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Posts posted by Tiger

  1. On 12/30/2023 at 6:33 PM, Golden Eagle said:

    Virtually every AU men's basketball fan (including me) is still upset with the way that final 4 game ended.  But in fairness, it wasn't UVA's fault...blame rests with the officials.  If the shoe had been on the other foot, we would have gladly taken the W and moved to the finals just like they did.  Sucks, but it is what it is.

    No dude it's F Virginia 24/7! PUT IT IN THE CREED

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Ranger12 said:

    Nope, I will continue to talk about it because it was a completely ignorant decision. Who at the SEC made the decision and why? What was their reserach based on? Why did SEC head coaches not have more input on that if that is true? Considering the NFL has been using it for years the decision is completely stupid. Is that the sole reason we are losing? No. But you cannot say it is not one of the reasons we are getting drilled right now either.


    Lmao exactly. Like this is some new tech from a far and foreign land. Ooooo it may be unsafe 😂😂😂

    To me it's more disappointing because the guy leading our program made such a poor decision. 

    Does it mean we wouldn't be getting slapped 21-0 right now? Not necessarily but intentionally putting the team at a disadvantage and failing to see that is the worrisome part for me. 


    The year the Rams went to the Super Bowl with Jared Goff, word was that Sean Mcvay was getting the play call in as fast as possible so he could literally make Goffs pre snap reads for him before the mic shut off at 15 seconds. 

    And with the mic not shutting off.... C'mon



    And as @GwillMac6said agreeing to let them use it while we don't was even dumber

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Ranger12 said:

    Totally agree. I don't understand this decision either. GIven the fact that it never is turned off, unlike the NFL, I cannot see a reason to not use it, especially knowing the other team is choosing to do so, thus given them an obvious advantage over our defense.

    Honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Not even like an in game coaching blunder but a calculated decision. I'm floored 

  4. 2 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

    I can kind of see why they elected not to use it.  The team is used to doing it one way all season so it could potentially not be good to change it two or three weeks before the game.  Just my thought.  

    So has Maryland. 

    It is an insane disadvantage. Look at this during the check with me's. It's a whole process instead of just saying it in 1 second into his ear

  5. I can't let this helmet radio thing go. You're telling me.... the coaches intentionally opted to be AT A DISADVANTAGE?? 

    Like, we want to use sign language instead of speaking directly into the QBs ear. I don't see how any coach would ever consider the NFL way of play calling to be more difficult than the college way of signals. And in this case the mic doesn't shut off lmaoooo I'm too inebriated to wrap my head around this 

  6. 16 hours ago, aujohnson said:

    Kentucky went 10-3 and then 7-4 the second with Levis and no legit hardware to show for it. I have no idea what they paid but I’m not sure I see a return. 

    LOL those types of results get you a parade in Lexington my man. Will Levis will probably never have to buy a drink when he visits the bluegrass state putting up 17 wins in 2 years

    • Thanks 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    I think part of it came with trying to make the big play vs just trying to get yards. On the sweep you mentioned, I believe he ended up taking it like 1-2 yards wider than he needed to when he could’ve just cut up the field pretty short on it. 

    I feel like some of it has to be attributed to the ongoing QB “competition”. He did the same thing on a couple of what little passing attempts he had 

    While that's some insight on to why that may have been case it doesn't really excuse it IMO

  8. 1 minute ago, GwillMac6 said:

    I thought ashford was pretty horrible tbh as a runner this season. Thorne though not as fast and quick as ashford did a better job of seeing the field and knowing where and when to run.

    Robby was making wrong reads all year in the running game man. Super frustrating from the "running" QB 

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  9. 4 hours ago, Mikey said:

    The NCAA gave Cliff one of the most unfair shaft jobs ever. If they had been even the least bit reasonable, Cliff might still be coaching Auburn. It was another one of those "OK, we've got to kick somebody, lets do Auburn again" deals.

    Honestly ok with it in hindsight because if we don't spin out as a program after the Ellis/NCAA thing Bruce likely never gets here and our ceiling as a program remains where Cliff had it. 

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