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Everything posted by tigerrules

  1. Good to see TD in the red zone. Can’t win with just field goals. Another good drive.
  2. Our defense needs to be more attacking. Sitting back and reading and reacting. KJ will be lethal if we don’t keep him uncomfortable.
  3. Couldn’t have drawn that up any better. Amazing what can happen with some protection and a pocket.
  4. This has always been a part of the game with the rivals, and especially in home stadiums. But this continues to get progressively worse. TV contract, playoff money, ESPN, bias towards Nike programs!!! And then there is the SEC league bias towards bammers and puppies. And don’t get me started on NCAA targeted investigations and inquiries, or the lack of. a game can be controlled by holding and pass interference calls/no calls. It happens every week. Beat the bammers and dawgs and you have to beat the refs too. just too much money involved. Very disheartening.
  5. Kirby congratulating our OL coach. Smh why doesn’t this staff seem upset to lose. When my team at work doesn’t perform, it is painful afterwards. Coach harsin has his hands full.
  6. We have had 5or 6 years of recruits to see that, and it hasn’t made any difference. Kids want to go where a staff can develop them into great players. They haven’t seen that from an auburn staff in quite a while. The “Family” approach alone won’t get enough elite athletes.
  7. And for those of us living in Georgia it is very painful. We get it from bammers and dawgs
  8. Auburn seems to hire coaches by reputation and name recognition. Need to hire based on performance.
  9. We all know this answer. Follow the money trail.
  10. War Eagle. Hope this is a building block game. Perseverance.
  11. Let see if smoke and the DBs can live up to the finger wagging
  12. I just love shivers. He plays with such attitude.
  13. Can anyone explain what the Mike Bobo offensive philosophy might be?
  14. Auburn has had the worst passing routes in the history of modern football for the last 5 years.
  15. I am a big tank fan. But he looks a half step slow. Not sure if it is his decision making, read and run style, the OLine or physical. The quickness of hunter and shivers seems to be working better recently. Hoping this changes soon.
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