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DKW 86

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Posts posted by DKW 86

  1. 4 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    She’s totally full of s&$@.

    As are all politicians from both parties...If that isn't intuitively obvious, I feel sorry for you. 

    Both parties have added to the debt, as an example.

    She is just one more lame-ass pol in a sea of lame-ass pols.


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  2. 12 hours ago, homersapien said:

    FTFY. If you cant see that these are CYA articles posted up just so the DNC has something to refer to when combatting the 24-7 "President Sh!tz-his-pants is losing it" views they are seeing in the polling, then you don't know politics at all.

    As for trump, he is so full of himself he would not miss the debates for $2BN. That you would even consider him to duck a chance in his mind to prove he is better than Biden is just LUNACY.


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  3. On 5/18/2024 at 12:38 AM, AU9377 said:

    If Trump gets back in the White House, he will appoint some puppet that will actually use the DOJ for Trumps personal agendas. We will see chaos and mass resignations as he attempts to destroy every guardrail in his way.

    So he will appoint Merrick Garland?

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  4. On 5/17/2024 at 12:53 PM, auburnatl1 said:

    Which is the point and the catch 22. Trumps entire world is composed of compromised personalities or direct family. Checkmate. Slimy but mob world proven.

    The only way they finally got Capone after countless attempts was simple tax evasion - non subjective math.

    This is a great take on trump.

  5. On 5/17/2024 at 8:47 AM, CoffeeTiger said:

    That's going to be a challenge for the prosecution. 

    Almost all their witnesses and people directly knowledgeable about Trump are going to be corrupt, lying scumbags because that's the only type of person that Donald Trump hires and associates with. They don't suddenly become fully honest people just because they turn against Trump later on. 

    Ditto...Is anyone in politics any better though?

  6. On 5/16/2024 at 11:31 AM, TexasTiger said:

    How much?


    but Booker backs Menedez's son?


    Kim won the Democrat nomination.

    Menendez says he will run as an Independent after dropping out in March.

    The county line voting system was upended by a court decision. (This I was unaware of.) 

    Maybe Kim can unseat him. But Menendez is still running and still facing charges at the same time.

    Name recognition is still huge, AND Menendez still won after his last trial.


    2018, Menendez was re-elected by 12 points, AFTER basically the same charges were brought against him then.


  7. 15 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    no, we're locked in. 

    It's do or die time.

    We had a moderate Dem who primaried Joe Biden and got crushed. No Labels took a strong look at running and decided a moderate candidate didn't have a path to the white House in this election. For the most part there isn't a prominent, proven moderate candidate out there who is actually popular. 

    The idea that some magic, mythical Super Moderate political candidate that will pull the country together and have the nation singing kumbaya by a campfire holding hands is a cool idea, but I don't see that it's based in reality. 


    I don't agree that Biden's problem is that hes "too far left" on issues. He's behind because the middle and lower classes are hurting because of inflation, and higher prices. It doesn't matter that inflation is a world wide problem, or that COVID caused it, or that Biden has stopped from getting worse, or that Biden can't force private corporations who are reaping historically high profits to decrease prices back to more normal. People are hurting now and want to punish the politician that's been in power when the problem started.  



    There were plenty of better candidates. The Dem Leadership locked in on Biden. Just like they locked in on HRC. 

  8. Drivel.

    While Stiglitz is correct, he is only HALF-assed correct. He makes the incredibly insipid assumption that ALL GOVT IS GOOD GOVT. He dismisses that in 21st America, that both parties AND almost all of Washington DC are owned by Billionaires and Corporations. So I can profoundly reject that all govt is good govt. 

    I could do 30 minutes on VA Hospital in Aurora CO. It went 200% over budget, did not have anywhere near the patient rooms it needed, the damn thing was even exempted from the ADA Act access for, you know, disabled veterans. The parking lot was a 1/4 mile away. It took 2-3 extra years to build and was completed with a lot of the needed equipment 2-3 years down the road. Everybody and his brother made out like bandits, overpaid overpaid, overpaid. No one was arrested. Oh yea, it also had $30M in artwork in it.

    No one lost their job. Nothing happened to anyone. 

    VA Scheduling Scandal rocked the Obama White House. Again, no one is held accountable. Nothing improved. No one lost their job. Veterans died. SSDD in Washington DC. 

    For forty years we have been told that the DOEd was going to give us great schools and prepared students. We have gotten forty years of failure. Rural and Urban schools still under produce on a cosmic level and no one is held accountable EVER.

    So while trickle-down has proved to be a fail, surely it is a true fail. It is no more a fail than dozens if not hundreds of other Fed Govt programs. Thinking that more failure by different people is a good thing is just another stupid idea. 

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  9. 6 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Case in point in Florida:


    "You are losing people to your cause because of this... Think a little bit. You are causing people to actually hate you." Within minutes of blocking the road for their protest, Florida Highway patrol came to the scene and started making arrests. Three of the queers were arrested while others fled the scene.

    I really can’t state how uncomfortable your language is making me. 

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