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BRING BACK CLIFF ELLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Whats real funny is that there are some people on here saying how bad an idea it is to bring Ellis back yet post on other threads that Charles Barkley for AU coach isnt a bad idea and they kinda like the thought of it.  Barkley has never even been a coach anywhere, period.  And he hasnt exactly been a great role model or person for that matter.  Did you just ignore the comments he made when AU hired Chizik instead of his black candidate Gill or pretend they never happened?    Come on.... And then there's the guy who keeps posting the internet article he found online over and over on multiple threads anywhere Ellis is mentioned here.  Good job, you know how to copy and paste.  We get it buddy. 

Not trying to be crass, but acting like myself and others who agree with my sentiment are stupid or moronic because we think Ellis would be a good coach for Auburn is ridiculous.  If you dont like the idea, fine, tell me why you dont like it and give a candidate you think would be good.  Being insulting or a smart alec is just unoriginal. 

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"Being insulting or a smart alec is just unoriginal."


You bring up some good points but please take your own advice and chill, bro.  We should all be able to give our opinions and still respect one another and get along.  We're all on the same side, guys!  Not trying to bust on you, man, but everyone should feel free to give their opinions w/o being flamed.

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Other than saying "good job buddy" I thought I already was taking my own advice?

Not a big deal, bro, just trying to keep the peace.  Your opinions are welcome, but it was brought to my attention by others on here that they didn't appreciate what you were saying.  Not trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, just trying to remind you in the friendliest way possible how we do things around here.
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I understand. I think I have been reading these message boards since slightly after this site cam into existence. Maybe this site is older than I think though so I could be wrong.  Either way, long enough that I know that around these boards there isn't foul talk and insults like there is on CBS boards and Rivals, al.com, etc. The main reason I came over to this site to get away from that junk.  I always try and be polite when dealing with others here.  You said that someone brought to your attention this particular post saying that they didnt like what I was saying? Seriously? ...... Have you read thru this entire thread?  PLEASE, if I have said something anywhere that is inappropriate point it out to me. I am not being smart, I am being serious.  If I was reported for something I said on this thread I would really like to know what it is that I said that was deemed "report worthy".  If someone's feelings were hurt or couldn't handle what was said here on this thread I'm not sure how that particular person survives in everyday life. 

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Yes, your post was reported and like I said, it's not a big deal, man.  There's just no need to call people out...  "Good job, you know how to copy and paste.  We get it buddy."  Not all that neccesary, you know?  There is a way to debate and still be respectful towards one another.  It's all good, though, bro.  Like I said, no biggie!

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BHD are you related to Cliff Ellis? My goodness you really want him back... He played the weakest non conference schedule and we go 12-2 or 14-0 or something and then go 6-10 in conference.... Look I too am getting frustrated with Lebo I have tried to support him but after 6 years he hasn't taken us to the next level but if we want to get there going back in time is a bad idea... Let's go look at some of these smaller more successfull schools like Southern Illinois, Siena, Butler, and St. Mary's and see what type of guys are coaching their and see if we can lure these type of guys away. Cliff was ok but he's not worth bringing back to me it would be like bringing terry bowden back for football

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My thoughts on Ellis are that he was the best coach we've had since I've been living and able to remember Auburn Basketball.  First of all, people need to get off the "he got us in a huge hole."  The fact of the matter is that Auburn lost only ONE scholarship when those sanctions came down and Auburn didn't even fight them once they fired Ellis.  That whole mess was a disgruntled AAU coach who thought he should have gotten paid but DID NOT.  The players in the report never even attended Auburn.  Lebo then came in and ran off every single Ellis player with an ounce of talent. 

Now, that's not to say I want Ellis back.  He's 64 years old and on the downside of his career.  He was a great coach, but we can't go backwards with a new arena coming.  We have to look for a coach who wants to OWN the program, the arena, and start a great legacy.  We have to move forward with the program.  Lebo isn't going to do it, its time to find someone who will unite the Auburn family behind basketball.  I truly believe our main problem right now isn't that Lebo isn't a good coach, but he's divisive (I don't think he's a good coach either, btw).  That hurts us all the way around. 

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