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Everything posted by AURaptor

  1. I see. It's only irrelevant when I'm proven to be right, but then of course, so what ? Doesn't matter. Trivial. Minor. Stop trying to give cover for Lewis by dismissing his false claim to then turn around and claim ' But Trump .. ! '. Yes. Trump gets things wrong. Yes. Trump lays out red herrings, and makes false claims. But that's not the issue here. Lewis claimed Trump's election was illegitimate. IMO, that's a pretty serious charge. He's yet to back it up. It can't be merely overlooked because Trump then came back and " attacked " Rep. Lewis by saying he's all talk, no action.
  2. He can't even remember the other inauguration he boycotted. I doubt he knows a damn thing. It's pure wishful thinking and grandstanding, that's all.
  3. Gonna take that as being directed towards me... Comparing the civil rights issue to claiming that Trump is illegitimate is pure rubbish. If Lewis KNOWS of something tangible and factual which proves his Trump claim, he's not revealed it yet. Just because Lewis joined in on a valid cause 50 years ago doesn't make him infallible today. He's grandstanding, and nothing more. He lied about having not boycotted any Inaugurations in 30 years. Just as he lied about the reasons for not going to Bush43's Inauguration . he's lying about having boycotted Trump's.
  4. Correct. He tried to bring down everyone to a common, lower economic level.
  5. Like John Lewis & all his Dem whiners who boycotted ?
  6. That is your opinion. And what I stated can't be lying if I believe it to be true. that you don't agree with what I say is one thing, but you cannot call it a " lie ". At most, you can say I'm wrong. You can't be this stupid on purpose.
  7. Elle - Trump did not mock a disabled man If you were going to have rabid, hateful things to say about a man, at least they should be factual and true. Like why I hated Obama and his policies while he was in office. Oh, and the fact that he lied so casually and so easily.
  8. It's picking nits , I suppose, but the current form of govt, based on the Constitution... G Washington did not serve under until he was elected President. He was a general in AN army... just not this one as it existed.
  9. Continental Army... not a US govt thing. But if you want to claim that, then Donald Trump really is the first citizen president – ever! !!
  10. Well yeah, running for offìce IS sorta asking for it... losing autonomy is a trade off, though. And not just for 4 - 8 years either. Trump is the 1st citizen ( non gov employee ) to ascend to the WH since... George Washington. pretty damn historic
  11. It's a mixed bag. The 'salary ' of President , which he has said he won't take, and will donate , vs having to step down from his position in private business, yes. Prestige ? Objectively, he's now part of an incredibly elite # of Americans. So no. But he'll take far more abuse from the media and the public than he would had he remained a private citizen. Power ? No. Being CiC wields enormous power.
  12. Actually, yes. He didn't HAVE to do this. He's 70 years old. He could have just chosen to play golf and jet around the world w/ his model wife. Now, if you really want to take a step down, from a higher pace , like Obama...
  13. That girl from Under the Dome still @ AU?
  14. Anyone catch this yet ? This dropped on Halloween. So far, there are 4 episodes out - on demand - , and a new one ( maybe 2 ? ) airs tonight. I'm finding it enjoyable. So far,TBS has another show coming out, Search Party. I finally started in on WestWorld. Looks interesting excellent. ( I had forgotten that Michael Crichton wrote the original, so many years ago. The guy was ridiculously smart and forward thinking for his time. )
  15. I totally this stat !! And OM is giving up ... 229 ypg on the ground ???
  16. How ? By putting on debates when no one would watch, for starters. And by not giving up $$ to the Sanders campaign, which it was owed. 19,000 + e-mails, and yeah, cat's out of the bag. You want to dig for specifics, and prove every one else wrong ? Maybe phone up the DNC and tell THEM there was no reason for Debbie to resign, and tell all those who boo'd her they were wrong. Good grief.. the denial in this one is strong.
  17. It's all over the damn news, homer. Seriously, give it up. War's over. The cat's out of the bag. The DNC screwed the Bernie voters , WITH INTENT , and there's no way Hillary didn't have some role or knowledge .
  18. So Hillary's reset "overcharge" button did not take with the Russians? I'd say it's time for a new change, don't you?
  19. Also, why would the former Soviet Union NOT want a socialist? If we're to believe the point was to determine our next Prez.
  20. Putin scores? Too damn funny!! the system is rigged !
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