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Everything posted by tigerrules

  1. We at least flipped the field. Make them earn everything.
  2. The nonstop bammer love is just too much to stomach.
  3. We are dancing in the backfield. Hit the hole and run.
  4. I had to take a few weeks off the site because the negativity this was all causing me was not good. Beat the bammers. war eagle!!!!
  5. Excellent assessment of the state of the team. It all starts on the offensive and defensive line of scrimmage. A Gus offense can be somewhat effective with a good offensive line. With a struggling offensive line it just looks horrible.
  6. That is not being prepared as a staff and also not preparing your QB.
  7. Well. I guess bo, Seth, flash and tank will have to pull this one out. did anybody hear if we had a good week of practice ?
  8. This may be the play of the game so far. Hold them and we probably need 1 first down. Just don’t give up the 25 yard play.
  9. Somebody on defense is going to have to step up. I nominate Sherwood.
  10. And again on 3rd down we throw the ball deep in the backfield. I cannot understand that philosophy.
  11. Offense HAS to respond here and score. Defense tired and being gashed
  12. I think our defense gets confused because they never see a team use the middle of the field at practice.
  13. Arkansas was confused and stunned we didn’t throw to seth. Couldn’t react to flash speed
  14. Bo actually had a pocket on that play, stayed in there and waited. Nice. Need more of that.
  15. Bigsby stays on his feet and keeps running forward. Fun to watch
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