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Posts posted by I_M4_AU

  1. 2 hours ago, Leftfield said:

    The most delusional thing you've ever said.

    Want to say that voting for Trump would keep liberal policies from being implemented, that's one thing. To say he has the country's best interests at heart is objectively absurd. You have a lifetime of evidence as to the man's character. He has done nothing that hasn't served himself. 

    That you can say this after January 6 just blows my mind. Your credibility had already hit rock bottom, and has now started to dig.

    I have 50 years of evidence that Biden is not worthy of leading this country in the right direction.  I will not be voting for Biden and the mission is to remove him from office.  It there was a better option that could also guarantee Biden’s removal, let me know.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

    And you might want to look up the word “patrician.”  I’m just an educated commoner. 😉

    Oh, you got me there.  What can I say.

    1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

    Comer’s been all over it and found NOTHING on Joe he could use, even to try and make him look bad in his sham impeachment effort. That’s not opinion, it’s fact. Facts bounce of you like bullets off of Superman. Comer’s half as crazy as you are, but ultimately only half. Even he finally realized he had nothing.

    So you’re using this as evidence that *you* know what’s on the laptop?  Sounds like assuming to me.  What the laptop does do is raise a lot of questions that need to be looked into, but increasingly, I believe it will never happen.


    1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

    They’re using it in Hunter’s trial to prove, gasp, he’s an addict! Who knew?

    The point that it is being used in a court of law verifies the laptop was and always have been his laptop even though the Dem machines denied it was and still believe it doesn’t contains any pertinent information.

  3. 17 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    You really call a check box on a form a gun law?  How many times a day do you think it gets checked?  How many people say "on no, I can't buy this handgun because I can't check the box!" ?????

    Is it against the law to knowingly lie on a government form?  Is this one about a gun?  The form is doing exactly what it is intended to do and that is catch wrong doers in a lie after the fact.

    17 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    Why would she have turned a legally purchased firearm over to the police?

    Because it is a lot safer to turn it over to the police than put it in the trash in a public area.  That was reckless of her.  If she turned it over to the police and told them of her reasoning it would be similar to a Red gun law that most people agree with would it not?

    17 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    If you want to drug test all purchasers, I can get behind that.  It won't stand a chance with the NRA crowd, who, other than in this case, argue that the checking of that box is unconstitutional. 

    Yes, the constitutionality of it all is in question, which makes this case more political theater in the news cycle.

  4. On 6/8/2024 at 12:36 AM, AU9377 said:

    Lying about having conversations with his son and brother about business is somehow more important to you than a sitting President lying to the American people by claiming that he won the 2020 election? 

    Yes, the 2020 election was certified and Trump, to this day, believes he won.  It doesn’t make it true as Biden is the president.  Trump’s ego has always stepped on itself.  Biden lied and when it has been proven he lied he backtracked just a little until that was proven to be false.  They are both liars, but which one has the best interest of the country at heart.  For me, it isn’t Biden.

    On 6/8/2024 at 12:36 AM, AU9377 said:

    More important than his conspiring to overturn the valid results of the Georgia election? 

    Unproven and the court case will not be heard before the election.  Fani isn’t doing too well. 

  5. 10 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    Trump's family hasn't benefited from his service to the government?  Really?  Jared Kushner started an investment firm for that very reason.  Ivanka and her Chinese patents.  I could go on and on.  You are upset that Biden family members used the family name to open doors and make money.  I get that, but I have no idea how that could ever be illegal.  There is no evidence that Joe Biden leveraged his office.  He isn't an ideal candidate by a long shot, but facts are facts,

    You took the comment out of context and forgot to add *for the last 50 years*.  That makes a difference.  I also can’t believe how selling dad’s influence could be illegal.  I can think of several reasons why.  One would be having an Ukrainian official fired because he was investigating the business his son was involved in, but of course that is hard to prove.

  6. 12 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    I give up. This is la la land Trump-style inventing stuff to suit you.  I mean - you’re not kinda wrong, you’re 100% wrong. Which is a rare … achievement. There were many warnings that went on for months.  There are zillions of articles everywhere. Wow.


    Do you still believe who was president was still irrelevant?

  7. 25 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

    From the Senate Intelligence Report vol. 5

    The Committee found that Manafort's presence on the Campaign and proximity to
    Trump created opportunities for the Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and
    acquire confidential information on, the Trump Campaign. The Committee assesses that
    Kilimnik likely served as a channel to Manafort for Russian intelligence services, and that those
    services likely sought to .._exploit Manafort's access to gain insight info the Campaign. Taken as a
    whole, Manafort's high-level access and willingness to share information with individuals
    closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik, represented a grave counterintelligence threat.

    They found tons of ties to Russian intelligence.  It was an obvious conclusion that Russia had one candidate that they wanted to win.  Trump.

    Evidently this information did not rise to the level of a bullet point in the *Findings*, so we can file this under an also ran that was lost in the report.  But it does give you something to talk about.

    ETA:  what does it prove?  Manafort was involve with the Trump campaign from July to August 2016 so this is probably true, but what will it matter in the end?

    • Facepalm 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Why are you struggling with facts like this?  If you don’t remember please watch word for word and tell me where the disconnect is.


    He says this *days* before Russia invaded, DAYS.  Russia was building up troops on the border for months.  It like know there is a border crisis at our southern border and not doing anything until 5 month before the election and that something amounts to nothing.

    One weak SOB.  Hindsight is 20/20, we need a president that can see developments before it happens.

    • Haha 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

    He's not negotiating to leave Hamas in power. He's negotiating to stop the attacks so more innocent Palestinians aren't killed. You are not going to be able to kill every member of Hamas. You just aren't, so the best way to "fight" them is to isolate them politically with world support. Israel had that support at the start. Unfortunately, with every Palestinian civilian killed, the world pulls further away.


    Has Qatar given him permission to do that?

    His negotiations will leave Hamas in power.  Is it that hard to know that Hamas counts on Palestinian being killed to garner the sympathy they desire?  That is why thy are hiding ammo and arms among its citizens which, by the way, is a war crime.  If Hamas is eliminated, maybe the Palestinians could be saved.

    Why wouldn’t they give permission?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

    And once again, it was advantageous for him not to at that time. Trump was doing Putin's work for him by weakening NATO. His whole fear was that Ukraine would become part of NATO, so why make a move if Trump might exit it? When Biden was elected, he knew Biden would never leave NATO. That, coupled with what @auburnatl1posted, meant that he had to move before Ukraine could become a member (though obviously I disagree with him on who was President being irrelevant).

    Weaking  NATO?  Trump got the NATO nations to pony up, which was his criticism of them.  Trump would not have left NATO and that had nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine IMO.  There is a far cry from America never leaving NATO and that being the reason to invade another country.  That doesn’t even make sense.

    As soon as Putin saw the surrender of Afghanistan and Biden’s agreement to let Russia complete Nord Stream 2 so Russia could deliver gas to Europe without going through Ukraine (all Biden’s policies) the deal was done.  It is a simple as that.  It is also funny that Biden subsequently blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline as retaliation.  The man truly is an idiot.

    Did I mention Russia positioned troops along the Ukrainian border and out current president did nothing or even mention it as a threat.  He also said as long as its a small invasion it would be alright.

  11. 16 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    There’s so many things wrong with this I don’t know where to start - so let’s just try your 1st point - Putin’s timing for the invasion (who was president was irrelevant). Please read up on issues first before you go off.


    Explain how this is relevant when Russia invaded Ukraine in Feb of 2022.


    7 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

    How on earth can you believe that "he is completely satisfied to allow a bully (Hamas) win by pressuring Israel to capitulate to Hamas....?"  That is absolutely without any factual basis whatsoever.  That is the opposite of what he has actually said and done.  Whoever you are listening to that is selling that line of thinking, you should run from.   Biden has called for the complete destruction of Hamas and has pledged support for Israel time and time again.  Support doesn't mean that you can never question the ally that you support or that you cannot seek out a peace deal.

    There is literally nothing the man  could do that you all won't take and twist it for political gain... nothing.

    Negotiating to leave Hamas in power is NOT supporting Israel.   You can’t spin that into something that is other than supporting Hamas.  Why does he not go after Hamas leadership in Quatar?  Why is it always Israel that has to capitulate?

  12. 11 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

    No. Just as usual you don't bother looking beneath the surface.

    As a number of us have said, wind and solar are preferable because they don't generate toxic waste, but the majority of people fully understand help will be needed before we can get to a completely (or close) sustainable grid. Long term, sure, we may be able to go without nuclear, but even though it's needed now it's not something you push as the primary energy source, not just because of the waste but also the reason outlined in the article.

    Why are Germany dismantling all their nuclear reactors?  As Creed pointed out, the Sierra Club amoung others will have a say.  It is lovely when two far left groups have opposite views.  Like the clash of pro-Hamas and Queers for Palestinian in the protests this past weekend.

    There are reports that solar panels do create toxic waste.


  13. 48 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    if we disagree with their current policy and believe if it puts them further risk, are we  really “undermining them”?

    To add to the above; if we openly call for the removal of a duly elected PM, as Schumer did on th Senate floor, and publicize peace negotiations without the consent of Israel; you better believe we are undermining them.

  14. 37 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    With regards to Ukraine, Putin’s bet is that Trump/maga win the election and we fold.

    Total BS.  May I remind you Putin didn’t invade Ukraine until Trump was out of office..


    38 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    With regards to Ukraine, Putin’s bet is that Trump/maga win the election and we fold.

    Was this his strategy when he first invaded Ukraine?  I don’t think so.  Will it come to pass, maybe, we will have to see.


    40 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Their economy is cracking due to the sanctions and sheer cost of the war

    And USC will wilt under the humidity in the Deep South when they play Auburn.   So now the sanctions are working?  China is still getting fuel from Russia and they have created an alliance.

    43 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

     If Biden wins imo Putin will bail and try to negotiate a cease fire within 3-6 months.

    Why should Putin negotiate, what pressure will Biden exert that he already hasn’t?  Putin doesn’t care how many people he loses, its the Russian (and Hamas) way of fighting.  Put pressure on the American public to stop the conflict, its worked since the Viet Nam War.

  15. 26 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

    Shhhhh...don't tell the skeptics. They think environmentalists only want wind and solar because they secretly want to destroy society so Mother Earth can live.

    You guys have been keeping is a secret.  Not well publicized, all that is said is Germany is shutting down their nuclear reactors and the climate cultist alway spewing the advantage of solar, when the sun is shinning, and wind turbines, when the wind is blowing.  Hope it is successul and the evironmentalists don’t get in the way.

  16. 8 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Again, I lived in Israel (probably 25% of my  Facebook friends are Israelis) and FULLY support them.  My issue is that their current policy will screw up far more than it will fix  in the long term -  while pointlessly/unethically generating a massive civilian Gaza body count (guaranteeing even more radical Muslims in the coming decade). IMO It’s self destructive moronic.

    Why is so hard to understand that it is possible to both 1) support and disagree with Israel (that’s how any good marriage works), AND also support a democratic European Ukraine who is being existentially invaded by a dictator bent on Attila the Hun conquest (and might just be getting  warmed up on conquest)?

    I can tell you that Germany, Japan and Italy do not feel that the total conquest of their country somehow has tainted them toward the allied front.  I believe the people of those countries came to believe their leadership was leading them in the wrong direction.

    Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah et al death to Israel and death to America countries will alway be radical and any action that America takes will not change that one bit.  It is, in reality, giving in to the terrorists to believe it will.  Appeasement seldom works in the ME.

    You can support Israel, but Biden is undermining Israel at the same time.  He is sowing doubt in Israel’s population and offering a cease fire with Hamas remaining in power.  A non starter as it should be.

    What would be a good exit strategy for the Ukraine conflict?  Obama gave away some parts of Ukraine back in 2014.  Does Ukraine control what would be acceptable or does Biden’s ego drive this thing? 

  17. 1 hour ago, AU9377 said:

    This is what I have been trying to tell people from the beginning.

    Then why have gun laws at all if they are going to be ignored?  If Hallie Biden had used common sense and turned the gun over to the police, if she feared for her family, this would have been avoided.  I wonder why she didn’t do that, maybe the Biden name had something to do with it.

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