecution had nothing whatsoever to do with corruption and everything to do with politics.

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I think regardless of of the politics involved in the whole thing, Siegleman ultimately was in the wrong and now has to pay. There aren't too many high profile cases with a cast in the same realm of Scrushy and Siegleman that don't have politics wrapped up in them. That doesn't change the fact that Siegleman and Scrushy are guilty of bribery in a scheme to manipulate hospital building permissions that favored HealthSouth.

And you are right, had Siegleman backed off his push for the lottery, Scrushy wouldn't have donated the bribe to the lottery campaign for the appointment. To say it had nothing to do with corruption is just not true.

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I think regardless of of the politics involved in the whole thing, Siegleman ultimately was in the wrong and now has to pay. There aren't too many high profile cases with a cast in the same realm of Scrushy and Siegleman that don't have politics wrapped up in them. That doesn't change the fact that Siegleman and Scrushy are guilty of bribery in a scheme to manipulate hospital building permissions that favored HealthSouth.

And you are right, had Siegleman backed off his push for the lottery, Scrushy wouldn't have donated the bribe to the lottery campaign for the appointment. To say it had nothing to do with corruption is just not true.

Frankly? I don't think Siegelman is guilty of anything.

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