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Posts posted by Butthead

  1. 2 minutes ago, Viper said:

    THIS cannot be overstated enough.

    Pay Prime 9M/yr and you won’t have to worry about paying another average HC 15M to GTFO.

    Amen.  Or give him $8 with some really fun incentives.  $2 million for each recruiting title.  $2 for a SEC title.  $5 for a natty.  And $500K for every touchdown you beat Midget and Bowlcut by.  

    As other have said, Midget is way underpaid.  Hell, how many Prime AU shirts do you think the University sells the first month?

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  2. 23 minutes ago, aucanucktiger said:

    For those giving any energy to the "Neon for President" farce, did you vote in elementary school for the student prez candidate that promised Coke from every water fountain?

    Comical.  If he had not proven that he can lead men, I might agree with you.  But he has.  There are tons of examples of former star athletes (NBA, NFL) attempting to be high-level coaches.  Some succeed and some fail.  The ones who succeed generally have great leadership and organizational skills and the ability to relate to players (see Bill Russell).  The ones who fail seem to be missing one or more of these skillsets (see Mike Singletary).  Of course, there are many other examples.  Prime seems to be Category A.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    High risk equals either high reward or absolute disaster. Nobody knows how any given coaching hire will work out, and that includes Sanders. 

    Absolutely agree.  A calculated risk to be sure.  But IMO, with the importance of marketing and NIL now, Prime is the best bet.

  4. 44 minutes ago, DAG said:

    No. No quality coach would’ve wanted to come to Auburn as the basketball program was comparative to Vandy level in football. We could afford a risk hire under those circumstances, no questions asked because we were at our lowest.

    However, every coach named is a risk for the football program. All this to say, the comparison between the basketball program and current football program is not equal. 

    Completely disagree.  We are told that Grimes and Prime are 1a and 1b.  Grimes, while a solid potential hire, has no head coaching experience.  Auburn pays very well.  Are you saying we could not have gone out and hired nearly any assistant in the country as a head basketball coach?  I am sure they are a few 'in waiting' guys out there at Kansas or another blue blood, but all want a shot.  We could have certainly hired most of them.  Instead we gambled and it paid off.  Auburn football is now last in the SEC west -- if we played every SEC team this year the only certain win would be Vandy.  Our roster is FUBAR after this season.  Our recruiting is ever worse.  And nearly every position coach will likely be gone next year.  It's time for something risky and imaginative.  It's Prime time.

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  5. During our last basketball coach opening, we could have chosen a solid hire.  Maybe even a very good hire.  Instead, Auburn took a big risk and reaped big rewards.  It's time to replicate that model for football.  Midget is 71 and his run is coming to an end.  It's Prime time.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Let's look at this a different way. Let's take 3 of the most talked about candidates.. Grimes, Deion and Freeze.. Which one has the highest probability of causing  us to kick ourself 5 yrs down the road for not hiring him. Kinda like we do with Kirby now. That may tell us who we need to hire

    Prime has least risk and biggest upside of these 3.

  7. Prime is the ONLY potential candidate that significantly moves the needle in terms of recruiting, marketing, and NIL.  Kiffin moves the needle, but nothing to this extent.  We would be THE story on ESPN for months.  Hire a bad ass AD and get this fricking thing done.

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