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Fair and Bahahahahaha


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Leave it to MediaMyrmidons to connect the dots and fill in the spaces to things they've made up on their own when they're too busy to find out what E.D. Hill meant w/ her " terrorist fist jab " comment. Don't know what she was saying ? Hell, just interpret it anyway you want and accuse FOX of something it's not guilty of , again.

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Leave it to MediaMyrmidons to connect the dots and fill in the spaces to things they've made up on their own when they're too busy to find out what E.D. Hill meant w/ her " terrorist fist jab " comment. Don't know what she was saying ? Hell, just interpret it anyway you want and accuse FOX of something it's not guilty of , again.

Wow, ummm okay. :blink:

Yeah, I have NO idea what she meant. I always refer to a fist pound as a terrorist fist jab. Thats just how I roll. Think of all of the terrorist fist jabs you have exchanged in the bars.

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Update: She lost her job. Now I kinda feel bad, well maybe not. Thats the responsibility you have as a TV anchor. Kudos to Fox 'News'. Hmmm, never thought I would say that.


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Update: She lost her job. Now I kinda feel bad, well maybe not. Thats the responsibility you have as a TV anchor. Kudos to Fox 'News'. Hmmm, never thought I would say that.


Talk about making s*** up. She didn't lose her job. Her show, which was slated to have other options at that hour, was discontinued. And I don't have a problem calling it a terrorist fist pump....I've seen him play basketball. It can't really be sports related. But FOX decided to make this look as though they reacted to the huge uprising of the great "Americans Against the Terrorist Fist Pump Society" and pulled a show they were planning to change anyway. It got idgets like you to actually give them kudos. So well played, I say.

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A small insult, by a small man. Seriously, I thought we would be able to rise above name calling. We're better than that.

And, yes, she'll still work there - but I dont know why she would want to seeing that even you admitted that she has been hung out to dry on this one. She did lose her 'JOB' though. Her job was hosting that show.

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A small insult, by a small man. Seriously, I thought we would be able to rise above name calling. We're better than that.

And, yes, she'll still work there - but I dont know why she would want to seeing that even you admitted that she has been hung out to dry on this one. She did lose her 'JOB' though. Her job was hosting that show.

Small if you say so. But I wasn't the one promoting a LIE. You sound like your savior, ignore the issue and deflect with the "my feelings are hurt. Let's talk about that instead."

A S S H O L E is name calling (not that I am calling you that). Idget is just pointing out that you had an agenda and lied to promote it.

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America's Pulse anchored by E.D. Hill goes away, but Hill stays with the network in a capacity to be determined.
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So you would say that she no longer has the job then? Hmmmm, what would I call that.......

:lol: relax man, im just jabbing you. Not terrorist jabbing, but still.

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