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Everything posted by TexasTiger

  1. How about more 2 stars like this guy? http://247sports.com/Player/JJ-Watt-5236?PlayerInstitution=18066 I'll take a few of these 3 stars,too: http://247sports.com/Player/Luke-Kuechly-30770?PlayerInstitution=50137
  2. I'm betting he's faster than 4.52, but maybe it's the exceptional quickness that creates that impression. Nick Marshal's quickness and agility made him more dangerous than his 40 time.
  3. Republicans are free thinkers and Dems are Automatons? Don't know what planet you occupy, but there must not be many democrats there. This thread was started showing the leading Dem in Congress disagreeing with the DNC chair.
  4. The much maligned Pelosi is pretty rational on this issue. Tom Perez is not. " The Democratic Party should not impose support for abortion rights as a litmus test on its candidates, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday, because it needs a broad and inclusive agenda to win back the socially conservative voters who helped elect President Trump. “This is the Democratic Party. This is not a rubber-stamp party,” Pelosi said in an interview with Washington Post reporters. “I grew up Nancy D’Alesandro, in Baltimore, Maryland; in Little Italy; in a very devout Catholic family; fiercely patriotic; proud of our town and heritage, and staunchly Democratic,” she added, referring to the fact that she is the daughter and sister of former mayors of that city. “Most of those people — my family, extended family — are not pro-choice. You think I’m kicking them out of the Democratic Party?”" https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/pelosi-democratic-candidates-should-not-be-forced-to-toe-party-line-on-abortion/2017/05/02/9cbc9bc6-2f68-11e7-9534-00e4656c22aa_story.html?utm_term=.b4bea9bfdb27
  5. https://mobile.twitter.com/SamBensonSmith/status/823325150586294272/video/1
  6. I would also say that 40 years ago most Americans would have seen it despite party affiliation. As a society, despite our differences, we've had a more shared sense of what constituted decent behavior at various points in our past.
  7. Many republicans see it. Many independents see it. Many neutral observers in other countries see it. I'm willing to bet your mother and grandmothers would have seen it. Any decent person should see it. Partisanship is a key reason many don't .
  8. Best coach in the NBA: ""I hope he does a great job. But there's a difference between respecting the office of the president and the person who occupies it. That respect has to be earned. It's hard to be respectful of someone when we all have kids, and we're watching him be misogynistic and xenophobic and racist and make fun of handicapped people." http://m.mysanantonio.com/sports/spurs/article/Coach-Popovich-unloads-again-on-Donald-Trump-10874455.php
  9. Lewis is the enemy! Putin is our friend! Sean Spicer
  10. The liar said: Obama released his birth certificate in 2011. Trump continued to question the veracity of it. I provide actual Trump quotes AFTER the certificate was released. The liar ignores this evidence. Then the liar posts a quote from 2016 and said, "See! Proof!"
  11. Distorting quotes. Sophisticated lying. Comes from years of practice. Jobs still available in a Trump administration.
  12. In 2016. The certificate was produced in 2011. You're lying again.
  13. I haven't done that either. You just make stuff up. Sign off a weak mind.
  14. Just is. Okay, no real logic or analysis. Just is. Now I know to never ascribe any credibility to you. Just won't.
  15. BS. Do some research, your memory is failing you. Start here: http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/09/politics/donald-trump-birther/index.html
  16. How do we know he's a yes man? Is DC in that tree?
  17. Trump was a declared candidate the last year he did it and an undeclared one before that.
  18. Trump repeatedly claimed Obama was totally illegitimate for 5 years. I don't remember your outrage. Your obsessive focus on this one comment is odd. Trump gave it more attention than it would have otherwise had.
  19. You focus on the most irrelevant things about those you are against and ignore the obvious about those you support. Trump can hardly speak 5 minutes without an untruth. You never post about that. Quit acting like lies and untruths really offend you.
  20. He knows what classified info was shared with him.
  21. I've never called anyone a racist for a valid fact-based criticism. Titan has strongly critiqued Obama many times over the last eight years and NEVER struck me as racist in doing so. You say absurd things that are visceral and not supposed by facts and reason. Obama is the great divider, but Trump's behavior is unifying? Man. It runs deep in you. As I age, I've tired of dancing around hard truths. I grew up with a lot of racists and know what it looks and sounds like. Sadly, in the South, and other regions, it still runs deep in many people generally under the surface. Less virulent, less overt, but still shaping thoughts and perceptions.
  22. Do you think folks oppose Trump merely because of his recently adopted party or his behavior and message?
  23. It raised his platform and began the building of his core support-- that group was not large enough to provide the victory, however. When a race is decided by around 80,000 people across three states many things may have made the difference. It was only close, though, because HRC was a lousy candidate with even a worse campaign. It appears the margin of victory was Obama voters HRC couldn't win.
  24. I actually, truly do, at my core, believe you're racist. Tired of tiptoeing around it. But why do you care?
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