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Everything posted by alexava

  1. I like it but not to that extent. As you may know I'm trying to learn guitar. Actually kinda half ass trying but that is one of the songs I'm trying to play cause it starts with that cool riff I like. My fingers just won't let me make a C chord very well yet.
  2. The calaborating. Rehearsing, performing. I have no idea how it all works just seems like you need to work together on a somewhat regular schedule. I don't know how often they tour or how wide they travel.
  3. Paterson hood moved to Portland Oregon. How does that work?
  4. in bham he didnt do GD Lonely Love, Palmetto, Elephant,
  5. I just rewatched it and remembered when I saw it but couldn't tell you what happened before rewatching. Had friends over and we were talking music and plucking around with guitar. I planned to watch AnM ,Ark but didn't. I got to slow it down on Saturdays. I feel horrible today.
  6. I am,kinda hammered now. Auburn won guest left I'm 10-12 silver bullets in
  7. " devil in his eyes" I think that was the first good one. On more too
  8. Yes. Just her and Jason backing vocals and acoustic . Very nice. The guy that opened had two good songs and the rest not so.
  9. Awesome concert tonight. Even the songs I wasn't crazy about before were great live. " Cover Me Up" and "Flagship" stick out as two that would qualify as such. My wife even liked it and she only listens to teenage, shake your ass music. More tomorrow. I recorded "Childerenof children" i might post videos tomorrow. 24 Frames too.
  10. they could also be lying to the Monds. All those qbs transferred and i bet would tell you they were misled.
  11. i am going to have to watch the game again. i did drink about 11-12 beers but i didn't see some of the same things i am seeing ranted about here. I swore the game was starting at 5 instead of 6. i worked till 2:45 had to change a tire and start grilling very rushed and drank about five before kickoff.
  12. In the world of QBs, things change weekly. We just need to keep calm. I actually hope Sean lights it up and scares JS off. But realistically we still need someone else to compete next year should Sean get injured. Jf3, queen, Barrett might be hiesman material but we need some more hands.
  13. My only complaint was I think we should have saved that fake fg for an SEC opponent.
  14. I thought some might see Crosby's fat goofy ass looking like Gallagher in the beginning of that video and stop it.
  15. SW or JJ either one would be ok with me. they both did good things, both made mistakes. I really felt sorry for JJ when Leff got him sacked two plays in a row then he got pulled the next series. i do favor SW because i think he is a little more confident but that is not based on this game. this game is not a measuring stick at all.
  16. Nothing makes sense. Sean never got a chance. JJ did ok for a couple series need to settle on something
  17. I'm ok with JJ. Just stick with him and let him win or lose the job . Flip flopping naw
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