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What do you guys think about this? I'm glad to hear CTT is taking some charge....


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Dead spread?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Sports Reporter

AUBURN — Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville said no one in the halls of the Tigers' football complex is panicking about the team's struggling offense, but he acknowledged the spread system upon which Tony Franklin built his reputation has been packed up and put in storage for the foreseeable future.

"One day we'll have the talent that we can say, 'Well, we'll run 100 percent of what Tony likes to run,'" Tuberville said. "Right now, we don't have that talent in some areas."

Auburn already made significant changes last Saturday against Tennessee, putting the quarterback under center occasionally, running the ball more frequently and installing a special "War Eagle Formation" for back/receiver Mario Fannin.

"We don't run Tony Franklin's spread offense," Tuberville said. "This is Auburn's offense. It's like our defense. We're going to run what works and what we're going to match up better with the other team. Everybody has to do that. You can't put a square peg in a round hole. Why would you do that?"

Meanwhile, junior quarterback Chris Todd spoke to reporters for the first time since Saturday's 14-12 win over Tennessee. He said he was surprised to be yanked in favor of Kodi Burns after halftime. Franklin said Sunday that Todd was nearly perfect in the first half and he played Burns to start the third quarter after being directed to do so by Tuberville.

"Yeah, I was surprised, but that's just part of it," Todd said. "That's what they did and you've just got to go with it. You've just got to deal with that and make sure it doesn't affect you when you come back out. You've got to be able to control that."

Burns was not made available to reporters this week.

Tuberville made a joking reference to Franklin's explosive Sunday media session, in which the coordinator forcefully defended Todd while taking personal blame for the struggles of Auburn's offense.

"The one thing I like about Tony, of course, with you all he's pretty blunt," Tuberville said. "I'm more political. Sometimes you can handle the truth and sometimes you can't handle the truth."

Even so, Tuberville added later, "I'm here to win games. I'm not here to win friends and run for public office."

So where does Auburn's offense stand now, with an unexpectedly big game at undefeated Vanderbilt looming Saturday?

Todd said the Tigers are working to eliminate the penalties and mistakes that have interrupted the team's progress while embracing the changes being made to Franklin's core offense.

"It's a different variation of (Franklin's offense), and that's just a part that you've got to adjust to," Todd said. "That's what I'm working on. I'm trying to improve every little part of my game. We have some good athletes in certain spots that we've got to use and that's what we're doing."

Franklin said he spoke with Todd about Saturday's loud group of unhappy fans who showered Burns with cheers and appeared to boo Todd, Franklin or both. "It's never personal," Franklin said he told Todd. "They don't hate you. They hate me, but they don't hate you."

Todd said he realizes that the catcalls come with the territory. The boos have been tougher on his family, and he said his mom had talked to Brandon Cox's mother to get some empathy and advice. Cox was in a similar situation for much of 2007, facing boos as fans clamored for Burns.



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I believe that Auburn hasn't truely tried to run the spread since the spring. I think that is what is wrong with the offense, it is not the spread and it is trying to be somewhere in between. I do not think you can do that and be sucessful which is where we are right now. Thank God for the stellar defense we have that has been carrying the offense.

I was worried when CTT said he was going to the spread and the reason why is because CTT likes to sit on leads and control the clock. You can't do that with the spread. You are either in 100% or not. CTT is not 100% with the spread right now.

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I think we need to quit the freakin' booing! Everyone, from the coaches to the players are trying their best, and we can be angry and all and come on here to vent, but to publically boo a 20 year old kid to where his parents are in a bad situation over it is ridiculous. Did everyone really think we would pick up the spread to perfection in one off season?

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JW you are right. There should never be any booing unless at the officiating.

I do not believe this entire offensive mess is all Chris Todd's or CTF's fault. I have said all along that NO ONE on the offense has stepped up and made plays. The closest we have to a real play maker is Robert Dunn. If the offense can't come together and show some kind of leadership, it doesn't matter who is QB, they will not be sucessful.

We are not 100% committed to running the spread as has been mentioned a lot this week in the paper. CTF runs the spread and he is not being allowed to do his job and make 100% committment either because he doesn't have the athletes or whatever.

I am an Auburn fan and I stand behind the team period.

I will cheer for Todd or cheer for Kodi and whoever else in the game.

I am sick of hearing everyone blame CTF and Chris Todd when other players are not doing their jobs either.

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I think the problem is not talent but lack of experience. I think Kodi needs more playing time to develop his passing skills and I think Todd needs to get healthy to 100%. If Todd is 100% healthy then he is not an SEC QB. It is obvious his throws are weak and have lot of air under them.

I think we have talent to create a hybrid spread-power I that would be great that we could call our own. Why be like all other teams? Why can we not have our own offense as CTT calls it Auburn Offense.

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What is there about this statement that CTT made yesterday that would make anyone think the spread is dead at Auburn?

By Tommy Tuberville: "I love this offense. It's going to be great. I'm glad we've gone to it. It's going to give us some options. We're 4-1 and played a very tough schedule to this point and we hadn't hardly seen anything from this offense. Once we get going it's going to be much better. There's no panic mode."

That tells me we're sticking with what we are doing now.

I don't really care what schemes we run, except that I want Auburn to have a great offense that scores lots of points. This offense was working in the spring, and by all accounts it was working in pre season camp. We all better hope it starts working again ASAP.

I do think we need better receivers. Dunn seems to be the only one we have that's playing SEC quality football.

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I think we need to quit the freakin' booing! Everyone, from the coaches to the players are trying their best, and we can be angry and all and come on here to vent, but to publically boo a 20 year old kid to where his parents are in a bad situation over it is ridiculous. Did everyone really think we would pick up the spread to perfection in one off season?

Its getting to the point that you can't even come on here and vent without being attacked! Can't win!

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I believe that Auburn hasn't truely tried to run the spread since the spring. I think that is what is wrong with the offense, it is not the spread and it is trying to be somewhere in between. I do not think you can do that and be sucessful which is where we are right now. Thank God for the stellar defense we have that has been carrying the offense.

I was worried when CTT said he was going to the spread and the reason why is because CTT likes to sit on leads and control the clock. You can't do that with the spread. You are either in 100% or not. CTT is not 100% with the spread right now.

Agreed. We should go back to it, and stay with...with Kodi at QB, come hell or high water. IF nothing else, we should be a terror next year. :thumbsup:


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It really doesn't matter what we call the offensive "scheme". It all boils down to throwing and catching, blocking and tackling. When the execution is solid, we will put up points!

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JW you are right. There should never be any booing unless at the officiating.

I do not believe this entire offensive mess is all Chris Todd's or CTF's fault. I have said all along that NO ONE on the offense has stepped up and made plays. The closest we have to a real play maker is Robert Dunn. If the offense can't come together and show some kind of leadership, it doesn't matter who is QB, they will not be sucessful.

We are not 100% committed to running the spread as has been mentioned a lot this week in the paper. CTF runs the spread and he is not being allowed to do his job and make 100% committment either because he doesn't have the athletes or whatever.

I am an Auburn fan and I stand behind the team period.

I will cheer for Todd or cheer for Kodi and whoever else in the game.

I am sick of hearing everyone blame CTF and Chris Todd when other players are not doing their jobs either.

Hold the phone! What is the biggest problem? The offense! Who is supposedly in charge of the offense? The offensive coordinator (such as he is). Agreed that some other players are not doing their job. But the majority of the problems out there are the offense, the fact that their isn't much of one. And just whose fault is that? CTF. Period.

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What Auburn ran in the bowl game looked a lot more like the spread than what they've run this fall. Is Clemson just that bad and every defense this fall is stellar? Maybe, but I doubt it.

Whatever the offense started out with hasn't worked. I've noticed some interesting tickering the past two games, and it seems to have worked pretty well and caught the defense off-guard. When the defense adjusts, the offense reverts back to what wasn't working in the first place. Ugh!

Franklin just needs to come up with more plays to get the ball into the hands of the playmakers and give them a chance at some daylight, spread offense or not. I think that is the best Auburn can do this season with the players they have. Eventually, Auburn will have the players to implement a true spread offense. It won't be pretty, but we'll get there eventually.

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