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Mikey last won the day on May 13

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  1. Well, if he's another Maddux, then yes but the best I saw was a "poor man's Maddux".
  2. He had surgery on his shoulder. Beyond that, vague statements are all I've seen. I don't see him getting drafted unless he comes back for another year of college ball and does very well. He wasn't really a good pro prospect anyway. He had good control and a nice selection of off speed pitches but a pro level fastball has never been there.
  3. Offers are not binding and the publicity doesn't hurt so where's the harm?
  4. Irish is a soph and I don't think he or Stanfield are eligible for the major league draft for another year. Unless some rule has changed they both will be playing college ball next season. Lets hope they are playing at Auburn. Gonzales has never fully recovered from the shoulder injury he suffered.
  5. My personal opinion, on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give Dean a 4. This recent season could have been a great one if four players, all good hitters, hadn't jumped ship to other schools over the summer . Bri Ellis to Arky, Jessi Blaine to Moo State, Denver Bryant to USCe and Lindsey Garcia to Clemson would all have been starters at AU this past season. These days a major part of a coach's job is holding his team together, in particular not losing important players. Dean lost four starters who turned into starters at their new schools. With the pitching we had, those four big sticks in the lineup would have made a world of difference.
  6. That '24 lineup has an awful lot of seniors!
  7. Neither. I don't do keyboard during an AU game in any sport. I like to have my undivided attention on the game. Happy for those who enjoy the game threads but that's not for me.
  8. In my younger years I did plenty of after midnight rambling. As I know from experience, there's likely to be trouble at 3:30 AM. I you're going to be up and about then, develop some "leaving sense". You gotta' know when to bail out and head to a different spot.
  9. It's nice that Maddie has set all sorts of AU records, but we'd be a lot better off as a team if Dean had used some of those early season games against lesser competition to develop a third pitcher. Now we don't even have enough pitching to get through a four-team tournament.
  10. Very few places. I think we are seeing a lot of "the grass always looks greener across the fence" in this transfer mess. I read that over 2,000 basketball players entered the transfer portal this current cycle. That's just crazy.
  11. I really hope this is incorrect, or some of them change their minds. If a number of the right guys come back we'll have the pieces in place for a solid team next season.
  12. Maybe Coach Pearl has found a "Diamond in the rough"!
  13. That's been the goal of Americans since the Pilgrim days, for our next generation to have it better than we did. To a large extent we have succeeded. Recently, at some point in the process we've hit "critical mass" and the next generation having it better may no longer be a good thing. But we're straying off into the political/sociological area aren't we?
  14. For those who were lucky enough to see the game, what caused Butch to get tossed? He's normally fully under control.
  15. If memory serves, Auburn has one of the highest "stipend" rates in the country. I could have gotten through college very nicely with a deal similar to the above. What I had was the G.I. bill and a part time job. I'm not too much in sympathy with the athletes on full scholarship, they should be doing quite well. Those athletes in baseball, softball and other sports that get only partial scholarships are the ones who need additional help.
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