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DKW 86

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Posts posted by DKW 86

  1. Do people pay off NDAs all the time? Yes. Do they ever get dragged into court over how the money is accounted for? Nope.

    Do people lie on gun forms? All day long, every day. 

    So, from the cheap seats: Seriously we have two cases of people being tried for stuff that if this was less political, would never had made court. 

    Caveat: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/documents-failed-hunter-biden-plea-agreement-made-public-rcna97799

    The original HB Plea Deal. Basically HB would plea guilty to two tax charges, and all the gun stuff AND ANY OTHER TAX CHARGES he would be immune to.

    Sweet @$$ deal that no one here would ever have gotten. But the judge asked a few questions and figured out that no one was on board with this but DOJ and HB. All other charges would go away without ever consulting the state courts, etc. It was a wide blanket immunity deal. HB was a minute away from getting everything to fall his way and the judge wisely blew it up.


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  2. Hunter Biden over his addiction issues? lmao. This guy is a complete train wreck. Cheated on his wife, with his dead brother's widow, while cheating on both of them a pole dancer from Arkansas, fathered a child out of wedlock with her, while he was messing around with a personal trainer he married after TEN DAYS. He only admitted paternity after being shamed relentlessly by the media. He did not try and provide for the child. He fought it every bit of the way even after DNA proved the child to be his. Joe and Jill refused to acknowledge the child until the media intervened again. The baby is barely mentioned at all even today. The kid is a full-fledged Biden in every way. Yet the first family acknowledged it only after getting fully embarrassed by the media. 

    Folks, he is not sober, even today. He was supposedly sober while he did every one of these things. 


    Joe Biden’s second son Hunter Biden is in the news again— this time for allegedly fathering a child with a woman from Arkansas while he was still dating the wife of his dead brother. You may also remember Biden popping up in your newsfeed earlier in June, when it was reported that he got married to a woman he had only known for ten days. Now you may be asking yourself, as I asked myself: how can one man accomplish so much? How are there enough hours in a messy bitch’s day? What the ****, Hunter Biden?

    Let’s begin our journey in 2014, when Hunter was booted out of the United States Navy Reserve after failing a drug test and testing positive for cocaine. According to the Wall Street Journal, this was not Hunter’s first “drug-related incident”—he had also “received a second Navy waiver because of a drug-related incident when he was a young man.” Okay, people use drugs. And rich people who use drugs never get in trouble for it. Messy? Barely.

    But in 2015, an account in Hunter’s name and associated with his email address was sniffed out by the racist and generally repellent website Breitbart (ugh) as part of the massive hack of Ashley Madison user information, though Hunter denied he had an account with the site. At the time, he was still married to his then-wife Kathleen, with whom he has three children. According to CNN, the account, which was created in 2014, stated he was an “attached male” for whom “anything goes.” It was also revealed that the account was paid for with a credit card in the name of “Robert Biden”—his birth name. (Hunter is his middle name.) Now we’re reaching the messiness.


    Hunter and Kathleen formally separated that October, and at the end of 2016, she filed for divorce. In court filings, Kathleen alleged that not only had Hunter slashed support payments to Kathleen—who had been a stay-at-home mom during their marriage—he had blown hundreds of thousands of dollars on strip clubs, drugs, and booze:

    Her complaint alleges that Hunter hasn’t sufficiently provided for the family after the couple formally separated in October of 2015. In late 2016, Hunter ordered his office to cut Kathleen’s $17,000-a-month payment to $7,500, according to the complaint. Property records show that the couple owns a six-bedroom home in D.C. that was purchased for nearly $1.6 million in 2006.
    Over the course of the separation, Hunter has drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple’s marital assets by “spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills,” according to a Feb. 23 motion filed by Kathleen. The motion asks the court to stop Hunter from further “dissipation” of the assets.

    And while we’re here, let’s share some more details on Hunter’s spending:

    Despite multiple streams of income, “the parties’ outstanding debts are shocking and overwhelming,” according to the filing made by Kathleen. These include maxed-out credit card debt, double mortgages on two properties, more than $313,000 in tax debt and three bounced checks to their housekeeper.
    Kathleen’s complaint accuses Hunter of depositing more than $122,000 in marital income into his sole bank account while they were separated. He spent all the money in less than two months, according to the lawsuit.
    On Feb. 17, the complaint says, Kathleen discovered that Hunter was in possession of a large diamond worth about $80,000, which he later returned.

    A large diamond!


    Meanwhile, in his own filings, Hunter implied that Kathleen herself had engaged in extramarital affairs, and requested that she supply any and all correspondence “between you and any person that you had a romantic or sexual relationship with other than your husband during the marriage.”


    In the midst of all of this, and a few months after he and Kathleen had officially separated—but before their divorce was finalized in April 2017—Hunter had begun dating Hallie Biden, the wife and widow of his brother Beau, who died of brain cancer in May of 2015. They confirmed the relationship in May 2017, and their relationship had the blessing of Joe and Jill Biden. “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness. They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them,” Joe told Page Six.

    But at the end of April of this year, we learned that their relationship, too, had ended. It’s unclear why they broke up, but perhaps it had something to do with some of the news that has emerged in the past month—and I’m not even referring to Hunter’s whirlwind wedding to Melissa Cohen, a Los Angeles-based woman originally from South Africa, in mid-May. (Little is known about Melissa—she owns a business called Tribal Worlds that works to “promote indigenous conservation,” according to the Washington Post—but girl, did you not Google your now-husband during any of the 10 days from when you met to when you got hitched?)


    And there’s more! Not even two weeks after Hunter’s wedding, Lunden Alexis Roberts, a 28-year-old woman living in Arkansas, filed a paternity and child support lawsuit against Hunter stating in the suit that she and Hunter had been “in a relationship” and that she gave birth to their child in August 2018—a time period when Hunter had been dating his brother’s widow. According to Page Six, the two reportedly met while Roberts was a student at George Washington University.

    Roberts “does not want this to be a media spectacle” and “does not want this to affect Joe Biden’s campaign,” Roberts’s attorney Clint Lancaster told the Democrat Gazette. “She just wants this baby to get financial support from the baby’s father. Good luck with that!

    Hunter, for his part, has yet to respond to the suit or make any public comment. Nor has his father Joe publicly acknowledged that his son is a supreme ****-up that may play no small role in derailing his campaign for president—honestly, this probably won’t derail his campaign because we’re not that lucky—but it was certainly notable that when Joe kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, his wife, daughter, and grandkids were on stage, but Hunter was not.

    The longest public statement Hunter has made recently was to Vanity Fair in January of this year, after the publication asked him if he was concerned that his personal life would impact his dad’s presidential run. In it, Hunter addressed his “complicated” divorce and his “equally complicated life”—referring to the tragic death of his mother and sister in a car crash in 1972, and which he and his brother survived—as well as the challenges of living in the public spotlight. His dad, he wrote, taught him to “never run from a struggle” and to “love people and find a way to love yourself.”


    “My father has always been proud of me,” Hunter wrote. “And he remains proud of me today.”

    What an incredible family.





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  3. 11 hours ago, cbo said:

    You already said 19:00 and on in the subject of your post and I told you I'm not going to watch 40 minutes of Bill Maher. He makes good points sometimes, but he's mostly the wannabe cool, edgy guy from every Philosophy 101 class in college. 

    There are very close to zero kids having sex change operations. A far cry from you saying "three-year-olds do not need to be telling us about removing their genitals" as part of a plea for political sanity.

    The only matter under real discussion is hormone blockers for teenagers, with effects that are almost entirely reversible and are recommended by every credible medical organization in our country as the most effective means to reduce suicide rates for those with body dysmorphia. It's really not that big of a deal and everyone should be allowed to do what they want.

    As far as caring about "real children," a bunch of them are being killed in Palestine. It's not right what Hamas did. But this is not a war. It's a series of Israeli attacks on Palestine (which is not the same thing as Hamas). You won't agree with any of this but my real objection is calling any of my concerns anti-semitic. There are so many reasons to support a cease fire, that have nothing to do with anti-semitism. That is so lazy and unfair. 

    Let them make decisions as adults. No one is denying anyone anything. Instead of throwing elementary schoolers into sex clinics, let’s wait until they can make an informed decision on their own. 

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  4. 25 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

    he raped his own wife and LOST in court and he forced his fingers in a womans vagina. if that is not a sexualpredator explain to me what is bright guy. you are pissing me off here................go back to your clown  show indies...............

    He was civilly found to have sexually assaulted EJC and paid $5M. I am not defending djt for a second. But we had years of accusations and not one conviction, actually not even a charge of collusion to date. I think most of America has figured out it was a bunch of howler monkeys that ultimately had next to nothing. Did the Russians help trump? Sure about $1.3M worth which in a $1.2B campaign amounted to bupkis. But we do have a cult like propaganda machine. Just look at your graphic and it is very easy to see that the “Russians Russians Russians” did exactly as your graphic said for years. 


  5. Just now, aubiefifty said:

    russian stuff is one thing david but they did try to help get trump elected but how you can throw that out when trump is a convicted sexual predator amazes me.

    Uuhhh he is a convicted fraud artist. I never heard anything about a being a sexual predator. 

  6. 9 hours ago, cbo said:

    I'm not going to watch 40 minutes of Bill Maher, but if you have certain sections to highlight, let me know. He makes good points sometimes. 

    If I remember correctly, you and I agree on many topics. And I agree with about half of what you said here. 

    But why does your call for sanity include the obligatory right wing comment about 3 year olds removing their genitals? This is a wild exaggeration that some here will accept as truth. Is this truly a major concern for you?

    Also, I hope you are not insinuating that anyone with concerns about Israel's warfare is anti-semitic?

    Go to 19:00 and on then. And yes, America is now the outlier. Europe has come back to its senses. They are correcting the crazy policies they had before. Why don't we do that? Because we actually have people who would rather damage children with bad medicine than tap the brakes and do it right because they support the PARTY LINE far more than they care about real children.

    As for Israel, that is not my concern. If Hamas wants to start a war they know they will lose and sacrifice their own people because they are too cowardly to defend their people that is 100% on them. They want it to stop? Surrender the hostages. I would not stop the military action until the hostages were 100% returned. PLease note that the other countries in the ME are not the ones getting squeamish about killing off Hamas. It is only those in the West. Hamas wants all the Jews dead. That is simply their goal. They will not stop until they are killed with that goal. 

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  7. 20 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    They are, but my main problem with them is the same as the problem I have with private prisons.  It's that vague area of accountability when someone doesn't do things the right way.  I view it like I view a monarchy with a King.  If the King is a good King, it is the most efficient way to get things done.  However, if the King is not benevolent and treats his people badly, it takes a revolution to see change.  Most individuals can't afford legal representation to fight the actions of a privately owned company, yet that is the only mechanism to make that private company account for their actions or change.

    I have a good friend that owns a probation management company.  Even though they do things the right way, I still have concerns.  They monitor people on probation at a much lower cost per person than government agencies can.  That is the case due mostly to benefits paid by the State that a private company does not provide.  In other words, American health care costs strike again.

    You could easily say that about almost every govt project out there. They don't care about the Middle-Class at any level. They just don't care.

  8. Progressives, at least those that havent identified as "so open-minded their brains have fallen out" or as mindless party followers can follow their perpetual quest for a better world and a better them and actually improve and grow. I detest anyone of the kneejerkers around here that MINDLEDDSLY follow the party narrative even when they can CLEARLY see that their guys have gone off the rails. 

    This is why I will vote more Democrat in the future. There may at some time be a conservative that I can follow. But, at present I could not name one. 

    I do not support members of "The Squad" or the anti-Semitic crazies now populating the Democrat Side. But I can see that there are some on the Left that are compassionate and caring and have grown to understand that "hey, maybe we did overreact during the pandemic, maybe three-year-olds do not need to be telling us about removing their genitals...."

    Here is to Sanity Prevailing...God knows, Folks, I do not see this happening in the Republican Party.


  9. On 6/6/2024 at 12:20 PM, homersapien said:

    That people doubted its provenance is substantively meaningless.

    Nor surprising. There was little sanity to be found if old crackhead was the owner of the laptop. NO ONE WANTED TO TELL TRUTH.

    To this day the BS story on Politico is still published non-corrected and totally misleadingly titled and written: 


    The story is objectively bull sh!t. It is misleading in it's content. The Letter doesn't say what they claim. The 51 have gone on innumerable tv shows and fully recounted every claim in the letter. But still, to this day, Politico still has this testament to propaganda published NON-CORRECTED on its website. 

  10. Bottomline: HB is a real POS. He is a totally embarrassing POS crackhead. OTOH, his family has always used him to cash the checks earned by his dad. 

    The indictment alleges that Hunter “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills” and that he “willfully failed to pay his 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 taxes on time, despite having access to funds to pay some or all of these taxes.” 

    Despite having the funds to pay his taxes, he never did. Even when faced with 17 years in prison, HB never had to man up and do anything like every other adult on this board has to do every single day. The DNC setup this:


    Crackhead Hunter Biden, a man with no discernible art talent, was selling $Ms in artwork that seem plainly to not be his own work in a scheme where the purchasers of the "artwork" never had to answer a single question and were CONVENIENTLY COMPLETELY HIDDEN from public view.

    The art and artifice of Hunter Biden - The Boston Globe

    He then, till this day, has never paid his taxes on the $10Ms he was given by the Ukrainians, the CCP, oligarchs in China and even possibly Russia. 

    Yet he is still to this day defended by everyone sympathetic to the DNC. JUST LIKE  MENENDEZ in 2017 and 2024, HB IS CARTOONISHLY CORRUPT AND WILL BE  FOUND GUILTY OF NOTHING.

    And just like almost every other Democrat, and Republican Party member, in the US will never serve one day in jail nor even pay his own fines.



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  11. 15 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    The government doesn't care who pays them, as long as they are paid.  Mickey Mouse can send the funds and the funds are still credited to the taxpayer that is delinquent.

    Well, that all fine but let's include all the details. Hunter didn't pay his taxes. His dad's buddy, the one that Hunter was smoking pot with, in a famous afternoon picture on the balcony, paid all of the tax bill. Afterall, crackhead only makes $10Ms not going to meetings, not attending Boards, not doing anything but being a bag man for dad.  

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