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President Bush is brilliant!


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With a brilliant move President Bush, is forcing Kerry to assail the 527's as a whole when the vast majority of the 527's are decidedly against Bush. Very interesting game being played here behind the scenes.

President Bush has been targeted heavily by the 527 groups for some time now. President Bush and the Republicans have not gone on the offensive about the 527's, but have stated in the past they were wrong. Finally Kerry gets targeted by one that hits a nerve and hurts him and he starts whining that Bush is behind this (a federal offense if true). When is asked to distance himself from the Swift Vet's, Bush responds by saying that he is against all the 527's

Every way he turns, Kerry is scrrewed! :D

Bush calls for halt to Swift Boat vets' ads

‘I think they’re bad for the system,' president says

MSNBC staff and news service reports

Updated: 2:42 p.m. ET Aug. 23, 2004

CRAWFORD, Texas - President Bush says a veterans’ group should stop television ads criticizing John Kerry’s war record.

The president's criticism of the ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth came as Bush denounced all TV ads by outside groups attacking both Kerry and himself on Monday and called for a halt to all such political efforts.

“I think they’re bad for the system,” he said.

When asked specifically whether the ads by the group "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" should be halted, Bush said: "All of them. That means that ad, every other ad. Absolutely."

"I can't be more plain about it," Bush said. "I hope my opponent joins me in condemning these activities of the 527s (political groups that sponsor to ads). I think they're bad for the system."

On one hand, Bush's remarks fulfilled one request made by the Kerry campaign and voiced by Kerry running mate, Sen. John Edwards, on Saturday.  "This is a moment of truth for George W. Bush," Edwards said at a Democratic rally. "We're going to see what kind of man he is and what kind of leader he is. ... We want to hear three words: Stop these ads."

But Bush's comments did not satisfy a broader demand from the Kerry camp and Sen. John McCain, one of Bush's own key supporters, that "the Bush campaign should specifically condemn the ad.''

Meanwhile, the Kerry campaign continued to battle the charges made in the ad — that the Democratic senator had lied about wartime events in Vietnam for which he received five medals.

In a conference call with reporters arranged by aides to the Democratic presidential candidate, Navy Swift Boat officers Rich McCann, Jim Russell and Rich Baker said Kerry acted honorably and bravely and was well-qualified to be the nation’s commander in chief.

“He was the most aggressive officer in charge of swift boats,” Baker said.

Additionally, crewmate Del Sandusky said at a news conference in Harrisburg, Pa., that he personally witnessed the battle action for which Kerry received Silver and Bronze stars and two of his three Purple Hearts.

“He deserved every one of his medals,” Sandusky, a retired computer repairman who drove Kerry’s boat for nearly three months.


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Dang it! I wanted to post this. ABC Radio was waiting on Kerry to answer the Pres right now.


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Kerry will now question his 'timing' on this. And say that he only did the right thing because it makes him look more honorable in the eyes of the voting public.

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Now, all we need to hear is this.

KERRY: "I am so sorry that I allowed people like Michael Moore and moveon.org to froth at the mouth and allow crazy liberals to slander President Bush. Bush did the honorable thing. Not only didn't I condemn them, I used their notions in my speeches. I am responsible for not putting these lies to rest when I had the chance. I am sorry."


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Kerry will now question his 'timing' on this. And say that he only did the right thing because it makes him look more honorable in the eyes of the voting public.

While hoping that the people do not remember that he never condemned Michael Moore or MoveOn.org.

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