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Bill Maher Blasts White People ‘Culturally Appropriating’ Hating Racism ‘The Most’


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Comic and talk host Bill Maher went after liberals again in Friday’s “New Rules” segment of his HBO show Real Time. In this case, over cancel culture and white liberals “signalling” their “virtue” through outrage.

“New rule: Black people have to demand that white people stop culturally appropriating how mad they are about racism,” said Maher. “It’s great that Caucasians have finally joined the fight against racism in unprecedented numbers, but – hating racism the most? You can’t steal that! Elvis taking Little Richard’s act, that was bad enough.”

Maher talked about the small looped ropes that were put up in a local park in Oakland, which went viral as “nooses” recently.

Though they weren’t nooses, according to the Black man who put them up, Oakland’s mayor wasn’t going to let that “cheat her out of a chance to signal her virtue,” said Maher. “Why is this white woman seeing racism where a Black man isn’t?”

He then went on to give a number of examples of white people “trying to cancel other white people whose heart is in the right place but don’t get it exactly right on the first try.” He brought the Instagram “black square” incidents, comedian and host Ellen DeGeneres being dragged for tweeting about injustice, and people being fired or worrying about being fired for trying to say the right thing and not wording it correctly on the first go.

“No wonder white people right now are acting like a nervous waiter on their first day. So scared of making a mistake they put a fork in your iced tea and a straw in your salad,” said Maher. “We don’t want to chant the wrong chant or hold the wrong sign. Please, it’s all we can do to clap on the right beat.”

“You want to be a good ally, but not too good or you’re being a ‘white savior.’ Use your voice, but don’t make it about yourself! But speak up! Unless it’s your time to just listen. And then silence is violence,” Maher continued, “even though sometimes silence just means someone works two jobs and has three kids. They have baby food on their shirt, not hate in their heart.”

Maher referred to this phenomenon as that of the “guardians of gotcha,” and expressed worry it leads to “re-segregation of sorts.”

“Instead of just seeing a person and not a color, now we’re only seeing color. Maybe this is old-school liberalism talking, but I don’t think that’s the way to go. Let’s hang out, and if I **** up, tell me why, not goodbye,” he said. “It’s a gradual, years-long process. Like Trump descending a ramp.”



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