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SaltyTiger last won the day on May 30 2022

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  1. Refusing to support the complete annihilation of innocent people is not equivalent to cursing Israel. I believe God intends for us to exercise decency and humanity. Not to say I do not appreciate Israel’s complex problem in identifying the “bad guys”.
  2. Saw a Politico article saying $40.00, $75 for signed edition, $150 for the special edition with 48 never seen pics. Think I will pass on any of them. Looks like Hillary is also releasing another book this fall.
  3. I am curious like Nat’l. He asked if US policy should be based on fulfilling prophecy? Your post 15 Samuel was an instruction from God concerning the complete destruction of a people at a specific time. Do you believe that directive stands regarding the Palestinian people?
  4. Sounds kinda neat The former first lady “invites readers into her world, offering an intimate portrait of a woman who has lived an extraordinary life,” the announcement reads in part. “‘Melania’ includes personal stories and family photos she has never before shared with the public.”
  5. Never said it shouldn’t have been used Coffee. I only clarified what it was and gave my thoughts.
  6. No I am not blaming the woman for anything. Just pointing out how this came to light.
  7. Old stuff dug up by Kamala Tex. That was an idea he floated by a group of conservatives 3 years ago. Need to see the rest of the conversation to get the point. What do you think?
  8. Of course not ( whatever Israel is doing ). God himself has not been happy with Israel on numerous occasions. Clear as a bell in the Old Testament. As Christians we are only to hope and pray for peace.
  9. You are absolutely right Brother Homer. Really bugs you that “some ancient scripture” confirms support doesn’t it?
  10. Learned from Hurricane Michael that insurance companies are in the business of damage control. The intent is to wear people down imho. I hired a public adjuster and had the luxury of time in fighting the insurer. Given the situation again I would hand all over to an experienced attorney day 1. In medical situations and most damage situations people do not have time as an ally. The insured is most often already under stress. Makes life tough. Correct on “piece of your soul”.
  11. Went to YouTube a while back and pulled Popeye and some old stuff up for the grandkids. All characters come out with funny superficial wounds but the violence is unbelievable in that stuff. I don’t recall realizing that as a child. Kept our attention though. No way a youngster can understand the story line.
  12. “Extraordinary stamina and strength”. Try that diet yourself goofy. Bet you don’t make 78.
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