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Posts posted by rophle

  1. 37 minutes ago, oracle79 said:

    Feasible to rip out the benches and install actually comfortable backed seats with more room and reduce to say 75K?

    That’d be a good start, or at the very least make the seats on the benches big enough for adults. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Zeek said:

    We have to start selling out every game regardless of the opponent. That's part of taking the next step from good to great. If you live in or near Auburn please go to the damn games especially when they're this cheap.


    We're talking about $15 for good seats in the lower bowl. Come on now.

    If we want to sell out every game we have to reduce capacity. 87k people aren’t coming to watch us play GA State. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Sizzle said:

    I wonder who’s idea it was to put him at DE? He’s just one of those guys who just gets it done wherever you put him

    Bullock County is historically a really bad team, so he’s probably playing there out of necessity. 

    But they’ve always had an awesome band. We played them when I was in school and we all stopped listening to our coach at halftime to watch them perform. 

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