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Everything posted by alexava

  1. This is nothing like cancel culture. This is a reckoning,. This isn’t coordinated. Other than kid rock shooting some bottles, Nobody’s organizing marches or protests. I don’t even want an apology or anyone fired. I’m just simply not inclined to buy the product. As most are. That’s just consequences of bad decisions. No demands, no crying they are still free to conduct business and compete.
  2. Boy the irony is boiling over here. The left is literally creating victims to save for the purposes of building their base. Open the border, chemically and physically mutilate confused children who you have intentionally confused not to mention using false narratives to convince blacks that there’s a trove of racist police and hidden white supremacy everywhere. Look at yourself dude....
  3. Big man! Stepping up and virtual signaling the black man of 75 years ago. Except what you did was just compare him to a mentally ill 28 year old who prances around acting like a teenage girl who has an intact set of beans and a frank. How could either survive in this mean world of Christians without you white liberals stepping up to save them. Malcom X warned them about you.
  4. I don’t hate trans people. I hate ******* idiots. I hate people who cheat in competitions. I hate people who try to use their sickness for victimhood and forced capitulation. I hate people who try to make more out of that hate than is there…. Like virtue signaling about the ******* confederate flag.
  5. That’s the only thing he’s said in weeks that was audibly legible.
  6. Wait a minute. Never mind. I finally found a well reasoned democrat to explain this to me. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nebraska-senator-flips-out-debating-ban-sex-change-surgeries-minors-screams-we-need-trans-people fiddy, is this you ?
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2915545/Video-Bud-Light-VP-talks-pivoting-brands-fratty-touch-humor.html
  8. Speaking of college football, I also HATE the NCAA. They are 100% behind this bullsheyet. Just follow Riley Gaines. There’s nothing that makes sense about any of this. The house passed a Bill that would ban biological men from women and girls sports and NOT ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT SUPPORTED IT. Not even one. How is this issue even political?
  9. One of the videos that was sent to me, he is admitted it. I don’t know if there’s a pedo tendency. But that would actually make more sense than any other explanation for this activity..
  10. You seem fixated with the word “hate”. So I’ll make this easy for you.....I hate this sumbich!! I wouldn’t if I hadn’t seen these videos but this is some cringy s***. I don’t even like grown women who try to be 13 year old girls. This is an adult male human being with a mental illness. He has the right to act how he wants, or cut off his genitalia...I’m even one of the few on this side that don’t give a rip what bathroom he sh**s in. He looks enough like a woman,if he can hide the stick and balls from scaring women and girls I’m for that freedom. I just don’t want to see his shenanigans. I don’t want him winning any women’s awards or competing with women ( I hate Will Thomas too)and I don’t want him celebrated as accomplishing something. I damn sure won’t refer to him as a woman. I don’t want to picture this idiot when I crack open a beer. So I’m simply not buying the product anymore. Before I came to my sense and recovered from my mental illness (being a democrat) I thought conservatives were making too much of the trans bs. It certainly seemed that way and might have been. Now it’s not conservatives overreacting at all. It’s a sickness being encouraged by leftists. I don’t have to like it. I no longer have the privilege to ignore or overlook it. So yes those who jump into the limelight....I hate them.
  11. The alphabet agencies asked or paid Twitter to block actual, real posts about vaccine injuries. We were lied to at every friggin turn. And I know what vaers is.
  12. If this company starts using mentally ill men to advertise… I’ll move on from that too. The videos the sick MF has put out is almost enough to make me quit drinking anything at all. Bad, bad, I mean really effing bad decision on AB.
  13. Good stuff here. I drank Coors light for 25 years. Tried Michelob ultra for about a year (didn’t lose weight) then Coors light tasted like piss water. ( people told me that for 25 years but I was hooked) eventually settled on Bud Light then Covid ruined my taste for two years. As the taste was repairing itself I started trying different things and the crafts are they only ones offered where I go see the music shows I like.
  14. I’m drinking Yazoo Gerst brewed in Nashville now. When I can find it. Went to a bar a couple weeks ago and Yeungling draft was very good.
  15. Choosing not to celebrate a” year of girlhood” with a 28 year old man who likes sleeepover parties with 13 year old girls, is not bigotry.
  16. I did drink Bud Light. I will still drink it if someone else is buying. I won’t buy it myself. I’m not boycotting because I don’t encourage anyone else to avoid it. I just don’t feel good supporting anything Anheuser Busch.
  17. Damn. damn. Damn, just damn!
  18. If you were able to get jabbed before you got sick...and actually in the demographic that was vulnerable then yes it certainly lessened illness and saved lives. It’s not needed when you had the virus and recovered. There’s no reason to get a part of that virus repeatedly injected into you AFTER YOU HAD THE WHOLE THING. I know 4 people personally, thousands more through Vaers who were hospitalized and suffering ( probably permanently)from blood clots and strokes from a vaccine they didn’t need. These are facts that get shutdown here and elsewhere repeatedly for the sake of profits and protecting illegal research, and frankly a leftist cult ideology that wants to control everything including hard facts. Just look at the Twitter files. The jab never prevented transmission, masks never prevented transmission. We all just had to get that s*** . Simple as that.
  19. Many say vaxing during the pandemic is what caused it to mutate. Either way no one who had and recovered from the virus got any benefit from getting jabbed multiple times or at all.
  20. I would hope not. They are proven safe, effective and needed. Exactly what we were wrongfully told about the Covid jabs. When you blatantly feed people s*** they tend not to trust you. Even when you are shooting straight most of the time.
  21. When you have a vaccine pushed on you that some don’t need, doesn’t work in any measurable way and it’s even pushed on kids who were never at risk… even added to regular childhood vaccine schedules for obvious legal and monetary reasons…WTF do you expect?
  22. The Arkansas game hurt too. Their RB 2 scorched our defense. Both were very depressing.
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