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Fire Tuberville NOW!!


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The Team quit, the coaches had two weeks for this SH@#!!!

I was a supporter - Fire him and the whole coaching staff now!! Don't care what it takes....36-0 deserves the 6 million to get his lazy, pathetic Arse, out of town in a pine box!!!

You don't like what I said...Don't Care - root for BAMA!!

Calm down friend. Your problem can be solved in 3 easy steps.

Step 1.


Step 2.


Step 3.


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I was a supporter - Fire him and the whole coaching staff now!! Don't care what it takes....36-0 deserves the 6 million to get his lazy, pathetic Arse, out of town in a pine box!!!

So you go from a supporter (even amongst rough times) to lining up the crosshairs because of one game? I'm just saying if you were supporting through the other crap, a loss to an undefeated #1 shouldn't be what throws you over the edge.

Though true, it also came during arguably some of the worst years in the history of Alabama football.

Were the nine years that we were beaten our "good/up years"? Usually a streak has a lot to do with the how the opposition is doing. Look at the other records, not just the AU/UA streak.

1. The firing of an O.C. midway through the season. Was he even allowed to run his offense through the current staff? He made the crucial mistake, for our team, sticking with a gimpy QB. Also, he seemed to be a cancer that spread quickly.

3. The players just seem to go through the motions... At times.

4. In one of the worst years of the SEC, Auburn isn't bowl elgible? Sucks

5. Should I name a few coaches who just landed in some programs who have some teams on the rise? Wait until Saban has an inexperienced QB, OL, and thinner DL until you claim they are on such a rise. They peaked at the right time. Houston Nutt, I'll give you, but his teams are schizophrenic..... you never knows which one will show up.

Tuberville may deserve another year and I'll back the program through and through. But to sit here and not at least note some important coaching mishaps here is delusional. I'm watching some big time programs right now... and there is a big difference.. Coaching. There are coaching mishaps for sure. That coupled with execution problems, and the ball just bouncing the wrong way from time to time.

War Eagle anyway.

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You better watch it, Vatz. You'll be accused of being a bammer.

Who called anybody a bammer? I said you sounded like a bammer because you stated the reason for the streak was because they were down, which is the same damn excuse that bammers have been using. Why an Auburn person would make an excuse for them is beyond me though. When you are saying that we beat them six years in a row because it was during some of the worst years of their program, how else am I supposed to take that besides it sounding like you are not giving CTT the proper credit for the streak? Why is if somebody dominates the other, it must be because the other program is down?

Well hell yeah, they were down, because we were keeping them down, despite the fact they had two 10 win seasons in the last six years! Problem was, we did not go for the jugular when we had the chance. CTT took it easy on them when we had them crushed before halftime a couple of times.

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Auburn will be fine. I hope.

But.. I want honest answers...

Is Kodi Burns really our QB for the future?

If he hasn't learned to take some off of his throws after 2 years in college, will he ever? People thought Jason Campbell had trouble staring down receivers.. but in his sophomore year, he was putting up some pretty good numbers. Kodi is sooo suspect to me right now honestly. Maybe it is the offensive coordinator issues.. or the offensive line.. or the wide receivers.. or the running backs. LOL.

My only deal is that I watch the games.. and I see a lot of plays where we have a guy open but he never gets the ball. Or Kodi doesn't go through his reads and quickly decides to dump it to a WR on a 3 yard route.

Actually.. I don't know if I have ever seen so many passing plays that have routes that stay within 3-5 yards of the LOS. Maybe they are designed for Kodi since he has trouble throwing.

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The only thing I know is I've lived through worse, and I'm not even 40 yet. Auburn will overcome, as we have before. We will not, however, act like a bunch of upstate trailor trash. Bone up and take it like a man! Losing sucks, but killing yourself is the biggest cop-out a person can ever fall for.

War Damn Eagle! After 6 years of happiness, I still find myself pretty darn happy....because when I wake up in the morning, I will still be an Auburn Tiger!

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