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Everything posted by SumterAubie

  1. So was Auburn not in a scoring lull at any point during the game?
  2. Laughs. It seems every thread, from DEs to the holder, White gets raked over the coals.
  3. Unfortunately those receivers appeared to be running routes not present in the Malzahn playbook.
  4. It sounds as if the bagman needs to visit the gf first, Stidham second.
  5. Yep. And I'll be watching on the 29th.
  6. Has Hand had any experience as an OC? Or any play calling experience? If I recall correctly, Hugh Nall was a good oline coach.
  7. How can you read that into that post, Mike? My response was to the prospect of Hand being named OC. Nowhere is there mention of his development of the oline.
  8. @JwgreDeux thanks for making bringing this information on the game. It makes it a big more enjoyable by knowing ahead of time what to look for during the game.
  9. Strange how some adults in here resort to referring to Auburn's coaches with derogatory names.
  10. I find it amusing someone who is so old his nuts are bound to have lost all function to call someone else 'numnuts'. A septuagenarian version of the pot calling the kettle black.
  11. Not only sounding like Auburn was bad and having no success at all, but will continue to suck as long as Malzahn is the head coach. Maybe the Holy Grail of coaches is out there somewhere for Auburn to hire.
  12. Did Malzahn take over the playcalling? The whole game on offense was a flashback to last year. The 15 play touchdown drive was probably the worst thing to happen, leading Malzahn to believe Auburn could succeed running the ball the entire game.
  13. On the targeting call, it did not help with Davis that the Vandy receiver had pulled up AND Davis appeared to be a good 4 steps away when it was clear the pass was incomplete. At least that is how it looked to me.Targeting or not it seemed to be a late hit on a defenseless player.
  14. These posts and Stat's contributions easily make up for all the other drivel posted in this forum.
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