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Colleges with the Most Olympians


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Auburn got a Good Report on the Yahoo Sports Page about the Olympians..

"Auburn University has an even more cosmopolitan contingent. The Alabama sports powerhouse fields 31 affiliated athletes at the Olympics. But just three are competing for the U.S. Twenty-eight compete for other countries. The latter group includes Zimbabwean swimmer Kirsty Coventry, who captured three silvers and a gold in Beijing.

How does a school like Auburn end up with so many foreign Olympians? Elite sports programs and scholarships are a powerful lure. Auburn men and women’s swimming teams were both ranked fifth among Division 1 schools during their latest season. The team’s head coach has coached at the Olympics six times and led 12 teams to NCAA titles."

War Eagle :cheer::cheer:

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If you looked at all-time Olympians, I would bet you that USC would be at the top of the list.

And the Soviets. Coincidence?

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