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Dual-Threat Rigby

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Dual-Threat Rigby last won the day on January 26 2023

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  1. I believe Cardwell was the nominal 5 in the Broome-Cardwell pairings. So if Turtle has been the backup for him, does that mean Broome has been the starter at the 4? Or is Turtle just the third string 5?
  2. That probably lines up with reasonable expectations. Pettiford is a combo guard and so is Pegues. I wouldn't expect those guys to have preternatural-level floor general ability, which is what I would think would be required to walk into a gym and immediately get the offense flowing. They ran a lot of sets where the initiator hardly had to do much as last season progressed, so we should be able to keep that going to start out this year...until guys feel more comfortable
  3. I don't have any insight into this kid's reasoning, but with HS basketball, recruits will often transfer to programs with other elite level talent just to show that they are that guy. Gives a higher quality of tape
  4. Tbh he could do that, get spanked and still come back to Georgia. Like he's young enough for that eventuality too lol I don't think he'd leave for another 10 years or so though. NIL hasn't been a real problem for them. They're able to field legions of criminals without real interference. The SEC would need like 3 more Texas/Alabama/OU tier programs before UGA is really at threat of missing the playoffs most years. And even with hoping he leaves, he'll likely have groomed at least one high end coordinator by that point like Saban did for him. It'd be nice if they fell off again, but I don't see that happening for a good minute
  5. honestly I'm 25 and watched most of 2010 and most minutia would be lost on me at this point. This I believe is the last possible year for 1999 kids (unless they're like Cam Rising and have 45 medical redshirt years). Hell, even most 2000 kids are gonna be out after this season. No way a freshman would be able to tell you much past highlights of the Iron Bowl or Cam's run against LSU or the National Championship
  6. I don't think you need to have a coach who actively reflects your program's identity to win games (Gus Malzahn, Mark Richt, Nick Saban, Brian Kelly come to mind) but if you can get that same type of "weird" that your program has AND they're good? That's a really nice spot to be in. It'd be nice if Aub ever did get someone that truly coached like they had a chip on their shoulder (kinda like Tuberville or Gus but only against Alabama) and could match the modern program building necessities. None of this post is meant to be a disapproval of Freeze btw - just me speaking in dreams and wishes
  7. he may be the most "Georgia man" that we've had this millennium. He worked under Alabama, which is University of Georgia in many many ways. That man had a contempt for Auburn. It'd be impossible not to with that background I think sometimes we (ardent sports fans) look at these jobs as if they're fundamentally different than other jobs. Everyone in here should be able to name a job that they did while actively hating it. You're very lucky if you never have had one like that. There's different reasons (Auburn being rich as hell is one that comes to my mind) why you take or continue a job even with that being the case
  8. Even though Gus never really figured out the CEO-play caller balance, I did think he figured out how the “give me assistant coaches that can operate well with autonomy” aspect. Unfortunately, many of the offensive coaches still were meddled with as I understand, but I like to think that’s why the floor was always at least respectable for us with him. I think the quality of assistants, and maybe more specifically coordinators, has been very lacking since 2020. I mean Gus had Lindsey, Lashlee and Dilly. The worst coach out of that 3 is probably more valued than any OC in 21-23 (Derrick Nix probably clears Lindsey though).
  9. The lol part for Mike is that he didn’t really give a damn about recruiting (no offense to him) and he was as blase about defense as you could get up until Zach Arnett really did his thing. I also don’t think he really adjusted his offensive philosophy to roster construction particularly often. He was a genius but I can absolutely guarantee you if we had Leach, Auburn fans would want him almost as quick than Harsin. Like I said in the first post, there’s virtually no guys on this level that have tried to excel in as many avenues as Freeze has attempted AND have called plays
  10. TBF, I do think Heupel is the only one who had similar stressors to Freeze. In terms of managing an all time great program, having to rebuild them from dirt, having to recruit at a high level, etc. He's the only one from that list that combines all of the different factors that I think Auburn would also ask of a coach. You can contend that Ole Miss's generally piss poor HS recruiting and reliance on the TP is a trade-off their head coach makes to be so schematically focused. I'm pretty sure Grubbs is actually the play caller for DeBoer. Leach...cmon lol.
  11. Dude's really good if you give him in open space I've found. That seems to be a LOT of RBs, but Jarquez rarely gets caught if he gets the angle
  12. Yeah Bama and OSU are torture to play against online. I noticed a lot of the kids who use them suck, but the level of talent can really catch you slipping. With Alabama, Milroe is just a killer with running. I ran contain heavy, but since the Auburn playbook online runs a ton of 3 man fronts, he just started going up the middle and we had no LBs that could run with him. Oh well
  13. Auburn's DL felt REALLY good from the games I played. Did really good against Michigan and Georgia's running games and got a lot of sacks on Alex Orji and Beck in those games. I can see a 3-3-5 working with them. QB contain is REALLY overpowered if your edge rushers are worth a damn, I'm noticing.
  14. Yeah, I had to drop down to Varsity in RTG. I am also trying the "Classic Passing" scheme rather than the Revamped one. Haven't bought a Madden since 18 myself either. Feels like a fun challenge overall though!
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