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augolf1716 last won the day on June 16

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About augolf1716

  • Birthday May 19

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  1. Everyone should be very interested in 2026.
  2. Nothing wrong with that I dated two strippers one in Miami and West Palm Beach. Heck they were making more money then me at the time. The looks we would get while playing golf......
  3. Look in your post in the upper right hand corner there are 3 dots click on them for other options. I will hid your other posts let me know if it was a help.
  4. A very funny man amazing run of hit TV shows also one of the best ending of a series ever.
  5. I'd rather not say publicly till there is a lot more smoke to the work our staff is doing behind the scenes. Smart move
  6. Would not be shocked I even expect it
  7. Everything has fallen apart......just amazing
  8. No disrespect but not so sure this is 100% accurate
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