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  1. I have not heard anything publically threatening HAMAS to acquiesce to a cease fire. Everytime it gets close to a deal, HAMAS backs down.
  2. Not the point. A lot on the left criticize Republicans for who they picked as their candidate saying Republicans had a wide open field and settled on him. Same goes for Dems. You mentioned earlier that the incumbent is usually not challenged, but now that the incumbent has stepped down, presumably because he would have lost, they had a wide opened field and chose the most unpopular VP in modern history.
  3. You are good at those Democrat talking points.
  4. When was the last war that a country has provided humanitarian aid to the country they are trying to defeat? Harris, after her meeting with Netanyahu: This is a far cry from retconing the border czar (I take no responsibility) to telling Netanyahu to accept the cease fire agreement. Biden stated in his speech the other night he wanted to get the hostages released and now Kamala is acting if she is the president. This must confuse our allies. No one is asking for her to be silent, but she might let Joe do his job. You know, give the man the opportunity to do the right thing before she takes over the world. Why wouldn’t Biden and Harris get after HAMAS to accept Israel’s terms? Well, because HAMAS would no longer rule and that would be a good thing.
  5. Sooooo true and people will still vote for this madness because of Trump. What a world we live in.
  6. At least it wasn’t a moving violation, but they sure have picked up the pace of the arrests: Georgia wide receiver RaRa Thomas, otherwise known as Rodarius Thomas was arrested July 26th at 3:20 AM for three counts of Cruelty to Children in the 2nd Degree, and three counts of Battery - FV. It's RaRa Thomas' second run in with the law during his time in Athens, he was arrested on charges of Family Violence and False imprisonment back in Janaury of 2023, however, those charges were inventually dropped. And who is writing these articles?
  7. Are you serious? After all the statues defaced and/or removed because some of our founding fathers held slaves, you give her ancestors a pass and by extension, her? The libs have feasted on the sins of your father should be brought to bare on the living. It throws the reparation debate to another level. Irony knows no bounds.
  8. Do you find it interesting that the Dems, virtually, could have gone with a wide variety of choices and chose the most radical to run against Trump? They could have chosen Andy Beshear from Kentucky and the election would have been over. Has the Democratic Party swung so far left that moderates don’t stand a chance?
  9. You’re being too kind when you say quasi.
  10. Ding Ding Ding. Decision post adolescence is, of course, their choice and are mature enough to understand what is involved. Prepubescent decision making of a child that can be easily manipulated is the issue. People and companies that have had years of trust built are using that trust to influencing the young. It is similar to preists and clergy using their position of trust to manipulate children. Both are reprehensible.
  11. Did we do this with regard to the Chinese Spy Balloon? Did we hack what was sent back to China from the balloon after, of course, the WH admitted the existence? You know Biden shot down some students science project at one point during the time the Chinese Spy Balloon was sending information to China. This act sort of destroys any *yeah, it was better to just let it go as we can gain infor from it* mantra.
  12. No one expected her to issue EO’s, her job was to advise Biden of what was the root cause of illegal immigration. Have you seen any report she completed to advise Biden what the root cause is? I did hear her say something about climate change was one of the issues. She is not a serious person.
  13. It’s pretty simple; that bill would have allowed somewhere between 4 and 5 thousand immigrants in per day and would have handcuffed any incoming administration. It was the ole *well its better than what we have today* argument. That should not be the baseline. It did have some strong language in it, but that is just the bait and switch that is the reason some laws are passed. More realistic than an AR-15 buy back, but I digress. I’m not sure about this, but it is your opinion. Wasn’t this supposed to be addressed by the Border Czar? Does she ever finish what she has been tasked? All can be deterred by securing the border. These are not being handled by this administration.
  14. What is her stance on illegal immigration? Does it mirror Biden’s? Is she not a partner in the mess we have right now? Come on. Mayor Pete has mentioned several times roads are racist, so I would guess he does choose location for bridges. I hope she picks him for her VP.
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