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Pennsylvania Voter Registration


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Officials in PA are bracing for record turnout...this interactive map is pretty interesting. It shows registration totals and if voters are switching parties. We discussed voter turnout by party, enthusiasm by party, etc. in previous threads and this appears to be more evidence supporting my position that this drawn out process has energized the Democratic party like never before and puts the Democrats in a great position come the Fall.

Notice that almost every county in the state has more registered new Democrats than Republicans. Maybe even more disturbing for the GOP in this swing state is that in almost every county more Republicans are switcing to the Democratic party than the other way around.

So for all of those on this board who have posted that this process is bad for the Democrats, that the party is "eating their own", "self-destructing", etc. I ask you, what party appears to be more organized? Which party's voters seemed to be more enthused? Which party can raise more money for the fall? Which party is more likely to turn out their voters?

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