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Everything posted by rockfordpi

  1. Don't you realize that the REC also controls the feds and the courts in addition to the NCAA? It is a top secret conspiracy greater than the fake moon landing, roswell, area 51, the Kennedy assassination, and the COVID vaccine combined. They spend millions and millions, and risk jail and millions and millions more, just to foil the dreams of every AU fan. They control the media, they even secretly run one of the AU Internet site and have agents embedded in other sites as administrators, moderators, insiders, and popular posters. I can't identify those out of fear for my life, career, and/or being banned from those sites. Meanwhile, the AU family rationally toils along, all united and pulling together, always doing the right thing with the best interest of the AU family in mind, and when things go south for us, it is always the doing of the REC. Insert Sheldon's sarcasm flag here.
  2. Trying to reason through this a bit, without emotion or any hard evidence, just based on logic and the past. In terms of CGM, in addition to the PTB, there was a very strong grassroots movement, a mandate, pushing for CGM to be fired based simply on the teams performance and trajectory. I am guessing, if they had a vote, the majority of the common rank and file fans (excluding me of course) also wanted CGM gone. The PTB had the overwhelming support of the everyday fan and still they barely pulled it off. In this case, while not pleased with the season, I doubt a majority to the everyday fans (including me) would vote to fire CBH (of course there is a faction on fanatics that want to fire the head coach any time the team does not live up to their irrational expectations and foolish boasting, but I do not think those represent the majority at this point). Though certainly not happy, there was no mandate from the fanbase to fire CBH as was the case with CGM. The PTB have a lot of money, and strong opinions, but they are also not stupid. Given the past, would the PTB be foolish enough to roll the dice on fabricated and embellished stories in an attempt to remove CBH without any hard evidence or a strong grassroots support? I do not know, but my guess is that they would not. Even if they were scumbags, I think they would be smarter than that. Aside from the moral/ethical issues, the PTB are wise enough to know that if they get into a urinating contest with CBH, without any hard evidence, and they lose, they will only empower CBH and make it that much more difficult to fire him in the future (as jetgate did for CTT). The other option is that there is truly a problem of which the insiders and PTB are aware and they are moving not from a bruised ego or power struggle, but because they think it is the right thing to do for Auburn. Discounting emotion and without additional data, affirmative or negative, this is the solution to which I think logic and reason slightly favors at this time.
  3. Yes and all the UT Grads in the DA's office, police dept, AG's office (Young lived in Memphis), covered up the fact that the REC had Logan Young knocked off because all of these UT grads wanted to protect UAT because, well, I forget the logic why/how it goes from there, but I know the REC did because I read it on an AU forum, one of the most objective sites to get info about UAT.
  4. I grew up near Columbiana Alabama and there was this long standing joke that the Devil had not been to Columbiana in over 100 years. He would just stop at the top of the overlooking mountain and see that the locals were already being quite effective at achieving HIS objectives and move on to the next town where he could make a difference. We don't need any help from UAT, we are perfectly capable of causing this type chaos all by ourselves. The problem with blaming outsiders for ALL of our problems is that the true cause is never really addressed, we just blame it all on this mysterious dark force.
  5. "We have met the enemy and he is us" Walt Kelly's Pogo. This has been the first quote in my signature line for the last 15 or so years, going all the way back to the Auburn Eagle days.
  6. To paraphrase a quote I once heard: Just because a person has hair like Einstein doesn't make him a genius Just because a coach is an a-hole doesn't make him Nick Saban
  7. You are correct, those are two separate issues, the CGM thing is a matter of opinion and "reasonable person" is relative. However, my point there was not to debate the firing, but rather to say, even though it is not what I would have done, I am 100% on board with CBH as we all should be until we see some solid evidence otherwise (other than a bad first year which "reasonable people" should have expected.
  8. There are powerful people out there with a lot of money and larger egos. They want to have their way and they are willing to do things to hurt AU and anyone who stands in their way if that is what it takes to get their way. One such example was the unfounded rumor a couple of years back that CGM had agreed to lesser buyout to keep his job. If you look closely, deeply, you will find more. These people have media pawns and even forum posters to promote their agenda. I have said multiple times, I was not if favor of firing CGM. However, for some reason, nobody asked me, LOL. Regardless, CBH is our coach and we should all be 100% behind him until such a time there is evidence, beyond a disappointing first year, to do so. I know not what is going on, there may be a real problem with CBH. There may also be people manufacturing evidence to get their way. We need to search for the former and be very wary of the latter. We can't allow the latter to rule our actions and loyalty.
  9. Above is a very spot on post. Hypothetically, it goes like this, fans are unhappy with coach, beg (figuratively if not literally) boosters to help buy him out. Boosters provide resources to do same. Search for new coach begins, the press and the fans tell the boosters to sit down and shut up, you shouldn't be meddling in the hiring process. AD makes a terrible hire with no input from boosters. Program goes to Hell, then again fans and admin are going back to boosters for more $ to buyout the coach. I have to wonder how many fanatics would, if they were multi-millionaires, invest in a system like above. We want your money, not your input, but when it all fails, we want your money again to fix the problem? The Boosters wanted Kevin Steele. The fanatics didn't because they just knew we were gonna get Bill Belichick, Urban Meyer (or someone off UT's historical dream list). That said, I am 100% opposed to boosters interfering in the day to day operations, but realistically, they are not going to continue to shell out $$$$ without some input to the overall direction of the program. Disclaimer. I was opposed to firing CGM and I was Opposed to hiring CBH. However, CBH is OUR COACH and I will support him until there is some good reason (other than rumor or innuendo). I hope the AU family will do same, though I am convinced that a loud faction of our fanbase will never be satisfied and continue to push us toward the UT model of a new coach every 2-3 years.
  10. Yeah, those guys who have never played or get to play are always better than the ones that have, especially the QB's.
  11. I thought it was a mistake at the time to fire CGM, I do think he will be successful at UCF. I thought it a mistake to hire CBH. However, those decisions have been made and CBH is Auburn's coach and I stand behind him 100% (as it relates to AU football) and hope all other AU fans will as well. However, there are some unrealistic fans who will not be satisfied until they get us on the UT plan where we keep the coach on the hot seat and have a new coach every 2-3 years. These are the ones who think the AD can wave a magic wand and get any coach he wants to come to AU and then that magic coach can wave his wand and get any recruit he wants. Not at all saying we should not be right there with UGA and UAT. I am saying there are no magic wands, no shortcuts, it will take time and hard work to build the program to that level and whomever is the coach, we have to give him the time and freedom to do it. FWIW, I thought it a mistake to fire every AU football coach since CDB, except CTB. In hindsight, it may have been time to move on from CGM. Not because CGM was not a good coach, but because the fanbase was so splintered over him that some selfish/idiotic AU people were actually working against him and were willing to hurt AU just to get rid of him.
  12. Or Maybe Some of Kyle Frazier's, or Joey Gatewood, or Jeremy Johnson, _______________________ fill in the blank with all the other birds in the bush, backup better than the starter, hyped up recruit, or flavor of the month.
  13. I agree. To me that is the free market, not extortion. For most people, If someone sends word that they are willing to pay them double what they are currently making, they would probably ask their employer to match it and/or leave. For a lot of people on this site it is an emotional thing, for the coaches it is a rational thing, a career, a job, a profession, a business. We love to judge things in hindsight. What if the AD had let Gus go, then Gus beats UGA and leaves and the wheels run off with the new coach in the bowl game? Obviously that did not happen, but the AD at the time did not know that.
  14. Yes, and Stubb hub charges at least 25% service fee. I will just take cash and my phone, LOL.
  15. Pre-Covid I went to most of the home games. Tomorrow will be my first back since before covid. Are there no paper tickets anymore? I am confused, I read somewhere that only digital tickets are accepted but also see pics of physical tickets. Guaging and playing the market and buying tickets outside the stadium was always part of the experience for me (and a good economics lesson for the kids). So, when I get to the stadium, will there be "resellers" (being PC here, LOL) outside selling tickets like before or do I have to do everything on my phone? I read somewhere where all digital tix must come through stubb hub, yet I also see AU tix on multiple other online tix sites.
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