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Kerry Campaign Attacking Swiftees

DKW 86

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Like the FEC even is a real force here. As long as the Dems get their way, they would break any law on the books.

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If Kerry is this stupid as President, Osama will be celebrating one major victory after another over the United States...

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What this clever flow chart does not tell me is how can these few folks get 255 people to say the same thing. With 65 sworn statements. The problem with this also is John Kerry is starting to get tunnel vision on this issue and is giving this issue more legs than it would have if he were to rebutt the account of events, and then move on and change the subject. It also seems to me that he sat on his arse when Moore's propaganda film hit and soros' move on buddies put out their flattering ads, and the actor of the month got on their soapbox and said negative things about the Pres. What's the old saying "Those who live in glass houses..." Also I would like to see a flow chart on the move on people.

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The Kerry campaign would rather have this sort of things keeping people from taking a good look at his liberal senate record. Remember they started their move toward the center before the convention.

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amazingly, it's still up on the website. I clicked the link, fully expecting it to be gone and needing to resort to the wayback machine or something, but no, it's still there.

Isn't this, like, er, blatantly illegal or something?

No more illegal than a foreign born, foreign citizen, sworn to poverty, in a religious setting giving Million$ to Al Gore on behalf of the Clinton-Gore Campaign in 1996 and the FEC doing nothing about it.

No more illegal than taking money from Druglords and then seeing that their friends and partners are pardoned.

No more illegal than renting out the Lincoln bedroom...

No more illegal than making absolutley forbidden campaign contribution calls on a govt provided phone line from your govt office, See Al Gore.

See for yourself...

It turns out that McCain Feingold did nothing more than force the DNC to become more creative in how they funneled [special interest] money into the election. Of the top 50 (527) and (501) political action organization, 37 of them were formed to funnel soft money to the Kerry/Edwards DNC campaign, 4 are “single issue” organizations, and 9 were recently established to support the Republican ticket in response to the onslaught of [soft money] Bush bashing.

Aside from an estimated $100 million in free help from Michael Moore’s shlockumentary, as of August 15, 2004, (according to IRS filings), Kerry/Edwards are the proud beneficiaries of roughly 88.5% of all [soft special interest money], some $186 million dollars thus far in the campaign, while Bush’s [special interest] funding amounts to a poultry 8.4%, a mere $17.5 million.

As if that isn’t bad enough, almost 18% of that huge DNC sludge fund is provided courtesy of three individuals, Peter Lewis, George Soros and Steven Bing, who have collectively spent a reported $33.4 million to date in an unprecedented attempt to single handedly overthrow the Bush administration by buying the Whitehouse for John Kerry.

Another 27% of DNC sludge money comes from Unions, most notably those Unions that represent government workers, in other words, those people who depend entirely upon the growth of government spending for their livelihood.

For the record, the only 527 of any concern to Kerry/Edwards, (Swift Boat Captains for Truth) doesn’t even come close to making the list. (Though that is likely to soon change)

We have heard the DNC’s calls to silence these Swift Boat Captains loud and clear, but we have not heard a peep from the DNC, John Kerry, John Edwards, John McCain or Russ Feingold, calling for the silencing of the 527’s that will funnel an unconscionable 300 to 500 million in soft money into the Kerry/Edwards campaign by election time. The reason is obvious….

Clearly, without [special interest soft money], there wouldn’t be a Kerry/Edwards ticket.

Fact is the Bush re-election campaign is funded almost entirely by individual voter contributions, mostly under $200. per, and within the $2000. maximum allowed by campaign laws, as it should be.

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