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Liberals want to reinstitute the "Fairness Doctrine"


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In fact, let's extend this to all forms of media and messages, not just political ones. First we'll take on primetime TV. For every character, script or show that denigrates conservatives, Christians or traditional morals and values, they should have to show (in equal proportion) characters, scripts and shows that affirm those things and denigrate so-called "progressive" values. For every time a Christian is the hypocrite and the enlightened liberal is the hero, there has to be one where a conservative Christian is the hero and the liberal the hypocrite.

After that, we'll move on and do the same thing with movies.

Then we'll go to the newsrooms across the country. We'll have affirmative action for conservatives and Christians. You'll have to have quotas for the number of reporters, writers, editors and upper management that are conservatives or Christians. And we'll be counting the news stories too. Fairness demands that for every story that slants toward liberal causes we'll have an equal amount that proportionally slants toward conservatives.

The possibilities are endless!

Somehow I doubt this is what the Democrats have in mind when they say "fairness" however.

Can someone explain to me again why Air America can't compete without government help?

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Funny you bring this up. It looks like it's dead in the water - for now.


Prohibits FCC From Reviving Fairness Doctrine

WASHINGTON, DC- U.S. Congressman Mike Pence issued the following statement today after the Pence-Hensarling-Flake Amendment passed the House of Representatives. The amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations bill prohibits funds from being used by the Federal Communications Commission to impose the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters. The amendment passed 309-115.

Pence’s remarks on the victory are below:

“Today the House of Representatives affirmed that freedom will continue to reign on the airwaves of America. Thanks to the support of 308 of my colleagues, Congress has ensured that the Fairness Doctrine will remain in the grave for now. This was a resounding victory for free speech.

“However, the fight for freedom on the American airwaves is not over. With many still hoping to resurrect this archaic doctrine of unfairness, we must continue to stay on the offense. Tonight I will introduce the ‘Broadcaster Freedom Act’ to ensure that the victory we experienced on the House floor today extends to future generations.

“I thank all my colleagues, especially the Republican leadership in the House for delivering this resounding victory for the freedom of speech.”


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The amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations bill prohibits funds from being used by the Federal Communications Commission to impose the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters. The amendment passed 309-115.

Per Neal Boortz:Link

Did you know that this amendment only applies to 2008 appropriations? It does absolutely nothing after 2008. So no wonder it passed! Democrats knew that they couldn't reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine in the current budget anyway! They would have to wait for a Democrat president! Now these Democrats who voted for the amendment, knowing that it was only for the 2008 budget year, can run for office and proudly tell the voters that they stood fast for freedom by denying funding for the Fairness Doctrine!

This amendment, though a strictly temporary positive development for talk radio, cannot prevent re-implementation of the "Fairness" Doctrine. All it does is say that the feds can't spend any money enforcing it. Big deal! Just how much money would it take to enforce the Fairness Doctrine anyway?

Did you know that Representative Pence also introduced something called the Broadcaster's Freedom Act? This act would kill the Fairness Doctrine ... stop it dead in its tracks. How many congressmen was he able to line up in support? Try 111 co-sponsors. That's all. There were 305 that supported the recently passed amendment, but only 111 who would support killing the Fairness Doctrine outright. Why?? Because the amendment was just an empty symbol. It meant nothing. It did nothing more than allow some Democrats to say that they support the end of the Fairness Doctrine, and continue onto bigger and more important things – like pork barrel spending. Now these Democrats who voted for the Pence amendment can sit quietly by while the FCC reinstates the Fairness Doctrine under President Rodham. When questioned they can simply say "Hey, I voted for the Pence Amendment. I'm not the problem here .. the FCC is.

Just to ensure that Pence's crusade is completely wiped out, never to resurrect its ugly conservative head again, Democrats are working on their way to eventually put talk radio away. Cliff Kincaid writes that now Democrats are on a campaign to link talk radio to hate crimes. Hate crimes, folks. Democrats, according to Kincaid, have now requested a federal study of ... now get this ... how "broadcast facilities licensed on behalf of the public by the Federal Communications Commission" have been used to "convey messages of bigotry or hatred, creating a climate of fear and inciting individuals to commit hate crimes."

If the Democrats get their study ... and with them in control of the Congress I think we know how this study would turn out ... then they can move against talk radio with the phony "evidence" of complicity in "hate crimes" on the part of talk radio.

There is a new argument in Washington ... something far beyond just "fairness." The argument this time around is that talk radio is hateful and causing injury and death to people. So just remember that, next time you tune in to the Neal Boortz Show. You are participating in a hate crime – a crime that is based purely on your thoughts. And me, I am your fearless leader, committing crimes of hate with every breath into this microphone. Just wait and see, folks. Democrats can't wait to get their hands on "hate crimes" legislation ... why not take talk radio down with it?

Make no mistake. Liberals absolutely hate talk radio .. they hate it with a blinding, searing passion. They hate it because they know – they've proven to themselves – that they cannot succeed at it. They hate it because their irrationality is laid bare to listening audiences 24/7 on the nation's talk shows. They hate talk radio ... and they have the police power of government on their side. They're moving in for the kill.

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Yeah, I read that this morning. Pretty interesting stuff, and it makes much more sense that the Pence Bill passed so easily.

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