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Everything posted by LKEEL75

  1. Not advocating for it. I agree there are other options. I appreciate the vote in my intelligence level though. Back to topic. I am just saying that in previous years he has had to be running for his life and only gets a few opportunities where he has an option to not throw into DBL coverage or any number of bad options. Not advocating for this nor do I condone, but I can definitely see the lack of route trees and doing the best he can with what he is given. If there is a better option then GREAT. I don't care who starts as long as they given options for good decisions and make the best decision they can.
  2. and such should be the end of discussion around starting QB. All this other is just not for this thread
  3. and such should be the end of discussion around starting QB. All this other is just not for this thread
  4. Sure they do if he is running for his life and just trying to make a play that may possibly be better than a 15 yard sack
  5. Not sure what any of this CV19 talk has to do with Harsin selecting a QB.
  6. I am NOT a fan of this. I know the younger generation approve but I am of the school to "act like you have been there and will be back" ala Mr Sanders.
  7. Thanks for the compliments. The vastness is quite breath taking at times. I didn't get any actual Rally pics due to timing. That is funny how some people travel all over the country/world while others never leave their county.
  8. So I made it to the Black Hills of South Dakota on Saturday. Trip went fine except the hills really did a number on my MPG. Ended up around 9.6 for that section of the trip. But the scenery was amazing. Saturday was also the last day of the Sturgis Rally so most folks were already heading home. I can't tell you how many bikes, campers & toy haulers I saw on the road. I heard estimates of 800,000 people made their way for the event and I have no problem believing it. All in all, it took about 9 hours to get here from Greenwood due to gas stops & such. First couple of pictures below are of my drive. I know.... I know... Moron driving and taking pictures. But seriously there was nobody around me on interstate. The views were amazing. I had been seeing these extremely long objects being hauled on semi trucks in NE. When I say long I mean likely 120-150 feet long at least. I kept thinking the only thing they can be is windmill blades. Well sure enough as I came into SD I started seeing some windmills with these blades attached. I never knew they were so large. And for my dear cousin @Davie, they have farms with fields as far as the eye can see that are nothing but sunflowers. It was quite a sight. Got up Sunday morning and hit the road on the bike. The only word I can use is WOW. Went through the wildlife look of Custer Park and then on over to the Devil's Tower in Wyoming. So to put this in more story mode, I need to back up just a bit. Last week I was loading my bike and ended up dropping it. The ramp to load into the back of my camper is very steep and it bottomed my bike out. Well there isn't enough traction on the door for the bike to push it's way in so I rolled back to get a better run. When I rolled back, the bike ended up falling over and I broke 70% of my clutch handle off. I bought a new clutch handle but after seeing the cost of the handle and the effort to put it on. I decided that I would just return the handle and ride the way it is for today. This will come into play more in a few minutes.... Driving around Custer Park was amazing. Lots of pictures in the next post. However, about an hour into driving around curves and such at 20-40 mph, I started to really think about my decision with the clutch. The pictures below show some burros, rams and nice scenery. The rock in pic below was like compressed silver. I picked a piece and put in my pocket. By time I got home the top layer had peeled off in my pocket. It didn't break just peeled off. I stopped at my first bar for the day as I came out of the park. It was called Mt Rushmore Brewery. The had several craft brews that I wanted to try so the responsible side of me just ordered a flight. I also ordered an elk burger. The beer was great. The food was amazing. I sat and talked with some guys from West Virginia while I ate and such. They had just come in for the last couple of days of Sturgis and were going to be around a week. Very cool guys. Left there and decided to head to the Devil's Tower. What an amazing ride. Go from winding roads to LONG, flat, straight stretches. It was very odd as the speed limit on these 2 lane roads was 70 so everyone is doing 75 or higher. Cover a lot of ground in a hurry this way. But still amazing scenery. I wasn't actually sure about the Devil's Tower but the name alone caught my attention. Turns out that it is a HUGE mound of lava. There are conflicting stories about whether this was from a giant volcano that has eroded over the years or if it was just lava pushed out of the ground and created this formation. They estimate that the lava is around 50 million years old and has only been exposed to the elements in the last 2 million years. This seemed like a great spot to stop and have a beer at Devil's Tower Gulch. They were very friendly and very kind to explain where the nearest gas station was. Great luck that it was only 9 miles away as I was getting close to having to push. More about this in just a second. Left the Gulch and started on my drive back (124 miles). As I am going along I came through a LITTLE town that literally had 5 houses and 2 bars. My kind of place. Of course I had to stop of a beer and see what the local life was about. Sat down with Jeff and discussed his entire life history over a bottle of water and a single beer. He had not been far from the area his entire life. Never been outside of SD\WY area. I asked about the 15 on the sign and he said he actually didn't live in town but said all 5 houses did have families living there, so 15 may be a little low. BTW I can make friends anywhere I go.... On the road again. Can't wait to get on the road again.... As I am about 10-15 miles down the road, I look down to see my speed and my speedometer says 0 and my odometer is no longer displaying anything. Well this of course freaks me out so I pull over. Being a computer guy, the answer is always reboot. That did not fix it but the bike was at least running. Now most people are probably thinking "whats the big deal". Well as some who are reading this know, my gas gauge also doesn't work so the only way I know when to get gas is to keep an eye on my odometer. I get about 150 miles to a tank of gas. Anything over 160 and I know I am pushing. Well I have no odometer, no speedometer nor a gas gauge now. Oh and did I mention that my forearm is in spasms from using 1 finger to pull the clutch in all day. All of this made for a very interesting ride back to the camper. I think it was around 80 miles but who knows. All in all... Great day for a ride. Was a very good ride. Lots of new people, places and things. Yes I had bike troubles but will hopefully get that resolved this week and more stories coming soon. Total mileage for the day: ~300 miles. Time gone from door to door of trailer: 10.5 hours Pictures: Windmills and beautiful scenery Davie's sunflowers Packed campground I am staying at (it has since drastically cleared out) Custer Park - Wild burros; Rams; Some really cool rocks and more great scenery People were stupid around these burros. Just walking right up behind them and rubbing them without any disregard Mt Rushmore Brewery (and their keg toilet) More vastness Devil's Tower & The Gulch First picture of the tower, I am 2 miles away from where the 2nd picture is taken. 2nd picture is still several miles from the tower. Aladdin, WY 20210814_195622.mp4 20210815_111348.mp4
  9. So I have now been to Fayetteville, AR and Lincoln, NE. It is so different. For those that have not been to college towns outside of AU.... It is crazy how AU is not just a college but the whole city vs all these other schools are schools in a city. I'm not sure if that makes sense to everyone but I don't know how else to explain it. Here are some pictures of UN's stadium. I didn't take pics of Arky because I assumed most here had seen pics of rival SEC stadium. Not everyone has seen UN. On to Black Hills tomorrow. Probably bore everyone with pictures in next few weeks.
  10. Heck no. Not messing with any of those children of the corn!! hahahah Welcome to the board!
  11. Today's laundry (and likely the rest of the trip) is sponsored by my new friend Tom and his gracious donations during a new card game I learned called Bourré (Booray). Thank you Davie and Mike for the new game!
  12. They were crop dusting this morning. Not the field behind me but still neat how close they were flying. There were probably 5 others out watching this with their phones out as well. 20210810_101829.mp4
  13. @McLoofus I did not get any KC BBQ as I just drove straight through @augolf1716 Yes that is a HUGE soybean field right behind me. Crazy how big some of the farms are.
  14. I am going unexpected route and give faith in my man Nick Brahms
  15. Well it has been a few days so I thought I would post an update. I moved on from Arkansas and I am now parked in Greenwood, NE. Got here on Sat just as a storm was rolling in. It seems very strange seeing storms for 30-40 minutes before it gets to you. After I got setup I went to another hole in the wall bar that was called KCs East Saloon. I found it very interesting because there were some folks there dressed to the 9s and others (like me) wearing shorts and tshirt. The really funny thing was that one of the bartenders told everyone in the bar to not go out the back door because it was flooding out back. And right then someone opens the door and probably 50 gallons of water come rushing into the bar. Was quite funny. Turned out to also be interesting to sleep in the camper with the high wind & rain. Definitely one of the times where "if the campers a rockin don't come a knockin" did NOT apply. hahaha I did love the sound of the rain on the roof though! Spent yesterday visiting a friend up in Omaha and then hung out at another bar called Tanners. Met some interesting people as always. Stayed longer than I should (of course) but just couldn't part from the company. It is so much fun meeting all these new people. So pictures below: This was me going through KC The next two pictures are a beautiful sunset as I am driving through NE My camper setup in my new spot Very strange how far off you can see storms and how fast they roll up. There was about 30 minutes from the picture with camper and then the storm picture. The video was the storm. I thought the lightning was awesome. This is the KCs East Saloon. You know your in NE when you are in a bar and they have a rodeo on all the tvs. Loved it! Hope everyone has a great day. More updates coming soon. 20210807_204208.mp4
  16. In a great little bar called KCs East Saloon in nowhere Nebraska. More in the walkabout thread later vut thos is pretty cool hole in wall. Only thing open after 9 for at least 20 miles. My kinda folks
  17. Love that AU flag. Where'd you get that?
  18. Wasn't he their starter last year?
  19. Tried a couple new pubs last night. First was Burger O'Bradys. Great little whole in the wall bar. Good food and cold beer. Then moved over to Bentonville Brewery. Definitely really cool place. Live music, dog park, kids play area with mini-bicycles and cold beer. They had several different brews. I stuck with the blood orange but tried a couple of the others. Pictures below are from brewery. 1. My cousin and her husband. 2. Having to self serve 3. A few beers in and cousin-in-law was upset out him spilling beer and I didn't so he trying to make me spill some
  20. High of 84 today in NW Arky. Right around the corner
  21. Love cornhole. Good game for fat man who likes to drink The lights ended up working great Thanks. I really like it. It is perfect for just me to travel around.
  22. Here are the pics... All the bingo cards out on the table AU Cornhole Back to my full Rig And a nice little golf course behind me to look at
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