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  1. Who sits around all day doing this kind of chit? He’s a student, shouldn’t he be studying or looking for some trim? 😂
  2. I didn't say the end justifies the means, but it happened. Biden has been replaced. I'll watch what happens next. Biden was the best man to run against Trump for his sake. Now let's get a pail of popcorn and be entertained.
  3. that the party who replaces their current candidate with a younger more energetic candidate, without change in the other party, will win the election. Well the democrats have come through on their end. What are your expectations going forward? The republicans had a chance to elect someone younger but decided on Trump. Going forward I feel the media will point the "age" spotlight on Trump. It's fair game in my opinion because he could suffer the same Biden issues later on in his potential presidency. Trump's only hope is if he can articulate his plan (policies) in a way that people will understand and get on board. Can he communicate such a plan? Tone down rhetoric and insults? If not, he loses.
  4. Next thing you'll hear is to inject clorox to kill viruses...oh wait a minute...nevermind. lol
  5. I will go out on a limb and state that Biden has gathered with other believers many...many more times than other candidates for the presidency. He may not be perfect but he's following your view of God's commandment on going to church. However, his best presidential days are behind him and he needs to retire.
  6. So you think those are laws from God? Note: The church was not around in the time of Psalms and I don't recall Jesus ever stating that going to church was a requirment. Is it important? Yes. Do I want and like to go? Yes. Is it required? I don't think so.
  7. Do you defy your own urges obey all of God's laws? Also, God's law does not specifically say you have go to church.
  8. The only thing I see wrong in this case you presented is the student is confiding in someone that cannot offer any help other than listening. They can't offer any medical advice because that would be outside their scope and expertise. However, on the flip side, the parents can provide help, as in medical help if needed covered under their insurance, but only if they are aware of their child's needs.
  9. Mike Pence is cut from a different cloth. Actually in my opinion he is a "real gentleman". Walks soft but carries a big stick. A lot like what southern men used to be considered. Tuff as whoop leather and everyone knew it. He doesn't need attention, doesn't call on it. Just keeps his head down, stays humble, believes in God, and keeps chopping wood so to speak. He would be a good leader, mentor and friend.
  10. Has Pence complained about being ignored? Maybe he likes it the way it is.
  11. Okay then maybe this another reason, but what does that have to do with right now? However it appears you’re looking for a specific answer to satisfy your republican hatred. So why don’t you give us the answer you’re looking for and it will save a lot of server memory.
  12. For the record I don't think Pence is a weenie. After four years it was apparent, to me, he was not a good VP match for Trump. But like a good soldier he stayed the course and did his job, stay focused, and steady during those four years.
  13. Why? Maybe Pence liked one of the other candidates better (Haley, DeSantis, etc.) or thinks Trump is too old like Biden, and will write someone in. If Pence thought is was important I'm sure he would discuss it and MSN would be there eager to take notes. Right now MSN is just throwing shade.
  14. When you use terms like POS for Biden it makes me not take a lot of your feedback seriously. Biden is NOT a POS. He is old and feeble, but obviously has done good things for his constituency, and was respected by his peers. Otherwise, he would not have been in his position/s for soo long. However, like a good work horse his glory days are over and it's time to retire.
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