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Everything posted by 4AUsince62

  1. Morning Afer. Work. How are ya this morning? Family? Got those Christmas decorations up yet?
  2. If he’s like me he has pecan trees and fat squirrels.
  3. There is no doubt, this is the only good response to this particular line of questioning. OK. Next question... :whistle:/> If a tragically poisoned tree falls on a bammer and no one is around to hear, does the bammer make a sound? Yep, squish.
  4. Kinda scary to think of after ol Harv; this time would probably be life and limb. Morning everybody.
  5. Which part? about being fat ,dummy, lol Yep and on call. Gerrrrrr. Could be worse.
  6. If it weren’t for the fork lifts, I wouldn’t be so fat.
  7. That link doesn’t exist.
  8. I hate it for the Seniors. They deserve better. But, I think the message to the PTB is being sent loud and clear. Call on line one Miss Keller. Miss Keller. Miss Keller!............ HELEN!......... HELLO!
  9. Let’s go old school and listen on the radio. Where’s Jim when we need him though? Morning folks.
  10. I was checking to see if I put on my deodorant this morning.
  11. Drac, that sux, sorry man, so been there before. I’m going into my cell and locking the door.
  12. Good morning everyone, and AA, PM coming your way.
  13. OK AA, have I told you the Dijon mustard trick?
  14. Good morning inmates. Good looking little man you got there AA, obviously takes after his mother. Now for the important question, have you picked out his bow yet?
  15. Good morning inmates and congratulations AA. I know there are a lot of happy people in your world right now.
  16. The 5th, I drin…plead the 5th.
  17. They don't make bottles big enough for this year. Really lovin the DVR today though. I'm thinking a sharpie and the ATM logo will be in abundance Monday. Just a suspicion.
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