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Saban press conf.


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ESPN was previewing the Top 5 at the half of the FAU/MTSU game last night. They threw up a clip of Saban at what I am assuming was his weekly press conference. It was a solid 30-45 seconds of unedited footage.

I'll be the first to say, I'm all for the hard nose, gruff, unpolitically correct football coaches. Some comment or question was asked about being ranked highly early in the season. His reply was freakin awesome. It could have been directed at 95% of Bama fans I personally know that I have heard comment on the 2008 UAT team.

To paraphrase his comments, "What is today? Is it the 29th? Hell, I don't know what today is. Okay, so its the 29th. So who can tell me who was ranked...uuhh, where ever we are ranked now this time last season? I don't even know where we are ranked.......it doesn't matter." Long pause, mean glare towards reporter. "It doesn't matter. Can anybody tell me who was ranked where we are right now for last season on September 28th...uhh 29th? You can't........cause nobody cares. Nobody cares, people only care about how you finish."

That is the most logical, coherent, passionate statement I've ever heard from him. He definetly has his act together. He has an uphill battle trying to instill that into a culture that still believes their name and the color of their uniform entitles them to success. It will be interesting to see if anything changes at Bama or will he just be simply pushed to the side like the previous 5 or 6 headcoaches at the first sign of trouble.

I would try and find that clip to post here, but I hate surfing Bama sites.

BTW.....I think South Carolina or South Florida was about where Bama is this time last season.

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Agree with you BG, some Bama fans seem to forget that since last year the number 2 spot is kinda cursed. Who knows, maybe Bama will steamroll the rest of the season, but that is why they play the games.

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I think last year the number 2 team at this time (depending on what poll you looked at) was USC...who ended up winning a BCS Bowl Game. Sure, it's obviously not the NC....but it's a hellova lot better than Shreveport. I for sure wouldn't thumb my nose at a BCS Bowl Game, win or lose. Of course, that wasn't his point.

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