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Posts posted by creed

  1. 1 hour ago, jj3jordan said:

    The point is government door to door campaigns collecting personal data can be improperly used by bureaucrats to subvert the constitutional rights of american citizens. I'm thankful for the opportunity to explain this to you so you will now be aware and will adjust your answers accordingly.  We have wiped out diseases with vaccines that successfully completed extensive years long trials and data analysis. This vaccine has done none of that. It is being released as an experimental vaccine having NOT completed the normal trials a vaccine must pass.  Polio for example we all took as children but this vaccine was tested thoroughly before widespread release.  

    I contend the new Covid-19 vaccine is more rigorously tested and of higher quality than the Polio vaccine from the 1950's. To think otherwise disregards advances in medical science and manufacturing technologies. Plus data gathering and analysis is much more advanced due to computers and applicable software.

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  2. 23 hours ago, homersapien said:

    So, you think having the POTUS side with Putin against the entire intelligence community of the U.S. is normal"?  What about all the private meetings with Putin with no one taking notes?

    Do you really trust Trump Salty?


    You give the past president a lot more credit for being intelligent than I do. In short he's a doofus. He would need a 1st grade guide, notes and pictures in crayon outlining everything for him to even have a chance to implement Putin's plans. LOL

    • Facepalm 1
  3. 17 hours ago, homersapien said:

    Good point.

    Regardless of the hysteria about "teaching our children to hate themselves", this is very much a graduate level theory.

    I agree. This is a subject for a university setting. Also, without specific expertise in the subject, which I seriously doubt any high school teacher is trained, how could they teach CRT without bias?

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    America's Trillions in  "Investments" in Afghanistan over 20 years have accomplished almost nothing and left the U.S  poorer and weaker, so if China wants to give it a try then so be it. 

    That sounds like it's straight out the Trump playbook....lol.

  5. 20 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    oh no! NOT HIGHWAYS!

    You're dismissing this casually, but investment ($$$$) has always been a method of how an outside country/government partners with a host country. Who knows all the hi-level conditions the partner and host country agree to for the $$$$. 

    • Haha 1
  6. I guess this quote is enough to support  a "gut" decision. "Think" and "concerned" are not warm and fuzzy terms for making human life decisions. Very poor messaging.

    “I think they have the capacity to sustain the government,” Biden said, adding negotiations with the Taliban – currently stalled – would likely have to resume. “I am concerned they deal with the internal issues they have to generate the kind of support they need.”

  7. Not how it works at bama and uga. In their case (my perception) it's all built around plausible deniability and follows something like this.

    1. Head coach meets with Resource to talk shop.

    2. Resource follows a script and discusses players and positions, which are talked about in general terms. Head coach says I like this player or I REALLY like this player. Resource takes notes.

    3. Resource meets with Suppliers and talks in general terms and relates which players he likes or REALLY likes. Suppliers takes notes.

    4. Suppliers develop a performance based post career payment scheme for signing and discusses with Handlers.

    5. Handlers meets with Influencer/s and presents the scheme. The $$$ are here and unknown by level #1.

    6. Influencer/s discuss payment plan with final decision makers and executes payment scheme. Handlers and Influencers receive a bonus on signing day.


    Just my highly speculative vision. What is your vision?

    • Thanks 1
  8. Lilly commercial..."the body you are randomly assigned at birth".

    The above doesn't even make sense in a strictly scientific or biological realm. Now some may have a different gender identity from a psychological perspective, but the gender (physical body) is established long before birth. You would think a company of this type would know this scientific and biological fact. Am I looking at this wrong?



  9. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the disarray was to blame for reporters having interpreted a nod by Biden as being a response to a shouted question about whether he can trust Putin.

    "During a chaotic free for all with members of the press shouting questions over each other, the President gave a general head nod in the direction of the media," Psaki said in a statement. "He wasn’t responding to any question or anything other than the chaos."

    ...mind you this is the cream of the cream of the press pool. Not just anyone would have received the nod (pardon the pun) to go to this summit.


  10. 10 hours ago, creed said:

    Instead of all this yada yada yada, someone needs to investigate why Asian countries (where most of the earth's population lives), are far behind in vaccinating their population. What's up with that? 

    As a follow-up where does the WHO play a part in this? I mean, aren't they the WORLD's health organization? Many countries invest big money into this organization to facilitate and execute. Surely, Covid-19 is not part of their mission statement...they need to inform and perform. How would you rate their performance in regards to Covid-19?


  11. On 6/10/2021 at 9:31 AM, aubiefifty said:

    my computer keyboard locked up or i would have answered before. dye was pissed and he eith er said or released a statement that death threats happened most game with most teams and bughole just wanted to embarrass us. and for the record i did not forget the n because i felt like curry had a bug up his arse..................lol. thats funny right there.

    I think Dye had a comeback to Curry that was great. After Curry stated his team was receiving death threats, Dye stated his players were getting death threats too, but he called all the player's parents and told them to stop telling their kids they would kill them if they didn't win...lol

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. On 2/6/2021 at 9:55 PM, SumterAubie said:

    Right. He played fullback in the wish bone. All 3 went over 100 in that game. Beat Boomer Esiason and number 7 Maryland.


    The back that could get north/south in a hurry was Brent Fullwood. It maybe the reason he averaged 7.2 yards per carry for his Auburn career. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    I think he legitimately pointed to facts that add to a fuller picture of the complete problem.
    More facts, The City of Baltimore is tacitly admitting that the school system was not contacting parents, at least at some level. 
    The schools, were advancing kids on, no matter how poorly they did, even if they truly failed. 

    The real issue here is that:
    1) Mom is said to have been working three jobs to make ends meet.
    2) What if she had been making $15/hour, at one, or maybe two jobs? She would likely have had the time to look after her children.
    3) The school system, AND the child, AND the mom failed here.

    What do you propose to fix it? more rugged individualism? The mom needs to work 4 jobs?

    Anyone here got .02 on how to fix this? Are we all just going to shake our heads and tsk tsk this away like we have done for the last 50 years or so?

    Here is my opinion and since I don't have all the information this is possibly could be off.

    There at least 3 factors I see here. There are more but don't have time to elaborate.

    1) Personal responsibility. The student should be going to class. I doubt the mother is saying it's okay not to go to school. Also, once you go to school put your effort into learning and show me (the parents) that you're doing the work. Is the student being taught and held accountable for personal responsibility?

    2) Family responsibility. Just spit balling here since I don't know the entire picture, but there has to be some parenting accountability here missing. How does a kid get by with only passing 3 classes in 4 years without parents raising a fuss until the end. Ask yourself would this happen in your household? I see mention of the mother, but where is the father. A strong engaged father with a good social compass would have nipped this quickly. Parenting is not easy, I understand that, but what's more important than raising your child with good traits including knowing what's right versus wrong, values, responsibility, manners, etc. It's called preparing them for the future.

    3) School system responsibility. Reading this screams of a bad school system that has no accountability. No reporting and no standards...just pass the kids onto the next level...absolutely mind boggling. What's even more hard to believe that no one screamed otherwise until now (or at least that's what I see here). A strong engaged parent leading the household should have held the school systems feet to the fire and asked for accountability. Otherwise, it's just let the school system handle everything and hope they prepare my son the best they can.....it's only his future for being an engaged and valuable contributor to society. 

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