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Everything posted by alexava

  1. It’s been said that he stated that as his goal.
  2. The classified documents are just an attempt to make Hunter’s laptop go away. That’s the Biden takedown, the fbi, the media. I still think the swamp is playing chess with the discovery of the classified documents.
  3. Be careful. You gonna get axed for medical misinformation. It’s still happening here.
  4. Does anyone know which of the two were hit when the boyfriend returned fire? Where Miles and the other guy both armed and firing?
  5. Agree. I think he quit. I think he knew it was coming eventually and didn’t want to prolong it. I also can’t say I blame him. The way they went after him personally....it was not repairable. He really just showed he held the favorable position in the stand-off.
  6. Why do they still call it NIL? If fans are funding it and it’s going to recruiting, it’s not NIL.
  7. He’s awake and aware!
  8. Got out for a few hours yesterday afternoon. They preferred minnows. Had I figured that out sooner, I would probably had significantly more.
  9. Denver Broncos had a sideline dust up between teammates too.
  10. I wouldn’t be sleeping in a zipper tent.
  11. I really enjoyed this JT. I only hunt ducks and dove anymore. Deer just don’t excite me but I’ll take all the back strap I can get. I envy anyone who can afford such a trip. I would love it and wouldn’t even care to shoot. Just watching (except for the cats). Do they eat cats? If crocks taste like alligator I hope you got a couple meals for yourself. I’ll bet the the buffalo and antelope are good eaters too.
  12. I actually think he is talented enough for the big boys. Last year from a body language stand point, I thought he was a better team player than Bo. That obviously changed. The behavior is repairable but not at Auburn. He wasn’t wrong about the offensive line but NOTHING good comes from trashing teammates. When parents speak out publicly......it’s time to part ways. But I do think the talent and potential was and is there.
  13. That was the only time I have had a connection to an actual player on the team since the mid 90’s. He said JG could make all the plays, throwing or running. But he could not simply get the team to the line, in the correct formation, change a play, protection, make sure you had enough on line of scrimmage..... even simplified versions of the offense would be heavily penalized if you had him running it. While less talented, Bo had all this down. They liked Joey and hoped he would eventually grow into it. And no I will not name the player. But the same things held true at JG’s next 2 teams, it appears. He was just a miss.
  14. We are addressing our needs through recruiting in multiple ways….. I don’t think it’s ever happened before.
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