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Anyone else out there...


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completely worn out, put out and generally disgusted with both major parties? Surely I am not the only one...and we've got two more months of the political equivalent of gorillas throwing their **** at each other.

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Personally, I love election time. It gives you more to talk about then the normal water cooler talk in which a bunch of whiners want to gossip about their fellow co-worker or how much they can't stand the company they work for. I would rather talk politics then hear all the meaningless whining and griping that normally goes on. :lol:

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I know both sides are doing a fair amount of flinging, but it seems to me that one side made their gorillas eat some ex-lax for lunch. It also seems they have the 'second person gets caught' mentality by claiming a rebuttal or retaliation was the initial incident.

I'm right there with you though, I cant wait until the election is over and I don't have to hear about Kerry anymore.

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