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"New Ad Lands a Solid Blow" to Kerry.

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Intel attack ad lands a solid blow

By Boston Herald editorial staff

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

With all the criticism of negative political TV ads - and their potential to backfire - you've got to hand it to the candidate who's willing to put his name on a tough attack ad.

      That voters hear George W. Bush's personal approval of a new ad about John Kerry's attendance record at Senate Intelligence Committee meetings actually adds to its punch, perhaps because such backing is so rare this election season.

      We don't normally get too worked up about an elected official's attendance record at congressional committee meetings. The real work of legislating often gets done elsewhere. But given the weight Kerry himself has given his congressional experience with intelligence oversight and his stated desire to ``reform the intelligence system,'' his record of missing 76 percent of public Senate Intelligence Committee hearings - and every one in the year after the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center - is surely fair game.


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If he could just get the Senate to eliminate that stupid rule not allowing his hair stylist into the hearings, he would be able to make some more of the meetings.

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I wonder how many people in the real world could keep their jobs if they only showed up for work one day out of four? Can you imagine someone with such a poor record putting himself up for a promotion to CEO? In the real world, JF'ing Kerry would just be a bad joke, but in the world of democratic politics, he is taken seriously. How can that be?????????????????

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One might wonder where he was. Could he be doing other important senatorial matters. Could he have been playing golf, fishing, or mending fence with the President while Bush was supposed to be sitting at the White House with a finger on the nuclear button?

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One might wonder where he was.  Could he be doing other important senatorial matters.  Could he have been playing golf, fishing, or mending fence with the President while Bush was supposed to be sitting at the White House with a finger on the nuclear button?

Well, if so, there's an easy way to clear up any misperception. Kerry can authorize the committee to release his attendance records at those private meetings, as Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas), chair of the committee, suggested Sunday on ``Meet the Press.'' :D:rolleyes:

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One might wonder where he was.  Could he be doing other important senatorial matters.  Could he have been playing golf, fishing, or mending fence with the President while Bush was supposed to be sitting at the White House with a finger on the nuclear button?

Well, if so, there's an easy way to clear up any misperception. Kerry can authorize the committee to release his attendance records at those private meetings, as Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas), chair of the committee, suggested Sunday on ``Meet the Press.'' :D:rolleyes:

Dont hold your breath.... ;)

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Selected Quotes:

If anything, the ad understates Kerry's lack of attendance.
"Vice Chairman?" Oops!

In their eagerness to dismiss the Bush ad's charges, Kerry campaign aides claimed that the senator had been vice chairman of the intelligence committee, which isn't true. In fact, former Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska was vice chairman of the panel for several years while Kerry was a more junior member of the panel. John Kerry left the committee in January 2001. He never served as vice chairman, a committee spokesman confirmed to us.

The erroneous claim appeared in several places on the Kerry website, one dating back to January, 2004, and another in a posting Aug. 13 to rebut the Bush ad. It said, "Kerry is an Experienced Leader in the Intelligence Field – John Kerry served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for eight years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee."Kerry senior adviser Tad Devine told Fox News, which first reported the discrepancy, that the campaign would be "happy to correct the record" if needed:

Devine: I'll have to check with the issues people. It was my understanding he was. But if that's, you know -- but if that's not a factual case, I'm sure we will be happy to correct the record.

Two days later the erroneous claim was still appearing on the Kerry website, however. On Aug. 17 The Associated Press quoted campaign spokesman Michael Meehan conceding the error, adding: "John Kerry, Bob Kerrey -- similar names."

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