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This thread is about the 1 million threads started by LSU Toonces after last year's game whining about what was substantiated time and time again as the correct call. Auburn played well enough to win tonight and all things being equal....WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU HOPE WILL HAPPEN IN A GAME LIKE THIS....they most likely would have done just that. And every LSU fan knows that. But this game was about all things NOT being equal and about our legitimate right to claim we got screwed and how LSU did NOT deserve to win this game.

Again, Toonces, PLEASE address the blatantly wrong calls that came at every crucial point in the game and went your way. Don't talk about last year. Talk about how you felt when your runner was down 2 yards before the 1st down marker and the ref, for some inexplicable reason, ran up and marked it as a 1st down. And then....the SAME replay booth that reviewed an obvious TD by Carl Stewart....DID NOTHING!!!!

We're waiting.

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There was bad/no calls all over this game. It's sad, but part of the game.

Congrats LSU on a well played game and we will see ou at our place. I'm sure we will get a few flags picked up for us back in our place and we will be back to complaining about the refs all over again.

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It all boils down to stop them, And they don't score, we win ref's or not, The kick don't matter,, Stop them and we win. All this whinning, Am I on a bama board? It was a great close game they Won. Did any of you expect all the calls to go our way, come on. Home cookin it part of the game. That call at the end took a lot of sack. if anything happend he drops it and it gets tiped around, it gets picked. and this board has alot more happy AU people on it. They had to win on the last play of the game, that says alot for how far our team has come from the start of the year. One month ago I though there was no way to beat Lsu now I know we can. We just did. Will we be in atlanta No but we can still beat Bama's Ass. And if bamma beats LSU

Three way way tie and another west div is ours, It my be a tie .But a div champ none the less


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Eh, forget the officiating. The real reason they shouldn't whine is that they're still in the NC hunt after losing a game. That alone is good enough.

Good enough? I hope those corndogs lose every game from here on out! Hate them more than Bama.

If they make the MNC, I will root against them. I hate them that much.

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Eh, forget the officiating. The real reason they shouldn't whine is that they're still in the NC hunt after losing a game. That alone is good enough.

Good enough? I hope those corndogs lose every game from here on out! Hate them more than Bama.

If they make the MNC, I will root against them. I hate them that much.

Sorry, I meant good enough to cease and desist all whining. I'm as tired of 'em as you are.

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calls both ways my man....

dorsey never returned after that lynching he received, official was looking right at it. You also didn't get the play off in time on first and goal, the play b4 your go ahead TD.

I'm sure you didn't notice that though.

big difference when it didn't involve INSTANT replay like the way putrid calls LSU got for 2 TDs!

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Last year, AU and LSU played a tight game down to the wire. LSU fans screamed like little bitches about a call that was OBVIOUSLY called correctly when an Auburn defender tipped the pass away before another defender nailed the receiver. The SEC office came out and backed the call 100%.

You can't have it both ways. Don't call us little bitches about last years call then complain about this year's. Anyone whom thinks last year's call was "obviously correct" is a homer.

giving a team an extra yard when he goes down five feet in front of u is inexcusable beyond belief!

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Exactly Doug. Why didn't the booth review the spot when the announcers were even saying it wasn't right? But, for some inexplicable reason, they felt the need to review Carl Stewart's TD when it wasn't even remotely questionable.

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I'm with Esquire. I was so mad last night. One thing peopl havve to realize there are hard calls and easy calls. Judgement calls like PI are the hard ones. The easy ones are the illegal formations. AND THE GUY FREAKING SAW IT. He saw it enough to throw his flag.

There is one of two things possible, either way, there should have been a flag. Either the WR on the other side said he lined up on the line of scrimmage and that sidejudge is blind and missed the TE being covered up and the illegal man downfield or he picked up a flag on the right call. Its a catch 22 either way. Stupid stupid refs. I mean, this isn't complicated college stuff, this is calling a peewee football league game type stuff. The spots all night were ridiculous. One of of Ben Tate's runs he was on the bottom of the pile and they moved the ball back a yard? Why? You think he got an extra yard on the bottom of that pile. I don't think it was home cookin, I just think it was a terrible terrible crew. I can't believe that crew gets the premiere game of the weekend. I don't know if it would have changed the game's outcome, but it certainly would have burned more time on the last drive and burned and made it 2nd and goal from the 10 instead of a TD. I just can't believe they miss a 3rd grade call.

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Last year, AU and LSU played a tight game down to the wire. LSU fans screamed like little bitches about a call that was OBVIOUSLY called correctly when an Auburn defender tipped the pass away before another defender nailed the receiver. The SEC office came out and backed the call 100%.

You can't have it both ways. Don't call us little bitches about last years call then complain about this year's. Anyone whom thinks last year's call was "obviously correct" is a homer.

giving a team an extra yard when he goes down five feet in front of u is inexcusable beyond belief!

What about giving them another attempt to kick like AU got two years ago- on a call never again made the remainder of the year? Or three drive stopping ones last year, not one.

See the Louisville/UConn game Thursday? Fair catch called and guy takes off for a TD after the gunner pulled up.......left as a TD. Officiating sucks these days, it's sad to say and you never want a game to hinge on a call.

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calls both ways my man....

dorsey never returned after that lynching he received, official was looking right at it. You also didn't get the play off in time on first and goal, the play b4 your go ahead TD.

I'm sure you didn't notice that though.

How is Dorsey? I hope he is okay and can play against Bama!!

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They will come out with a statement saying they support the calls this year as well.

Last year JUDGEMENT calls made a difference in your loss. The pass interference call was spot on, I read the rules last year to verify. Tipped passes negate the interference wether you like it or not.

What happened tonight was the most amazing amount of home cooking I have seen since the Bush Push.

I think the SEC will always support every call. They will never admit their refs were wrong. They need to replace some of the refs, especially from that crew last night. Both ways there were missed calls.

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Last year, AU and LSU played a tight game down to the wire. LSU fans screamed like little bitches about a call that was OBVIOUSLY called correctly when an Auburn defender tipped the pass away before another defender nailed the receiver. The SEC office came out and backed the call 100%.

Tonight...Any LSU fan who doesn't acknowledge that they were GIVEN THE GIFT OF A LIFETIME should be ashamed. This game was decided on referees calls...PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Not one or two calls, but call after call at all the crucial times in the ball game. Please, I want ANY corndog to come on here and try to justify the spot that would have set up 4th down on the final drive. PLEASE!!!

Please try and justify why they would review the 2nd TD by Auburn when 5 million people went, "Touchdown...I'm goin' to the fridge for a beer". But NOOOOO...we can't review a spot that was placed 2 yards ahead of where the runner was down at the most crucial time in the game.

And one ref calls 6 men on the line.....excuse me...play over. There's no review of a TD or anything else. Play over. Back em' up 5.....

But wait...we just reviewed the play and we've decided that DESPITE THE FACT THAT ONE REF SAW ONLY 6 MEN ON THE LINE.....WE'RE GONNA' WAIVE THAT OFF AND GIVE LSU 6 POINTS.

This is just a fraction of the outright, blatant cheating s*** that happened tonight. Please, let some stupid corndog come on here and try to justify this win. PLEASE!!!

You also forgot the punt that should have been rekicked after being backed up. They called offsides on us when no contact was made nor was the ball snapped. They OL moved and they called it on us giving LSU the first.

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It all boils down to stop them, And they don't score, we win ref's or not, The kick don't matter,, Stop them and we win. All this whinning, Am I on a bama board? It was a great close game they Won. Did any of you expect all the calls to go our way, come on. Home cookin it part of the game. That call at the end took a lot of sack. if anything happend he drops it and it gets tiped around, it gets picked. and this board has alot more happy AU people on it. They had to win on the last play of the game, that says alot for how far our team has come from the start of the year. One month ago I though there was no way to beat Lsu now I know we can. We just did. Will we be in atlanta No but we can still beat Bama's Ass. And if bamma beats LSU

Three way way tie and another west div is ours, It my be a tie .But a div champ none the less


Somebody accidentally let this guy out of his cage. I'm calling the zoo.

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Refs are human. The spot was wrong. I was screaming at LSU to run a play before the Tub throws a red flag (or whatever college coaches do to ask for a review). Why didn't Tubberville ask for a review? Our coach has done it in the past (much to the chagrin of some fans). Replay gives coaches an out but only if they use it. You can't always count on refs timely reviewing themselves.

And some refs go blind at the most inopportune times. A chop block comes to mind.

Referree ... gotta be one of the most disrespected jobs in this world. They can never get it right.

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I love Auburn, and I expect Auburn to beat every team it plays, wherever the game is played.

That said, the offiicials didn't get outgained by nearly 200 yards. The officials didn't give up 351 yards in the second half. The officials didn't decide to try to salt away a win with (only) 17 points on the board. The officials didn't flub the squib kick.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm proud as heck of the way our team has recovered to make something out of what could have been a disastrous season. The defense, by and large, has been outstanding. And no one has any business questioning Brandon Cox again. (Can't help wondering what might've been if the coaches hadn't taken their foot off the gas in the third quarter, but I digress . . . )

Auburn left everything on the field Saturday night. But Auburn lost to a (only slightly) better team, maybe the best team in the country. On that team's home field. On the last play. I can live with that. You should, too.

Congrats to LSU for a great win. Hope y'all run the table and bring another national championship to the SEC. If your team plays the way it did in the second half Saturday night, it will.

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Refs are human. The spot was wrong. I was screaming at LSU to run a play before the Tub throws a red flag (or whatever college coaches do to ask for a review). Why didn't Tubberville ask for a review? Our coach has done it in the past (much to the chagrin of some fans). Replay gives coaches an out but only if they use it. You can't always count on refs timely reviewing themselves.

And some refs go blind at the most inopportune times. A chop block comes to mind.

Referree ... gotta be one of the most disrespected jobs in this world. They can never get it right.

True, they do make errors. That is why the replay system is in effect now. They chose to use it on the Carl Stewart obvious TD, but elected not to on a critical play that all viewers and ESPN knew to be wrong. Each play replays up there and if there is reasonable doubt, they review it (in a fair world). Lets see what comes to my mind:

-Missed chop block (shoulda been called)

-Offsides (OL moved, no contact made should be FS still punt)

-spot on 3rd

-Hester's TD

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"Officials blew every critical call", THAT is pathetic. Hard to have an intelligent discussion when that is the attitude. All kidding aside, show me where the SEC endorsed the "no call" near the end of last year's game.

I'll save you from trying--there was no endorsement. Watch the replay, the receiver was tackled BEFORE the tip. Whining from LSU last year, whining fron AU this year--goes with the territory! Hard fought, SEC games deserve better officiating. Geaux Tigers!

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Last year, AU and LSU played a tight game down to the wire. LSU fans screamed like little bitches about a call that was OBVIOUSLY called correctly when an Auburn defender tipped the pass away before another defender nailed the receiver. The SEC office came out and backed the call 100%.

Tonight...Any LSU fan who doesn't acknowledge that they were GIVEN THE GIFT OF A LIFETIME should be ashamed. This game was decided on referees calls...PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Not one or two calls, but call after call at all the crucial times in the ball game. Please, I want ANY corndog to come on here and try to justify the spot that would have set up 4th down on the final drive. PLEASE!!!

Please try and justify why they would review the 2nd TD by Auburn when 5 million people went, "Touchdown...I'm goin' to the fridge for a beer". But NOOOOO...we can't review a spot that was placed 2 yards ahead of where the runner was down at the most crucial time in the game.

And one ref calls 6 men on the line.....excuse me...play over. There's no review of a TD or anything else. Play over. Back em' up 5.....

But wait...we just reviewed the play and we've decided that DESPITE THE FACT THAT ONE REF SAW ONLY 6 MEN ON THE LINE.....WE'RE GONNA' WAIVE THAT OFF AND GIVE LSU 6 POINTS.

This is just a fraction of the outright, blatant cheating s*** that happened tonight. Please, let some stupid corndog come on here and try to justify this win. PLEASE!!!

You also forgot the punt that should have been rekicked after being backed up. They called offsides on us when no contact was made nor was the ball snapped. They OL moved and they called it on us giving LSU the first.

sadly, they got this one right. Once our player jumped in the neutral zone and the offensive player reacts, its offsides on the defense. I was complaining about it when it happened too, but after researching it and seeing it again, they made the right call here.

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justify ". But NOOOOO...we can't review a spot that was placed 2 yards ahead of where the runner was down at the most crucial time in the game.

And one ref calls 6 men on the line.....excuse me...play over. There's no review of a TD or anything else. Play over. Back em' up 5.....

The booth does not automatically review spots - that is a coach's challenge, and for some reason Tubby did not challenge it. So, don't blame the refs on that one, blame your coach.

Also blame your coach for not kicking it deep after your last TD, giving LSU the ball at the 43.

As for the illegal formation, I have no clue why that was not called, but it must not have been as "apparent" as you claim as even ESPN is not bringing it up as a blown call by the officials on Gameday tonight - but I seriously doubt that is what they were reviewing.

The gifts rolled both ways tonight (you guys got a gift on the Personal Foul on your last drive, and the non call on the illegal block on Dorsey) - but hey, that's football.

Either way, it was a great game. Good luck the rest of your season.

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.... at least take a minute and look it up before saying something that is obviously and so easily proven wrong... better luck next time...

SECTION 5. Initiating the Replay Process

Game Stop

ARTICLE 1. There are two methods to stop a game to review a ruling on

the field.

a. The replay official and his crew shall review every play of a game. He

may stop a game at any time before the ball is next legally put in play

(Exception: Rule 12-3-3-i) whenever he believes that:

1. There is reasonable evidence to believe an error was made in the

initial on-field ruling.

2. The play is reviewable.

3. Any reversal of an on-field ruling, which would result from

indisputable video evidence, would have a direct, competitive impact

on the game.

Next argument is, the spot isn't reviewable, right??

WRONG Again....


ARTICLE 3. Miscellaneous reviewable plays include:

a. A runner judged to have been not down by rule. (Note: If a runner is

ruled down, the play is not reviewable.)

b. A runner’s forward progress with respect to a first down.

c. Touching of any type kick by any player.

d. The number of players participating by either team during a live ball.

e. A scrimmage kicker beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is


f. Clock adjustment when a ruling on the field is reversed.

g. A fumble recovery by a Team A player during fourth down or a try and

before any change of possession.

h. A kick that is advanced by the kicking team after a muff or fumble by

the receiving team.

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