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Young men learn valuable lesson about priapism after witnessing 33 cheerleader catfight

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Dallas Skyline cheerleaders involved in scuffle

Thirty-three high school cheerleaders from Dallas and Midland were involved in a scuffle at a camp in San Marcos this week.

Texas State University police were investigating a scuffle that occurred Monday as the four-day Universal Cheerleaders Association camp was winding down.

Squads from both Dallas Skyline and Midland high schools were staying in Blanco Hall and preparing to check out about 11:30 a.m. Monday, said Mark Hendricks, a university spokesman.

The Skyline girls staying on the fifth floor began knocking on the doors of the Midland cheerleaders on the fourth floor, he said.

Some of the Midland cheerleaders came into the hall. Shouting, pushing and shoving ensued before someone called police, Mr. Hendricks said.

Eleven Midland girls and 22 Skyline girls were involved. No injuries were reported, he said.

Mr. Hendricks said the university had hosted the camp for at least 20 years previously without incident.

On Tuesday, Dallas school district spokesman Jon Dahlander acknowledged that the district was looking into the off-campus incident. “If disciplinary action is warranted, it will be taken according to the guidelines established in the student code of conduct," he said, reading from a statement.

Ed Zachary, an assistant superintendent for the Midland school district, said he had little information about the scuffle and was waiting for police to complete the investigation. Midland school administrators plan to discuss the incident with their Dallas counterparts, he said.

Dean Oblonsky, a spokesman for the cheerleaders association, said 275 cheerleaders representing 20 squads participated in the San Marcos camp. The association, based in Memphis, Tenn., did not plan to take action because it occurred at the end of camp.

“We will let the schools handle it,” he said.


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I had to look up priapism....it is exactly what I thought it was. Thanks for putting that in my work internet history.

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Preferably video. And I don't mean priaprism video you pervies.

I for one am glad you put that little disclaimer in there. No puns intended. <_<

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See what happens when you give high-schoolers Red Bull and let them watch Bring It On?


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